Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4570: not simple

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But just when he was cranky in his head.

Suddenly he felt that the surrounding scene had changed suddenly.

He seemed to appear in a misty place.

There is no purgatory purple here, but snow white.


A group of women appeared in front of him, each one of them was peerless, with a hopeful smile on his face.

"What!" Zhao Yuande saw these women turned out to be their own wives

At this time, they twisted their bodies one by one, and the clothes on them faded away one by one, entangled like a water snake.

"You are looking for death!" Zhao Yuande was really angry at this moment, suddenly angry.

He knew that he was confused by the other party's psychedelic state.

"God Soul Realm opened to me!" He recognized the huge ancient tree in the sea and released the power of horrible soul.

With him as the center in an instant, the distance of a thousand feet was suddenly shrouded in his spirit world.

His eyes opened, and he found the peerless woman was closing her eyes, his face showing pain.

And the tall, tall and brave woman has already arrived in front of him.

A full moon scimitar with a silver gleam is almost reaching his neck.


Zhao Yuande's floor was challenged, and he was in a state of absolute rage at this time.

He shuddered with a punch, and the void collapsed.

He didn't pay any attention to the full moon scimitar, and used twelve points of force to bombard the heroic woman.


The full moon scimitar cut fiercely on Zhao Yuande's neck.

There was no blood splatter, and the strong collision sparked a spark.


The heroic woman fell sharply and her eyes were glaring.


At this time Zhao Yuande's fist had reached her.

"Do not……"

She had never felt that death was so close, and she finally could not help but roar loudly with fear in her heart.

But all this has no effect.

Her body was instantly smashed into nothingness, and the treasures on her body were directly annihilated in this fist.

The voids around her body shattered, and the endless black light sprayed from the broken void.


A purple branch protruded from the void.

The purple branches flicked against the broken void, and the void returned to normal in an instant.

It seems that nothing happened just now.

"You die too!"

Zhao Yuande didn't mean to pity Xiangxixiyu, and slapped it on the head of the woman who was struggling with pain.

This woman used Zhao Shende to attack Zhao Yuande just now, let him fall into the illusion suddenly.

If other things are okay in the illusion, but all of them are his women.

This has exceeded his limit.

He was a little guilty about his women, but now he is being used by others, which is unbearable.

So no matter who the other party is, they will die!

"Humph! What a waste!" Mo Qingjun saw all this in the hall, his face getting more and more ugly.

These two women are geniuses of the Mora tribe, and they do not know how much resources they enjoy.

But he didn't think of it, but he was beheaded with just one move.

"I am afraid that this person has a powerful treasure guardian spirit, so he can wake up from the illusion so fast, and the sisters under the Dadao Realm do not try." A woman in the Dadao Realm slowly Open mouth.

"Not only that, this person's physical strength has never been seen, I am afraid that it is impossible to hurt him under the Daoyan Divine Soldier." Another woman who broke the Dao Realm.

"Holy King, I suggest that we should not kill him for the time being. When he is tired of climbing through the tree, we will play again." Another woman from the Dao Realm suggested to Mo Qingjun.


Mo Qingjun exhaled for a long time.

"Okay! Then let him get away for a while, and we will get together again in ten days! You also informed Mo Qingli to let her go out immediately." Mo Qingjun said.

"What! I want to inform the elder sister to go out!" The faces of the women in Dadaojing are a bit unnatural.

"Go on!" Mo Qingjun ignored their shock and waved his hand.


Zhao Yuande went all the way up, without any breaks or stops.

But he was always vigilant.

He knew that Mora would never give up so easily, and the other party was definitely looking for opportunities at this time.

The higher the climb, the denser the vines.

Various monsters gradually appeared.

They are very unwelcome to Zhao Yuande's appearance, as long as he is found, he will launch a crazy attack.

The monsters here have no wisdom, but only have their own instincts.

However, it may be because of the influence of Tongtianshen tree, their flesh and blood are very special, and they have a faint aroma.

After his appraisal, he suddenly discovered that these monsters are all very good ingredients.

If you take it back, you can definitely produce many powerful dishes.

So he was very polite to all his income.

As long as God Realm senses the existence of the monster, he will take the initiative to attack and take them one by one.

In the end, Zhao Yuande discovered that there were fewer and fewer monsters, and occasionally it was found that he was swept away by purple vines.

Zhao Yuande knew that it must have been the Tiantian Demon Tree who discovered his madness, so he intervened.

He firmly remembered the saying of the golden-haired old ape, the celestial demon tree is the master of this heaven and earth, and no matter what happens, it cannot anger it.

Zhao Yuande knew the will of the magic tree, and he didn't want to kill him. He also settled down.

But a few days later, hundreds of monsters have been hoarded in his main world.

The vast majority of them are half-step breaking through.

Although it has little effect on him, it is a rare treasure for his family and friends in the world inside him.

"This Tongtian Demon Tree is not simple!" Void Gourd is observing the Tongtian Demon Tree through Zhao Yuande's body at this time, and Zhao Yuande's conclusion is slightly shocked.

Void gourd has always been proud, because he is part of the anti-sky gourd.

"Such a simple method?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help asking curiously.

"It should be the same as my body!" Void Gourd solemnly said.

"Same as your body?" Zhao Yuande was a little puzzled.

"Yes! It's also an earth-shattering creature that has created a huge chaotic dimension! This is exactly what my ontology wants to do." Void Hulu said.

"Is there a stronger presence behind it?" Zhao Yuande was really shocked this time.

The power of the heavenly magic tree has surpassed the eternal realm, which is almost equivalent to the will of the big universe.

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