Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4535: Imagine the future

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Chapter 4535 Imagine the Future

"I control you..." The brave man like a black iron tower simply ignored it, but still looked at Zhao Yuande, "He must die today!"

"Don't you say anything, everyone?" The Lord of the Dragon Palace glanced at the other six powerful parties.

"We have revenge for the Son, and we have nothing to say." One of them sat firmly on the spot, as if it were a mighty mountain.

"This is Brother Blackstone's business. He wants to break the rules. He will punish him after breaking the big deal." An old woman leaned on the black snake cane, her voice sounded sensuous, as if she came out of the Nine Nether Hell Demon god.

"Let's just let him go, and then we will work together to subdue him." Another charming voice came.

This is a woman, her body is very hot, the key is that she doesn't have any body.

But it's because people are too dark, and the whole world is too dark, it doesn't matter at all.

These people want to indulge this guy, let him kill Zhao Yuande, and make the Magic Dragon Palace lose the first qualification.

Maybe the Lord of Blackstone Mountain was the one these people pushed out to disrupt the situation.

In the end, how could someone like Heishishan Zhu be punished? That's a joke.

"I knew you were all these kind of muddy people. Those who were afraid of me got the first place, and our dragon palace passed the passage first." The master of the dragon palace calmed down at this moment, looking at the seven forces , An indifferent smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "That's the case, we still have to do these things! Anyway, everyone does not want to go out, we will all stay here and forget it!"

Said that the palm of the master of the Magic Dragon Palace turned over, and it was a slap in the face of the ground.

This powerful force can destroy the world, and in an instant it can sink the whole land.

He just wants to destroy the magic tire in the underground world, which is to break everyone's retreat.

"Brother Magic Dragon, no!"

Everyone changed their faces at this time. They did not expect that the Master of the Dragon Palace would be so decisive that they would directly destroy the Demon Tyre.


Seven people quickly shot to block, so that the terror force of the Palace Master of the Dragon Dragon Palace did not directly shatter the earth.

But even so, the ground is gully, and some places are as deep as a thousand feet.

"Do you want to stop me? Just now I was angry and forgot, but there is my seal ban on the magic tire. As long as I move my heart, I can directly detonate it, and let it disappear." The master of the magic dragon palace sneered.

"This... Brother Molong, why are you so! We have something to discuss!"

"Yes! Nothing can't be solved, there's no hardship to pass."

"Everything is easy to discuss...What do you mean now, Brother Blackstone?"

"I...I...Okay! I confess it! In order to be able to leave this ghost place, it doesn't matter if my son is dead." The black tower-like man, what can I say at this time.

He didn't expect that he was ruthless, the other side was ruthless, and he broke all the backs directly!

Just ask if you are scared!

The answer is naturally fear, they all want to go out dreaming.

If they were given a chance to exchange the lives of all future generations of apprentices for free opportunities, they would nod without hesitation.

"Hey! Brother Molong, what do you think, if we are not satisfied we can discuss it again."

"Yes! Discuss again, don't get angry, don't be angry!"

"Sit down and talk about everything!"


Zhao Yuande also looked at the hair in his heart for a while.

This Master of the Dragon Palace is really ruthless!

This trick can make everyone bow their heads, be cruel to others, and be more cruel to themselves!

"I'm a good talker. Actually, it would be nice if you had expressed your opinion earlier! Since that is the case, let's continue the battle!" The Lord of the Dragon Palace seems to have nothing happened, waving his hand lightly.

The crowd at the side of the Dragon Palace was sweating. They were really scared just now.

If these people unite, they will definitely die.

The war continues, but everyone knows that this time it must be the Dragon Palace.

Zhao Yuande's strength is too powerful, so powerful is desperate.

After several battles, all the enemies were killed.

Except for the previous Black Stone Tour, he was not killed by a boxing fight.

All other enemies are directly smashed into blood mist.

In the end, as long as Zhao Yuande came on the court, the person opposite voluntarily confessed.

Very simple, without any hesitation.

Although these people are fierce and fierce, and although fierce, their lives are also fate.

They don't want to die even more, they want to rush out of the jail to see the world of flowers outside.

All this must be done on the premise of life.

After a day of meeting, Zhao Yuande won the first place for the Magic Dragon Palace.

All opponents evade points and no one feels welcome.

"You seem to have gone a little too far, so the palace may doubt you!" Xuan Yuan Qingdao said.

"He shouldn't have time to find me now. Those seven guys will not let him go. They must definitely split their interests." Zhao Yuande shook his head slightly.

"What should I do? He will still find you sooner or later, and even doubt me!" Xuan Yuan Qingdao said.

"No, he is a wise man! He doesn’t know that I am an outsider, there will be no precautions for me, and more importantly, a strong person like me is more useful to him, he will only try his best to win away. I'm not good, and I will even praise you." Zhao Yuande said.

"It seems... that's true!" Xuan Yuanqing thought that Zhao Yuande said something very reasonable.

"It must be so!" Zhao Yuande smiled, "Of course first he must know that I am an outsider! Otherwise he will kill me the first time...and you!"

"Oh! That's right!" Xuan Yuanqing heard Zhao Yuande's words before, still wondering if he wanted to tell the palace master the secret and let the palace master kill him.

But Zhao Yuande's next sentence, and you... directly extinguish the flame in his heart.

What kind of person do you hate most?


He hides such a big secret, the other party will surely kill him, there is no room for maneuver.

The opponent may not even kill Zhao Yuande, but he will definitely kill him.

This is what Xiaoxiong did!

So Zhao Yuande didn't have any burden to move around in the Dragon Palace.

A few days later, the Master of the Dragon Palace didn't even find him, or even Xuan Yuanqing.

At this time he was accompanying the leaders of the Seventh Congress and Seventh Congress.

No... Imagine the future.

These people have not yet walked out of this dark world, they began to imagine out of thin air how to develop after going out.

What kind of alliance should they form, slowly eroding the dimensional world.

Zhao Yuande announced the retreat, but the retreat was an avatar, but the body quietly sneaked out.

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