Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4552: Daredevil

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No one wants to die, and no one likes to be abandoned.

Especially among the powerful cultivators, the old goat and the demon king, they naturally choose the old goat.

"The city wall will not remain. We can use it when we find a new place." The old goat waved and moved the city wall together.

The Shadow City has now become a messy dump.

"Go! Let's leave here." The old goat waved and flew into the air.

The mighty relocation team appeared in the air.

Their target direction is the center where the Mora tribe is located, Tongtian Magic City.

The five powerful ethnic groups in Purgatory rule the five areas divided around the Tongtian Devil City.

Tongtian Magic City This is the center of the entire purgatory, the magic city jointly controlled by the five major ethnic groups.

The Mora tribe ruled the eastern land in the east of Purgatory.

However, they did not dare to directly enter the area of ​​the Mora tribe. They worried that some ulterior motives among the Mora tribe would be detrimental to Shangguan Rong.

So enter the magic city first and plan slowly.

This is actually the purpose of Zhao Yuande.

Arriving in Tongtian Demon City, he planned to give Shangguan Rong freedom.

Let her really return to the Mora tribe to compete for her own status.

And he is going to reach the eternal dimension through the heavenly tree.

No matter how good **** is, even if he has a lofty status, he will not find it interesting.

Because he is a human race!


In the distant Tianmai Mountain, the huge figure Zhang Zhang.

There was a fierce color in its eyes that flickered away, but then it gathered away.

It saw everything that had happened before, and originally planned to put that city in the bag after healed.

But now there is only an empty space, although I am very angry and want to kill all the strong men who have escaped from the old goats.

But at this time its strength is still very weak, less than one billionth of the heyday.

Although he can kill them now, he has hit the face of Qisha Shengjun,

Although it is a demon king of the world, although it is arrogant, it still understands the truth.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

He has to be patient, and wait until his strength is completely restored, this world is still the master.

So Zhao Yuande they escaped.

After flying continuously for a day, a vast forest appeared in front.

This forest can't see the end at a glance, and countless powerful breath is stirred up in the forest, it seems to have issued a warning to a large group of them.

"Everyone, don't mess up! Wait here for me!" The old goat felt something messy behind him, and immediately shouted loudly, "I'll negotiate, you don't have to do anything!"

Hearing the words of the old goat, everyone seems to have the backbone of the subject, and gradually quieted down!

The old goat rushed into the vast forest, while the others stood in the sky and waited.

"Where is this place?" Zhao Yuandela asked over the old man carrying the turtle shell.

"It's the night demons! They are the darlings of the forest. This night demonic forest is their castle! Although there is no horror of eternal realm among them, even a strong eternal realm dare not go to the night demons alone. The clan is at war!" said the old man carrying a turtle shell.

"Night Demon Race! So powerful!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be shocked.

They do not rely on their own strength, but the power of the entire forest, or they are also the darling of purgatory.

But the demon king of the world is the child of purgatory, but they are the clan of purgatory.

The entire forest is actually alive, as if it were part of the entire purgatory world.

Fighting the entire forest is equivalent to fighting the world of purgatory.

After waiting for a full hour, just when many people waited impatiently, the old goat finally flew out of the jungle.

"They promised to let us send, but they couldn't send so many people at once, and it took more than ten days to complete all the transfers. And more importantly, the purgatory coins needed were astronomical." The old goat came to Shangguanrong In front, smiled bitterly.

"It's true, there are a lot of them! It is impossible for them to enter the body world, so they can only be transferred in batches." The old man carrying the turtle shell said.

"What should I do? Let them reduce the number of people as much as possible. It is best for a family or a force to reduce the number of people as much as possible." Old Goat said.

"Me! Let me say this, there is really no way but to wait! Unless they don't want to follow us, they must not leave them behind." The old man carrying the turtle's shell nodded.

"Go! Hard work for you!" Shangguan Rong waved his hand.

She also felt tricky and worried about the future.

To become a witch of the Mora tribe, I am afraid that it will be more difficult to meet her.

Although she has received a good education since childhood, she has learned the art of imperialism, but she still feels a headache when she really faces so many people and things.

Noisy and noisy for an hour or two, and finally shrunk the number of people by ten times.

"Go! Go in." When the old goat saw that he could no longer shrink, he could only shake his head helplessly, and he would take the crowd into the Night Demon Forest.

"Wait!" Zhao Yuande's face suddenly changed slightly.

Just now he clearly felt some palpitations.

He is a cultivator who has reached such a state of terror, and it is completely impossible for the silent and innocent to feel heart palpitations.

And this situation he has experienced before, that is when a huge crisis is coming.

"What? What else do the envoys have to add?" The old goat looked at Zhao Yuande.

"I feel something is wrong, it seems that something bad is going to happen, does the Night Devil want to count us?" Zhao Yuande said solemnly.

"What! The night demons want to count us?" The old goat looked at Zhao Yuande like a fool. "Why do they count us? For money, the night demons are wealthier than we don't know how many times. We want slaves? Among the night demons. They don’t need any outsiders to live at all. They think it’s a blasphemy against the Night Demon Forest. They have nothing to ask of us. If it’s not because I have some clarification with the night ancestors of the Night Demon Clan, they might not even send the formation. Will let us use it."

He had long been disgusted with Zhao Yuande, and always gave orders to himself.

To know that among the Mora people, women are the most important, men have no status at all.

How to say that you are a half-step eternal and powerful existence, in the future, the witch will be higher, and your identity will definitely be more than 10,000 under one person.

If it weren't for the witch's face, the guy in front of him was not qualified to speak to himself like this.

Zhao Yuande was too lazy to argue with him, just looked at Shangguanrong.

Shangguan Rong knew Zhao Yuande's ability, she would not have been here without Zhao Yuande, and her identity was only a slave.

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