Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4569: I want to live

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Chapter 4559 I will live

"Oh! I'm afraid your mother didn't expect that you would die in my hands." Zhao Yuande chuckled, "I don't know if he will see you die and rush over to me in person!"


Mo Jiang couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Just you! Kill me? You are really a frog at the bottom of the well!" Mo will disdain, "Do you know what level of armor I am wearing? Daoyan Divine Soldier level! Don't talk about you, even if it's an ordinary broken road The powerhouse cannot break its defense! I am now invincible!"

"Really! Dao Yan Shenbing, it's really terrible!" Zhao Yuande's face was all smiles, how could he be a little scared.

"you wanna die!"

Mo will see that the other party is clearly laughing at himself, and he can't help it anymore. With a roar, he rushed directly to fight against Zhao Yuande.

The Daoyan Divine Soldier's armor on the opponent was indeed extremely strong, and Zhao Yuande's fist fell on it.

And Mo will have a long sword in his hands at this time, and Dao Jianmang cuts around, turning countless vines into powder.

But this kind of horrible swordman's cutting on Zhao Yuande's body just made his clothes show cracks, even his skin could not be broken.

"Sure enough, his physical body can already compete with ordinary power-breakers. No wonder it is so rampant!" Mo Qingjun moved slightly in the hall and glanced at the numerous Mora geniuses below.

Several of these Mora geniuses have entered the breaking ground, and they watched the battle in the picture only with a cold face.

Some half-step geniuses are eager to try, and their faces show excitement, apparently happy.

As for the few geniuses who dominated Chaos in Chaos, they couldn't help shaking their heads at this time, obviously they had lost interest.


Before Zhao Yuande used less than 30% of his strength, he could only fight with the armor.

After fighting for more than a dozen breaths, he also mostly understood the other party's details, and felt that there was no need to continue to play around.

So he began to increase his strength to 50%!


His fist strength violently rose suddenly, and Mo hit his body constantly flying high.

"not good!"

Mo will feel as if he is a sandbag being beaten by the opponent, but he can't escape the opponent's fist.

He thought that the other party had many means, but he didn't think it would be this situation.

He was trapped in the armor, buzzing in his head, and his whole body was hurt by the terrible power of the other party.


He started screaming.

But Zhao Yuande didn't care at all, his fists were getting faster and faster.

"Boom boom..."

But in the blink of an eye, Mo Jiang in the armor had no strength to yell.

He felt that the bones of his whole body were to be shattered, his internal organs had been shaken into a paste, and even his sea of ​​blood gradually began to crumble, and a terrible crack appeared in the sea.

He originally used many methods and many cards, but at this time, none of them could be displayed.

" me!" Mo Jiang made a deep, hoarse hoarse voice.

But this is also his last voice in this world.


At the next moment his body exploded directly, exploding into a blood mist in the armor.

Blood splattered through the cracks of the armor, and immediately stained the entire armor.

"What!" Many people in the hall couldn't help but change their faces.

Their eyes all looked towards Mo Qingjun.

I only saw Mo Qingjun's face with frost, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

Scanned by that gaze, everyone felt the same body cold, like falling in an ice cave.

Even the old goat kneeling under His Royal Highness dared not breathe.

This is the horror of the eternal realm. Even if you approach the eternal realm indefinitely, it is only close. In fact, the difference between the forces is more than one hundred million.

"Hey! It's really trouble." Zhao Yuande grabbed the pair of armor that was stained with blood in the sky.

Flames roasted, steaming the blood from the armor.

"Thank you Senior for sending me the treasure!" Zhao Yuande slightly arched his hand into the void, a faint smile on his face.

He didn't care if the other person would be angry after he finished speaking, and turned to follow the narrow path to continue climbing.

Why did he dare to provoke Mo Qingjun, it is because the golden ape said that this heavenly demon tree does not allow the strong in eternal realm to climb.

And the strength of the cultivator of the Tongtian Demon Tree will be knocked down. You can’t fly no matter what you cultivated before, and you can only use physical power when fighting.

"Fuck!" In the hall, Mo Qingjun slapped the throne under him with a slap, almost burst into flames in his eyes.

"Who are you to kill him!" Her eyes scanned all the geniuses below.

"Holy King, let me go!" A half-step-breaking woman walked out Nana, with a faint smile in her peerless look.

"Mo Jun! I'm afraid you can't kill him yourself!" Mo Qingjun glanced at the woman, shook her head slightly and swept into the crowd, and finally her eyes fell on a tall woman. "Mo Wan, you are with her! "

"Yes! Saint!" The woman named Mo Huan was taller than Mo Jun, and her figure was more majestic than the average man.

But it does not make people feel dissonant, but has a heroic vigor.

"Must bring his head back to me! I want to live!" Mo Qingjun said coldly.

"The Saint is assured!" The two women looked at each other and nodded together.

"Go!" Mo Qingjun finger again, the two were taken away by the purple light.

Zhao Yuande had already started his speed at this time, and kept climbing up.

This rugged road is the longest. If you walk slowly, I am afraid that you may not be able to end the walkway for ten or eight years.

So he has to speed up and try to reach the first fork in a month.

Getting there is half the distance, but the danger is just beginning.

"Are you here again? I don't know who came this time?" Zhao Yuande frowned slightly and turned to look at the sky behind him.

Two figures emerged from the void.

"Did you finally start sending normal people?" Zhao Yuande looked at the two women.

They are both powerful in a half-step breakthrough, and all have a proud look on their faces.

They looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes as if they saw a **** of shit.

That kind of disgust, that kind of disdain, did not hide it at all.

Zhao Yuande suddenly felt that these two women were annoying.

Although they all have peerless faces, one is beautiful and the other is heroic.

But Zhao Yuande thought they were really ugly.

Suddenly he didn't want to talk to them, this kind of woman made him hate the most.

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