Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4553: Daredevil Forest is alive

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So even though she is now a descendant of the Mora witch, she doesn't feel that she has a higher status than the other party.

Even... his own mixed beads are still in the hands of the other party, and the other party may be distracted by a thought.

So Zhao Yuande's opinion is the most important to her.

"I think he was right!" Shangguanrong looked at the old goat. "If we don't enter the Night Devil Forest, where is the next city teleportation array?"

"This... It takes two days to fly to the gluttonous city. It is called the teleportation array and can reach the Hei Luo City in the south of the Tongtian Demon City!" Although the old goat was very unhappy, he only reverently replied.

"Then let's go around the magic forest overnight!" Shangguan Rong said lightly.

"This...I've already said it!" said the old goat, "if not, wouldn't it..."

"Witch's life is important or your face is important!" Zhao Yuande shouted.

"Nature is the life of Master Witch, which is more important!" Lao Goat wanted to slap Zhao Yuande, but he didn't want to lose the only chance to fly Huang Tengda, and he could only bear it silently, "Then we will go around the night magic forest!"

He led the way ahead, flew into the sky, and flew in the other direction.

There is a grand hall in the trunk of a giant purple tree, and one of the figures with black and purple light on the whole body sits on the top.

"Patriarch! The old goat didn't bring anyone in. He seemed to be going around the road, did we show any flaws?" There was a head of horse and horsetail at the bottom of the hall, the strong man with a snake tail respectfully said.

"No! Absolutely no flaws." The night elder patriarch shook his head slightly. "This is the order issued by the children of purgatory. We can't let them go away, immediately dispatch all the soldiers and intercept them!"

"But the old goat..." The strong man with a snake head and a snake tail could not help but remind.

"It's okay, start the night demon large array, I personally control it, as long as he does not enter the eternal realm, he can't escape." The night demon patriarch's voice was full of confidence.


Although the old goat's complexion led the way, his complexion was very unsightly.

He felt that Zhao Yuande was really too late. After a good teleportation, he would not be seated, but would have to detour for several days.

This is actually nothing for these strong men, but many people under his eyes look a little obedient. He feels that his face has been lost, and his face is hot and slapped.

"Son, the old goat seems to be very dissatisfied with the son. Doesn't the young man worry about him starting with you?" Shangguan Rong secretly passed on to Zhao Yuande.

"Oh! He gave you all the hope, so he left his hometown and left all the people who lived with him. He wouldn't anger you with this little thing. But if you really become a witch, he will not hesitate. , But he didn't have that opportunity!" Zhao Yuande didn't care.

"Does the son want to leave?" Shangguan Rong couldn't help but feel a bit lost.

"Yes! I am a human being after all. The disguise in front of the eternal realm is useless at all, so I can only leave! Otherwise, it may still affect you, and let many Mora strong grasp this handle, let You can't really become a witch." Zhao Yuande said.

"Thank you son!" Shangguan Rong's eyes showed a strange color.

"Okay! Now that we are in the same boat together, I am actually thinking about my own safety." Zhao Yuande shook his head slightly. "In addition, I will not return your soul beads to you now. I will give it to you before I leave."

"Thank you son!" Shangguan Rong actually cares most about his soul beads.

Hearing the other party's promise, there was no more worry in my heart.

Although they didn't get along very long, she could still feel that Zhao Yuande was a person who promised a lot.

Now that the other party has promised that way, she knows that the other party will fulfill her promise.


At the time of the conversation between the two, a figure rushed out of the night demon forest and was blocked in front of them.

"Old Goat, how do you go? Didn't we say that we should use the teleportation array before?" The strong man with a horse head and a snake tail stopped in front, looking at the old goat with a bit of anger.

"Brother, what do you mean?" The old goat instinctively felt something wrong.

If it was only to persuade how could there be so many night demons.

It was only in an instant that there was a dark night before them.

The magical purple light shimmered in their eyes, exuding a horrible killing intention on their bodies.

"They are going to kill us, and what else are you talking about?" Zhao Yuande snorted.

"Kill!" The old goat knew at this moment.

He shouted directly without hesitation, he was the first to rush up.

At this time, he admired Zhao Yuande more.

This guy is even more keen than he feels. It seems that the Mora people do have their own uniqueness and deserve to be one of the five strong clan.

The other party originally wanted to stabilize the old goat, and waited until all his people rushed out and then directly rounded up.

Unexpectedly, the old goat was so decisive that he rushed over directly.

Suddenly the color changed.

The Night Demon Array is not able to start in an instant. It requires the patriarch to communicate with the Night Demon Forest, which takes a certain amount of time.

Although the old goat does not seem to have anything, but the real strength is very powerful.

As long as he is not a strong man in eternal realm, he does not care about it at all.

His speed was unbelievable, before all the Night Demon Clan strongmen had responded, he had already arrived.

The huge hoof that covered the sky and trampled directly from the void.


In the blink of an eye, there were tens of thousands of Night Demon Clan strongmen who were trampled to become fans.

"Not good! Everyone besieged his subordinates, so that he would not dare to shoot out wantonly!" The powerful man with a snake head and a snake's tail saw this scene, and he was suddenly terrified.

Thanks to his fast escape, otherwise he died directly under that hoof.

"Not good!" At this time, Zhao Yuande also changed greatly.

Because he felt the Night Demon Forest not far away seemed to be alive at this moment.

It was as if a sleeping dragon opened his eyes at once, and a terrible breath rose into the sky.

That kind of breath is even stronger than the old goat!

He suddenly thought of the Night Demon Forest described by the old man with a turtle shell, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

"Old goat can't continue fighting, we must stay away from the night demon forest!" Zhao Yuande shouted.

At this time, not only did he feel this kind of breath, but many strong people including old goats also felt it.

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