Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4548: Old goat's ambition

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"It's really bold!" Zhao Yuande's eyes flashed coldly, and a silver gleam in his hand flashed.

The pointed sheep's head flew directly into his head.

"Ah..." Many people couldn't help looking at this scene.

"You... you... are dissatisfied with me!" Shangguan Rong pointed at the two sheep's heads again.

"Humph!" Zhao Yuande released the silver light again without hesitation. The two sheep's heads hadn't had time to escape, and they were cut off again.

The four who followed Zhao Yuande and their strong men couldn't help but be shocked when they saw this scene.

They all think that Zhao Yuande and the two are crazy. These are the sons of the old goat. They said they would kill them.

And just killed because of a guess?

Isn't this death?

They know how powerful the opponent is.

If the old goat is going to kill them, I am afraid that a slap would kill him all.

"You are very angry and want to stab me with thousands of swords!" Shangguan Rong looked at the last sheep's head again.

"You... you are the devil!" The face of the sheep's head changed greatly, and he turned and ran.

"Dead!" Zhao Yuande's speed is much faster than him, and he directly shattered the sheep's head with one punch.

Let him directly explode into blood mist, and even the spirits were extinguished.

In the previous few, he only beheaded, and gave them a chance to reincarnate, but this is merciless.

"Ah..." All the waiters and all the demon witch screamed.

Four of the old goat's sons were killed, which was a terrible disaster.

I'm afraid the old goat will go crazy, and I am afraid that they will all be killed.

At this time, even Shangguan Rong couldn't help shivering slightly, she didn't expect Zhao Yuande to be so fierce, but she got Zhao Yuande's instructions and pointed out the thoughts of these people.

Zhao Yuande killed all three times, five times, and two.

The old goat had just walked out of the palace at this time, but he didn't go to tidy up the palace, but observed secretly outside.

"Sir, do we use this temptation? That's your son." An old man carrying a turtle shell, his eyes widened, asked with some doubt.

"My son is a fart, I have more than three hundred sons!" The old goat disdained, "But this always makes me feel weird, it seems... I don't know clearly, it's too easy-going!"

"Really! The ambassadors we saw before, they didn't even look at us. Their arrogant chins were all lifted up to the sky. This is really different. So you suspect...she's fake? Said the old man carrying a turtle shell.

"Yes! So we have to test. We all know the ability of the Mora people. We can see the heart of others. If she can't see it, it's fake! If you can see it, it's nothing to sacrifice a few sons." The old goat grinned. .


At this time there were screams in the palace.

The old goat watched his son's heads flying one by one, and the last one was even destroyed by the bursting spirit.

Not only is it not angry, but the eyes are bright and his face is full of excitement.

"Sure enough! Sure enough! It's true! This is good, this is good! My old goat is likely to come back again!" The old goat shouted excitedly, almost dancing.

"Congratulations to the lord, Hexi lord!" The old man carrying the turtle shell was complimented again and again.

"Haha!" The old goat laughed.

"Why is the Admiral angry?" The old goat rushed out, looking at the blood on the ground, and watching the corpses on the ground, not a bit sad, but rather a little panicked.

"Humph! Your son didn't teach you well, I taught you for you!" Zhao Yuande sneered.

"Damn things!" The old goat was very angry in coordination, and rushed up two or three times to step on the three heads on the ground. "I tell you to disrespect the emissary, I teach you not to listen to me, I... …"

He shouted in anger as he stepped on it, and if he was making a movie, he would definitely get a little gold man back.

"Okay! Since it's not what you meant, forget it! Clean up here immediately." Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"Yes...Yes, thank you Envoy, don't blame, old goat!" The old goat hurriedly bowed his head, respectful, but when he turned to look at the group of waiters, it suddenly changed, "You trash What are you still doing, cleaning up here, I will eat you alive with a little blood stains!"

Soon the banquet began and the host and host enjoyed themselves.

"Old goat, come here!" Zhao Yuande waved at the old goat.

"What did the ambassador tell you?" The old goat smiled broadly.

"I know what you mean. Your careful thoughts can't escape our eyes at all." Zhao Yuande sneered. "But you're still an intellectual, and we are too lazy to care about you."

"Yes! The messenger has something to tell." The old goat's face changed slightly, and he smiled a little awkwardly.

He has forgotten that the other party can see through his mind, so with such a hard performance, the other party is probably watching the monkey show.

This made him more afraid of these two Mora envoys in his heart.

"Come on, let me tell you something right." Zhao Yuande secretly said.

"Envoy, please!" said the old goat in a hurry.

"Actually, the two of us are the Mora who are living outside. The descendant of a witch's heir. This time we want to return to the Mora." Zhao Yuande decided to take the risk and tell the truth after he learned about the world of purgatory.

"What! A witch's descendant!" The old goat almost slobbered.

The witch represents the saint in the Mora tribe. According to legend, the Mora tribe has disappeared since the previous generation of witch disappeared.

And this heir who is said to be a witch's heir is the witch who disappeared?

He was also considered to have heard the legend of the witch, as if he had a relationship with a peerless man among human beings, and then disappeared.

He just wanted a little light before to be able to follow the Mora's envoy, but he didn't expect it to be a big fish.

The witch's descendant is now just returning. When he lacks his men, he is the first person who can stand beside her and become her. Since then, his status is simply unimaginable.

As the five most powerful races in purgatory, the Mora tribe, the witch's capable general, is almost comparable to the patriarch of other big clan!

That kind of status, identity, old goat's imagination began to tremble.

"How is it?" Zhao Yuande looked at the old goat.

"The subordinate swears to follow!" The old goat puffed up and knelt on the ground, his eyes glowing.

"Okay! In that case, then you swear it! If you want us to believe you, you must show sincerity!" Zhao Yuande said.

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