Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4547: Intentional

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The soldiers of the Shadow City made a roar of excitement.

At this point they all dropped their opponents and launched a terrible attack on the old man.

Several other powerhouses in the dark world now see the situation clearly.

They all looked at Zhao Yuande and Shangguan Rong, with strange colors in their eyes.

Since those soldiers did not shoot at them, they could just get away.

They secretly communicated with Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande asked the names and conditions of these powerful men one by one.

Then ask Shangguanrong if they have any hatred against them.

These strong men are not strong men in the vortex island area. They are only attracted by Zhao Yuande and have no connection with Shangguan Rong's family at all.

This total of four strong men, they all want to follow Shangguan Rong's side, want to get an identity, to avoid too much trouble.

Zhao Yuande and Shangguan Rong secretly discussed and immediately agreed to their request.

An agreement was quickly reached between them.

At this time, the battle in the distance has already achieved results.

"Ah... Ao..."

After a scream, the old man was defeated alive and then eaten by these soldiers.

The scene was a bit terrible, but these soldiers seemed to enjoy it very much and were used to it.


There was another crackling sound in the sky.

Dozens more figures fell.

One of these figures is familiar to Zhao Yuande, which is the previous evil sword.

Evil Sword is standing beside an old woman at this time.

Even when he saw everything in Purgatory, his eyes widened and his face was incredible.

"This is purgatory! Absolutely purgatory! We escaped!" The group of people all cheered.

"Protoss of the Protoss, they..." Yang Xianfeng looked at the group of people.

It also felt that the other party was large and very powerful.

"They...don't care about them, let's go!" Zhao Yuande didn't like people in the dark world and waved his hand.

"Yes!" Yang Xianfeng nodded.

They flew into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"They seem to have a relationship with the indigenous people here." After the excitement, some people in this group looked at the direction of the sheep pioneer they left.

"There is a big city there, shall we go and see?"

"I don't think I'll go there first! We can practice here for a while now. I think the breath here is of great benefit to our cultivation. It will not take much time to help us restore our combat effectiveness."

"My opinion is the same. Now I am afraid to go to other people's sites to be checked and balanced, or simply be caught. Only when they are strong can they be qualified to speak."


These people searched for a place near here and started to practice.

Zhao Yuande they entered this Shadow City, and suddenly felt the barbaric atmosphere in the city.

Most of the buildings here have sharp corners, and every building seems to be alive, giving a very strange feeling.

There are no creatures like humans walking on the street, all are strange monsters.

Most of these monsters have transformed into human form, but they still maintain the form of the original species in these places.

For example, although the sheep pioneer is a human body, the horns, sheep tails, and sheep hoofs have not changed.

Shangguanrong's mood gradually eased, and he began to gradually learn the information of this world, and began to gradually enter the role of the Protoss.

They also learned from the sheep pioneer's mouth that this world of purgatory is actually a world of demons.

Demon races are basically the same in appearance as humans, except that the skin is purple, the eyes are purple, and purple blood flows in the body.

They inherently possess a strong affinity and affinity for the Tao.

Therefore, the demon rule the world of purgatory, all races are slaves of the devil.

The demons are also divided into several branches, of which the Mora tribe is a very powerful tribe.

In this race, women are the most respected, and they have a magical and terrifying ability, that is, they can see through people's hearts and control their expectations.

So they are also called purgatory witch by humans.

It is for this reason that the ancestors of the Shangguan family will be shouted, killed, and suppressed in the dark world.

Shangguan Rong was also speechless when he got this kind of information. The Mora Witch of the Purgatory, she felt that this title was really difficult to accept.

"Haha! The envoy is here, it is really the supreme glory of my Shadow City. The old goat meets the envoy." A huge old goat greeted him and saw Shangguan Rong at a glance. He would bow down immediately.

The breath of this old goat is really very powerful, only half a step away to enter the eternal realm, you can absolutely kill them.

"Okay! Don't be polite!" Shangguan Rong had entered the role, but raised his hand slightly.

"Thank you envoy!" The old goat was relieved.

It naturally doesn't want to really kneel in front of the powerhouse of the whole Shadow City. In that case, what is its face and how to control these guys?

"Okay! Let's find a place to rest!" Zhao Yuande said at the appropriate time.

His tone is arrogant and there is no doubt.

A full set is required for a play. He now has purple skin, colored pupils, and even the blood in his body has become purple.

In this way, even if the other party no matter how suspicious, no flaws can be found.

They are the envoys of the Mora tribe.

"I will find a chance to use your special ability to deter them. The old goat is still in doubt." Zhao Yuande secretly passed the voice to Shangguan Rong.

"Good!" Shangguan Rong said.

"Envoy, please follow me!" The old goat hurriedly led the way, carefully leading them into the largest building in the city.

Entering the luxurious palace, there is already a large group of strongmen waiting in it.

There are fascinating purgatory beauties, fine wines and food, pious attendants bowing to the ground, and the luscious sound of strange musical instruments...

But these are not the key points. The point is that all the buildings here, all the furnishings, all are made of a yellow cancan metal, that is, gold.

The whole palace was brilliant and even dazzling.

The amount of gold here makes Zhao Yuande feel a little speechless, how much this guy must like gold.

"Hey! This is the palace of the old goat. Please ask the envoy to take a break first. I will go to decorate your palace immediately. I will go and arrange it myself." The old goat made a look at the sheep heads behind him. "These are my sons, let them entertain the envoy first!"

A few sheep's heads hurried up, leading Zhao Yuande and their people to take their seats.

The old goat smiled apologetically and turned around.

"You...have a killing intent on me!" Shangguan Rong just sat down and pointed to a sheep's head in front of him and snorted.

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