Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4534: Unexpectedly

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The bald old man was very powerful, and soon won one of ten places.

"Be careful, don't show anyone what flaws!" the bald old man secretly asked.

"I only fight with flesh, which is enough!" Zhao Yuande said confidently.

He would like to say that even if your flesh is not as strong as mine, it is only a matter of time to bombard you.

"It's fine!" The bald old man nodded, and then said, "The palace master said, kill if you can, don't keep your hands!"

"I naturally know this!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

In this dark world, everyone is black, not only the skin color, but also the heart, it is black!

If he killed one more, it would be a contribution to the operation of the entire universe.

Maybe you will get a reward from the big universe.

The battle started quickly, and there was no unnecessary nonsense.

Going straight up is a match, without any rules.


Zhao Yuande saw the appearance of a young boy in his thirteen or fourteen years old. Although it was dark, he had big, smart eyes.

He punched without hesitation, so fast that the opponent couldn't react.


The teenager was blown out with a punch, his body exploded directly in the air, and turned into a blood mist.

"It's fierce!"

The powerful of the eight major forces saw this scene, and their faces suddenly changed.

"Dragon Palace Linyi wins!"

A host had taken a few breaths, which was considered a reaction, and announced quickly.

"Not bad! Not bad!" The face of the Lord of the Dragon Palace showed satisfaction.

Xuan Yuanqing was standing next to the Palace Master of the Demon Dragon Palace, and he immediately smiled when he heard the Palace Master’s praise.

"But your disciple has been silent and unknown before!" The Master of the Dragon Palace turned around and looked at Xuan Yuanqing.

"Oh! My disciple has always disliked communicating with people and is very autistic. But now is the most critical moment. If he doesn't contribute any more, I'm afraid there will be no quota!" Xuan Yuanqing said.

"It's the same, let him work hard, if I can kill a few more, I have my own reward." The Lord of the Dragon Palace nodded.

"Yes! The palace master is at ease." Xuan Yuanqing nodded hurriedly.

But he couldn't help but sink in his heart, but the palace owner was a sly, astute person, did he see any flaws?

But even if he sees something, he will not attack now, as long as he can win, it doesn't matter to anyone.

Ten people in the Dragon Palace tore off three people in the first round, and now only seven are alive.

Three of these seven people were seriously injured, and others were more or less wounded.

With the exception of Zhao Yuande, the other six people were all nervous and frightened at this time.

Although they are fierce, but this is a battle of life and death, no one can bear it.

"The second game officially started! We only recognize the outcome, regardless of life or death! As long as you can live to the end, you will be able to get the qualification to go out, so work hard!"

The host announced again that the voice was cold and ruthless.

The second time Zhao Yuande met a big man, his whole body muscles shimmered cold and shiny like metal.

"Hey! Just now I saw that your physical body is very strong, and I look forward to fighting you." The big man looked at Zhao Yuande, his eyes flashing with excitement.

"You have too much nonsense, die!"

Zhao Yuande snorted coldly, still punching out, the speed was so fast that the big man could feel his eyes full of flowers.

Then he felt his chest seemed to be hit by a giant mountain, and the whole person flew out directly.


While the big man flew out, a huge blood hole was exploded in the chest, and the five internal organs and six organs instantly turned into powder.

His spine has also disappeared by 70% at this time, and there are no bones connected to it.


The big man's incredible exclaimed sound, he grasped his lower body with both hands, otherwise his body might fall directly to the ground and become two halves.

"Oh!" Zhao Yuande looked at the big man with surprise.

The other party could not withstand his fist without dying. This is okay.

The overwhelming majority of practitioners at the scene are Chaos Dominating the Peak and Half-Step Breaking Realm.

This big man is the same as him.

If such a flesh is placed outside, it is also super powerful, and it can be ranked in the top ten in a **** realm.

"Iron the Magic Dragon Palace wins!"

The old man in charge said, but this time he was even more shocked.

This great man is not an ordinary person, but the young master of Heishi Mountain, Heishi Xun.

The owner of Blackrock Mountain is a dreadful descendant of the ancient Demon God, and his body is extremely powerful.

In this area is basically one of the best.

The flesh of his son-in-law is conceivable, inheriting the blood of the ancient demon gods, it is also extremely powerful, and it is known as a horizontal push without opponents.

But today, he was crushed by the flesh and blood of a punch, and he almost died.

This is terrifying!

When did the Dragon Palace have such genius?

And it's impossible to keep silent!

"It's really unexpected." Even the Master of the Dragon Palace couldn't help but be shocked.

He knew the power of Heishi Shixun, and thought it would be a miracle that Zhao Yuande could not die.

But did not expect to still win such a simple neat, even without a second punch.

"Oh! I only knew." Xuan Yuanqing could say nothing, but only a bitter smile.


Among the great forces at this time, a horrible existence like a black iron tower snorted.

Suddenly, Zhao Yuande felt that the guy seemed to be a demon, and a horrible idea seemed to suddenly penetrate into his mind and occupy his own body.

"Brother Blackstone, what are you going to do? Do you interfere with the contest?" The Master of the Dragon Palace said at the moment, and there was no noise in the voice.

But it made Zhao Yuande feel relaxed all at once. The horror thought just disappeared.

"He dare to hurt my son, how can I spare him." The black tower-like man sneered.

"Brother Blackstone, you have to figure out, this is a contest jointly organized by our eight forces. Do you want to publicly disrupt the specifications of the contest now, do you want to be an enemy with the other seven of us?" The Master of the Dragon Palace sneered.

"Huh! I don't care. My first son in the world was beaten. My old man will help him get it back." The black tower-like man is not afraid.

"My proselytized disciple also died, it was in the hands of your son. Do you want me to avenge my disciples too!" The palace master of the dragon became fierce all at once, and he was full of murderousness.

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