Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4551: Take away

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"I'm coming to purgatory, here will be my springboard to expedite the eternal realm! I want to pin down the descendants of Jinlong Shengjun!" The water monkey made a rumbling voice.

It seemed that the entire purgatory was trembling violently under this voice.

"You... are back!" A voice came from the far deep purgatory at this time.

"It's you..." The water monkey seemed to be a little surprised. "The little goat at that time actually became eternal."

"I am now called Qisha Shengjun! I advise you not to bite too arrogantly, otherwise... you still cannot avoid the fate of being suppressed! It is not the same as now..." Although the voice was peaceful, there was a warning and Threat.

"Okay! Very good!" Although the water monkey is arrogant.

But I also know that my strength is less than one hundred millionth of the heyday, even if I want to avenge, if I want to have ambitions, I need to restore my strength.

"For my ancestor's sake, you have a clear relationship with you, the south of Tianmai Mountain is your territory! I hope you don't exceed the limit." The voice slowly fell.

"Good! I remember you little goat!" The water monkey's huge body slowly broke free from the space.

Under the bombardment of the endless thunder, it is still calm.

"Fortunately! Qisha Shengjun knows this guy, otherwise our Shadow City will not be guaranteed!" The old goat returned in a hurry, with the expression of the rest of his life on his face.

"Do you know the origin of this water monkey?" Zhao Yuande looked at the old goat.

"I know! I was just born, and this one has already played invincible hands! It is a fighting madman, always likes to challenge the strong, almost all the sages have been challenged by it, and several of them have been hit by it. "The old goat said.

"In the end, all the saints didn't want to let it go on. They wanted to join forces to win it, but they didn't expect it to be unsuccessful."

"This aroused the fierceness of this one, and actually killed a saint!"

"What! Kill a saint alive! How is this possible... Isn't the eternal realm immortal, immortal?" Zhao Yuande was shocked at this moment.

"That's without fighting. If you encounter a strong enemy, you should die." The old goat shook his head bitterly. "Later, the saint came up with an idea, and the disaster brought the water to the east."

"They opened the channel of the eternal dimension and told this one that there is a stronger presence in the eternal dimension and let it challenge it.

The water monkey was excited when he heard that there was a strong man, and rushed into the war of the eternal dimension, and he did not know how many strong men of the eternal dimension were killed.

In the end, there was a strong man in the eternal dimension who finally got angry and took a fight with him, and finally defeated and suppressed it into the dark world. "

"It turns out so!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly after hearing it.

This is gradually commensurate with what the chemical Yudie said.

It was the owner of the Zhenlong Pagoda who used the Zhenlong Pagoda to defeat it, and then used the tenth gate of the Zhenlong Pagoda to suppress it.

But he did not expect that in the end the water monkey finally got rid of the repression and instead refined the tenth gate.

And I still don't know how to send the tenth gate into the Heaven of Heaven.

Although Zhao Yuande now knew that the tenth gate was in the hands of the water monkey, he also wanted to take it back.

But the strength is too weak to allow at all.

He could only secretly swear that one day he would recapture the tenth gate to make the Zhenlong pagoda complete.

"What is it called?" Shangguan Rong asked.

"It's called the demon king of the world!" said the old goat. "This is the name it takes."

"Oh! Your own name? Does it have no family power?" Zhao Yuande captured the meaning of the dialogue words very keenly.

"No! It was born in heaven and earth, and was bred out of a **** mountain in the sea! At first it was called by many strong men to be the son of purgatory. But then it felt that the name was not good, and it was not domineering! So it was renamed the devil king." Lao Goat said.

"Born naturally! Son of Purgatory!" Zhao Yuande was shocked when he heard this.

What kind of opportunity this is, the son of purgatory is absolutely favored by the will of the entire purgatory.

No wonder it will become so powerful, because it is so.

At this time, Zhao Yuande looked at the mixed-world demon in the picture, and suddenly felt that the other party was looking at himself.

It seems as if the other party can observe these people through the light curtain.

He was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly manipulated all the power in his body, and even used the power of the anti-tianhu at this moment to resist the peer's peep.

He knew that if the other party discovered that he was the owner of the Zhenlong Pagoda, he was the opponent who confronted him in the Heaven of the Heavens, and he would definitely come here directly and capture himself.

At the same time, he also felt that this mixed-world demon seems to be getting stronger and stronger, and the other party is constantly becoming stronger and recovering strength every moment.

Those thunder!

Zhao Yuande suddenly realized.

The other party is the child of purgatory. The thunders released by purgatory are not intended to punish it for crossing the plane, but to help it repair the wounded body.

This... is terrible!

Zhao Yuande's heart was twitching, and he felt something was awkward.

Fortunately, his timely response, coupled with the strength of the anti-Tianhu, is extremely powerful.

And the other party just feels that someone seems to be peeping at them, not paying much attention to it, but just glancing at random as a warning.

"I collected this treasure immediately!" Zhao Yuande pointed to the bead.

"Good!" The old goat was also taken aback just now, and now the thought of the other person's eyes felt cold.

"We're leaving now!" Zhao Yuande said solemnly, "It's really insecure to be a neighbor with this horrible existence. I'm afraid it won't take much time before it can restore its original strength. When he wants to take it away The city is as easy as it gets."

"Yes! Indeed, we have no meaning here!" The old goat also sighed.

This is his foundation, his last foundation, but he did not expect it to be abandoned.

"Then organize people immediately, and we will leave now! Everything that can be taken away, including those low-level practitioners!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Yes! The envoy is assured, I naturally know this! In a day, this is an empty city, no... this will be an empty land!" The old goat gritted his teeth.

But it didn't take a day at all. Less than two hours after the old goat sent the order, the entire city had been evacuated.

Even all the houses were moved into the inner world by their respective owners.

There are only four walls around the whole Shadow City.

Zhao Yuande was not surprised.

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