Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4542: Evil sword

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"Look, that person seems to have a lot of heavy steps, and it seems to be reaching the limit!" Some people suddenly saw Zhao Yuande's condition seemingly wrong.

"That's right, otherwise they will let the dozen people live, and they must not be ashamed to commit suicide."

"Also! But being able to go up to 5,000 feet has created the best results in tens of thousands of years."

"Hey! I can't return to that glorious antiquity. The legendary existences are now old, but no one can break the record they created."

"Yes! Four thousand feet is almost the limit, but there are still three horrible beings there!"

"The one of these three is not an invincible terrorist..."

"In this case, who is where the stone tablet is located?"

"You are stupid! The stele is specially prepared for young geniuses, and naturally it is the masterpiece of those old guys."

"Yeah...I forgot the existence of an old guy..."


Zhao Yuande took a big step, this time every step was very steady, one step at a time.

And at that time, the dozen people behind had reached the six thousand feet of stone tablets, and left their names.

They looked at Zhao Yuande's steady pace in front of him, and he couldn't help but hesitate, whether they want to continue.

"Forget it! Don't fight with this terrestrial man!" Someone was still calm, sighed, and turned away.

"I'm leaving too, there's no need to be angry with him!


In a blink of an eye, nine people turned back.

There were four others, all of whom had unyielding light in their eyes, and they all took steps at the same time, and continued to move forward.

They have to try to see where their limits are, and whether they can reach the 5,000-foot stone monument.

Shangguan Rong finally stood in front of the six thousand feet stone tablet, and also left his own name.

She felt that she had reached the limit, this time between life and death.

She felt that if she took another step forward, she might not be able to bear it, or even come back.

But when she turned back, it was extremely slow.

She is not like facing the faces that were once familiar.

At this time those people only mocked her.

Zhao Yuande made great strides and quickly moved hundreds of feet. He already felt that the huge power of pulling was constantly tearing himself.

Even he felt some pain in his skin.

"Sure enough, I still underestimated the devouring power of this maelstrom." Zhao Yuande could not help feeling a faint threat.

He gradually slowed his pace and slowed down again.

He was quietly using the power in his body to counter the power of swallowing.

At this time he had a feeling that in this terrible confrontation, his body and even the soul had a faint increase, which is a good place to practice.

Now the places where he can be promoted physically are Jedi. The discovery here makes him a little excited.

He simply sat cross-legged on the ground here, and began to completely use his physical body to resist the force of engulfment.

Between this kind of engulfment and anti-engulfment, the flesh changes subtly.

An hour!

one day!

A day later, Zhao Yuande opened his eyes at once, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

There are more and more people on the outside.

There are also many people who keep trying.

At this time, a few hundred feet away from Zhao Yuande, a man with long hair fluttering toward him strenuously.

This man has walked past the five thousand feet of stone tablet, looking at himself firmly.

"Ah! The **** ape, the youngest son of the **** ape king, is really too fierce, and even walked past the stone monument of five thousand feet. This is to catch up with the rhythm of the land people!"

"I heard that the first genius shadow ghost in Devil Island is also on the way, but he is a character who can compete with the **** ape!"

"This land man really stabbed Ma Honeycomb, and all the geniuses came for him."

"This vortex event suddenly lost its color, I think this is the main battlefield!"


"The shadow ghost is coming..."

At the time of the heated discussion, a shadow came from far away, and in the blink of an eye, it hit the six thousand feet of stone monument.

The shadow seemed a bit faint. After landing, a sudden brake came and rushed forward three hundred feet before barely holding his foot.

You know, it's too dangerous to do this. The horrible swallowing power makes people unable to control it when walking slowly.

The man sprinted directly at an incredible speed and reached the six thousand feet of stone tablet before planning to stop.

If these were the geniuses before they were replaced, I am afraid they would not be able to stop at all, and they would be absorbed into the maelstrom directly.

It was impossible for this shadow ghost to be able to stop sadly. It shows that he is powerful, confident and publicized.

"God Ape! You are here too, why don't we get a win here today!" The shadow ghost saw the long-haired dancing man in front of him, and he couldn't help but show excitement in his eyes.

"Shadow ghost, you and me... Did you see the terrestrial man in front? That's our opponent, you can catch up with him first and then say it!" God Ape Zi sneered, pointing to Zhao Yuande in front.

"That terrestrial man...well, let's surpass him first and then divide the victory!" The shadow ghost looks enveloped in the dark mist, no one can see him clearly, but the voice is full of bully. breath.

The **** ape just pouted, and said nothing.

He walked steadily under his feet and stepped forward step by step.

At this time, although he felt that he could catch up with Zhao Yuande, but... the strength of the other party was only the pinnacle of chaotic domination, but they were half-stepping through the road.

There is a small difference, and even if he wins, he will not be happy.


The sound of swordsong came from the distance.

A swordman came across the sky, the same fell directly in front of the six thousand feet of stone tablets.

Jianmang turned into a thin torso, but also dashed forward for a while before stopping.

But obviously the situation of this thin and thin man was better than that of Shadow Ghost, and he dashed a few dozen feet less than him.

It can be seen from this that this thin and thin man has stronger control than the shadow ghost.

"Evil Sword, I knew you would come! How do you compare it?" The shadow ghost saw a trace of fear in the eyes of this thin and thin man.

The thin man just gave the ghost a slight glance and didn't speak.

Then his eyes fell on Zhao Yuande in front of him.

Obviously he also aims at Zhao Yuande.

"Evil Sword! He came here too! The three great peerless geniuses are coming together, and now there is a good show."

"All three of them came for the land man. I'm afraid the vortex event will be empty this time."

"What other whirlpool event is held, it can be cancelled, the three great peerless geniuses are here, who will see those people."

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