Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4543: do my best

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

Many people have argued that this makes those geniuses who are also watching here look very uncomfortable.

The vortex event is about to start soon, and only half an hour is left.

Now the whirlpool event has prepared a huge venue, there is no audience.

Only some young geniuses who attended the event you look at me, I look at you.

"Hey! Forget it, this whirlpool event has been postponed indefinitely! It will be restarted after the confrontation between the terrestrial man and the three great peerless geniuses." An elderly bearded man sighed.

The whirlpool event didn't come alone, and even some talented heroes who were planning to participate did not come, and they all watched the lively side of the whirlpool.

It's really boring to continue like this, it's not fun to say it.

Where is the face of the Maelstrom Island Alliance?

"That's right, let's take a look." Some of the strong members of the Vortex Alliance couldn't sit still, and flew in the direction of the maelstrom.

At this time, Zhao Yuande took another step forward, the pace was very steady.

After cultivating here for a day, he found that the effect of that swallowing force had been much smaller for him.

He was excited and decided to continue.

Whenever we are about to reach the limit, we stop to refine our flesh and improve our strength through this fierce confrontation.

Behind him, the three **** apes, shadow ghosts, and evil swords are the strongest geniuses in the 36 Islands.

They are all striding forward, especially the latter two are walking steadily.

Although they came for Zhao Yuande, a terrestrial man, they were vaguely competing with each other, and no one was willing to fall.

The **** ape is more than 100 feet away from Zhao Yuande at this time. His pace is slightly heavy, and there is a slight vibration at each step.

His body is actually a violent ape, with terrible blood of the demon god, and his body is hundreds of thousands of feet tall.

Although it has become a human body, its own weight has not changed, so the earth is shaking when walking.

Even Zhao Yuande felt the grumpy breath released by this guy behind him, and apparently did not seem to seem that silent.

But he doesn't care too. Now if he wants to get rid of the other party, it's actually very simple, just turn on the Devouring Vortex.

Of course, what he needs now is an improvement, not the illusory honor on the surface.

So he has a steady footing and is not in a hurry, let the three behind catch up.

Shen Yuanzi was shocked to see Zhao Yuande so steady.

He felt that the other party was a little unfathomable and could not see the limit.

The shadow ghost evil sword behind him, at this time, was already close to the stone monument of five thousand feet, and their speed was only slowly reduced at this time.

Three people chase me, no one will fall behind.

When Zhao Yuande walked hundreds of feet, and the stone monument of four thousand feet was less than one hundred feet, he felt that he seemed to reach the limit.

He also saw clearly the names of only nine people on the stone tablet.

He did not rush to the stone tablet, but sat down directly cross-legged again.

The internal force urges to start fighting against the terrible force of engulfing again and enters cultivation.

Shen Yuanzi saw Zhao Yuande stop again at this moment, his heart was inexplicable.

As if he saw something, his footsteps stopped, and he stopped at a distance of less than a hundred feet from Zhao Yuande.

He began to agitate the power in his body, even learning what Zhao Yuande looked like, fighting against the power of swallowing.

"What's going on? Both of these guys stopped. Are they practicing?" The rear shadow ghost frowned when he saw this scene.

Evil Sword also showed strange colors in his eyes, but did not speak.

"Why don't we take advantage of this opportunity to kill these two guys!" The shadow ghost looked at the evil sword beside him.

Evil Sword didn't speak, just looked at him silently.

Jian Mang flickered in his eyes.

"Forget it! I knew you were a stubborn temper. We defeated the land man with real strength, and then I shot him again." The shadow ghost said to himself, not annoyed that the evil sword didn't speak.

In his image, although this peerless enemy is not dumb, he almost refuses to communicate with others.

He has known each other for more than two hundred years, and the other party did not even speak to him.

And he did not see the other party speak more than five fingers, that is, he had to speak in front of his senior.

Although the other party claims to be a evil sword, he is not evil, but has a very strong self-confidence. His bright and decent work is definitely a kind of strangeness in the entire thirty-six islands.

At this time they have also exceeded the five thousand feet of stone tablets, the distance from the **** ape in front is only one hundred feet away.

"What should you do? You don't want to do it in secret. We might as well surpass them? Four thousand feet has always been a goal for me. In fact, I have long wanted to break this record. This time is just a coincidence." Shadow ghost Road.

Xie Jian still didn't speak, but took a big step to respond to him.

Both of them strode forward, and soon passed the **** ape, and then passed Zhao Yuande.

"Really don't do it? Now is the perfect opportunity!" After all, the shadow ghost still couldn't hold back, looking at Zhao Yuande sitting cross-legged on the ground, somewhat moved.


A sword sounded.

Shadow ghost suddenly felt a terrible murderous intention to lock himself.

If you dare to do it at this time, I am afraid that the other party will take this opportunity to kill himself.

"Hey! You're in a hurry, I just talk about it casually." The shadow ghost smiled a little embarrassedly, "We have all surpassed him, and there is no threat!"

Only then did he feel the killing intention disappeared, and he felt a sigh of relief.

The two soon reached a distance of four thousand feet, and both left their names on the stone tablet.

"This is a legend! My name is finally left on the four thousand feet, I want to be famous!" The shadow ghost was a little excited.

Together, there are only nine names. If Zhao Yuande and God Ape are added for a while, there are only eleven.

This is the long period of hundreds of millions of years after the stele was placed here, and this achievement is absolutely proud.

But the evil sword was not happy, but his eyes fell on the stone monument three thousand feet in front.

Legend has it that the genius who walked in front of the stele is not alone.

That is the first genius recognized in the entire thirty-six islands since the endless years!

This strong man is now the first strong man in the thirty-six islands, and he can enter the horror of eternal realm within one step.

The entire thirty-six island area can flourish to this extent, which is also the credit of the devil.

Even every one thousand feet of these stone tablets are also the handwriting of Lord Shimo.

It is said that at that time, the Devil Master almost came to the position of two thousand feet, and eventually returned to the limit.

So even when he placed the stone tablet afterwards, he did not leave a name in the position of two thousand feet.

Evil Sword stared at the three thousand feet stone, and finally began to move.

"Hey! Forget it, get rid of it!" Although the shadow ghost is afraid of the evil sword, he thinks that the other party's strength is slightly stronger than himself.

But he didn't think that it was just this little difference that the other party could go farther than himself.

So his stubborn temper also came up, and he wanted to see how the two won or lost.

But the further they go, they feel the greater the power of swallowing.

The two have lost the calmness they had just felt, and every step of falling feels great pressure.

They were already fighting with the **** of death, and they couldn't hold it all at once, they were swallowed into the maelstrom and died.

They have been extra careful at every step and have even begun to rest.

Zhao Yuande sat cross-legged on the ground, steady as a rock.

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