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Chapter 4568

"Then everything is presented by the predecessors!" Zhao Yuande carefully put away the jade box and bowed to the Golden Retriever.

"Okay! Are you ready?" said Golden Retriever.

"Ready!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Then go!" The Golden Retriever finger pointed a little, and a long black channel appeared in the void in front of him.

At the end of the black channel you can see a dazzling purple light.

"Goodbye Brother Jin Yuanzi, goodbye Senior!" Zhao Yuande stepped into the black channel in one step and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"You will see this young man again!" said Golden Retriever, "but you have to work hard. His opportunities and potential are the first person I have seen."

"I will!" Jin Yuanzi clenched his fists and nodded vigorously.

Zhao Yuande stepped out of the passage one step at a time and found himself in front of a large mountain shimmering with purple light.

The mountain is infinitely huge and I don't know how high it is.

He looked up and saw that there was no end in sight at all, just a purple glow in his eyes.

All around are dense plants of various kinds, with curvy vines, thick old trees, and fragrant exotic fruits.

He felt a tremendous amount of vitality and vitality rippling around.

He took his steps and climbed up the continent.

All around was quiet, only the sound of the sound of insects.

"This should be the initial road mentioned by the old people, here should be the huge roots of the Tongtian Demon Tree!" Zhao Yuande silently recalled the information of the Tongtian Demon Tree, "Only through the roots can I climb the trunk and then enter the trunk. Secret hole..."

"Zhao Yuande, you are finally here!" At this moment, Zhao Yuande saw a figure in front of him not far away.

This is a woman with a black veil. She stands tall and willow-waisted. Although she can't see her appearance, she knows that this must be a woman of extraordinary beauty.

"Let you wait for a long time!" Zhao Yuande saw this woman, her mouth slightly cocked, "You are the first Mora to come to death, I will give you a happy heart!"

"Giggle! Zhao Yuande, you are very confident!" The woman seemed to have heard some jokes and couldn't help but giggled. "This is not purgatory. Your strength is nothing to me in my opinion!"

"Really?" Zhao Yuande heard the other person saying this, but he felt a lot better in his heart.

He knew that Shangguan Rong hadn't betrayed herself. She might not even know about it now, or even know it, she couldn't help herself.

"Don't talk to you, killing you, the sage will reuse me even more." The woman's body disappeared in place at once, as if turned into a purple smoke, and suddenly merged between heaven and earth.

"It's a shame, your life has come to an end!" Zhao Yuande's body flickered and appeared before a space, and it hit the space with one punch.


After a loud noise, the space shattered.

The figure of a woman fell out of it.

The woman's eyes widened at this time, as if she didn't expect this to happen.

Not only did the other party find his trace, but he also smashed the void with a punch, shaking himself alive from the void.

She felt everything in her body shattered and turned into a paste.

"You..." The woman opened her mouth to say something.


She had just spoken a word, and her body exploded directly, turning into a blood mist.

"It's just boring at this level!" Zhao Yuande shook his head slightly.

This woman's cultivation behavior is like him the **** of chaos, he kills more easily than a chicken.

He continued on, and soon reached a long narrow path.

"Here is the road to the real magic tree. It will be dangerous. I don't know when the group of guys will appear." Zhao Yuande's God Realm covered the four sides, but he didn't find anything abnormal.

He is a brave man, so he takes a big step and climbs up the path.

This path is extremely steep and narrow, and when seen from a distance, it seems to be a thin line circling around the sky.

"This kid really has some skills." Inside the Mora Hall, Mo Qingjun was sitting cross-legged at this time.

At this moment there was a light curtain in front of him, which clearly showed the picture of Zhao Yuande climbing up.

In front of her stood dozens of Mora geniuses, nine of which were women, each of whom was peerless and slender.

Everyone's face is full of arrogance.

Among the few men, it was Mo Jiang, who looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes as if he was going to breathe fire.

"Holy King, otherwise I'll take his head personally! That's foolproof." The old goat knelt half-heartedly under his high court.

"Okay! I know your loyalty! But this time it is the best opportunity for my genius to try. I don't want to waste it!" Mo Qingjun shook his head slightly. "Who wants to kill him!" "

"Mother, I'm going to kill him!" Mo Jiang can't wait to rush up, his eyes have been staring at Zhao Yuande, revealing a fierce look.

"Oh! General, are you confident you can kill him?" Mo Qingjun frowned slightly.

In the Mora tribe, although women are superior to men, this is always their own son.

"I have the treasure armor that my mother gave me, even if you can't defeat him, you can't kill me!" Mo Jiang said proudly.

"Well! Then I will send you over. But you must remember that I will not send someone to save you, whether you win or lose, you must bear it yourself!" Mo Qingjun warned.

"Baby got it!" Mo will nod.

His cultivation practice is a half-step breaking through the Dao Realm, coupled with the armor of the Daoyan Divine Soldier level given by the mother, and many secret hole cards, he does not believe that he will not kill the opponent.

"Go!" Mo Qingjun pointed a finger, a purple brilliance enveloped Mo Jiang, and he disappeared in place with him.

At this time on the light curtain, a little purple light flickered, and Mo will appear in the light curtain.

Zhao Yuande was climbing along the narrow path, and suddenly felt a slight shock in the void.

He turned his head and saw that a man in black armor appeared behind him.

"Mo Jiang, it's you!" Zhao Yuande looked at this man slightly unexpectedly.

He didn't expect that Mo Qingjun would send his son. Mo Qingjun wouldn't be crazy if he killed him later!

But at this time the opponent has already appeared, even if Mo Qingjun is mad, he can't control that much.

Let's kill it!

"You are shocked, the humble person! It would be my own beheading your life!" Mo Jiang looked at Zhao Yuande and calmed down suddenly, his eyes filled with indifference.

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