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The old woman looked at this ancient world with some emotion, "Even at the beginning of discovering this ancient world, a strong man in the eternal realm fell here."

"What!" Zhao Yuande felt a little daunted when he heard this kind of thing.

The eternally shocked strong fell here!

What is this place?

As they spoke, a large number of people swarmed through the crack of the void.

"Wait here! Wait for them to arrive." Xuanyuan San Niang said.

Everyone regards her as the leader, because she is the most powerful.

They didn't wait too long, and some strong men broke the void and entered here.

Zhao Yuande saw a group of shining strong men all over his body.

This is the powerhouse of the dimension of light!

The brighter they are, the stronger they are.

He also saw many fierce monsters, huge dark creatures, humans with wide wings...

One day later, it was gathered here without knowing how much terror exists.

There are more than twenty strong men in the half-step eternal realm alone, and there are as many as tens of thousands of geniuses entering the Broken God Realm.

Zhao Yuande also saw many talented practitioners of the origin dimension.

However, I didn't see a person I knew well, and I couldn't help but feel a little regret.

He originally thought that Qin Baoyu would enter Broken God Realm this time, but he didn't expect to see her.

"Okay! Join forces to open the Broken God Realm!" A vague figure appeared in the void.

"Have seen the sage!" All strong men suddenly looked down at this blurry shadow.

"This is the Doron Saint who presides over the opening of the Broken God Realm! It is one of the three main palace masters of our Eternal Palace of the Eternal Dimension." The old woman secretly whispered to Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande did not dare to raise his head. Although the voice was fuzzy, it made him feel the indescribable force of terror oppression.

I'm afraid the other party will die in a single thought.

This is the powerhouse of the eternal realm!

"Start!" The fuzzy shadow Duolun Shengjun's voice was ruthlessly cold.

I saw his imaginary arm facing the ancient world a little.

The pale yellow light curtain in the ancient world suddenly spread like ripples.

"Go in!" All the strong men in the half-step eternal realm shouted at this moment.

Suddenly all the cultivators who entered this time rushed towards the scattered light curtain.

They seemed to enter the water all at once, disappearing into the yellowish light curtain.

Zhao Yuande was not in a hurry, but waited for most people to enter before leaving.

At the moment when he was about to rush into the light yellow light curtain, he suddenly felt a terror crisis coming.

He was terrified in his heart, and carried out the teleportation technique with the girl in red, teleporting towards the crowd not far away.


A dark palm suddenly emerged from the depths of the void, and pressed directly in his original direction.

Hundreds of cultivators turned into nothingness in that direction.

Although Zhao Yuande opened the palm of his hands in more attacks, he was still wiped by powerful forces.

He broke his half body at once.

Thanks to the fact that he blocked the girl in red, otherwise the girl in red fell directly this time.

"Bold!" The old lady who followed here in the distance gave an angry roar.

A palm as white as jade protruded out, and one grasped the black palm.

Then he pulled out a figure in the darkness directly from the void.

"Brother Zhao!" the girl in red exclaimed, watching Zhao Yuande lose half of her body, and her face was instantly covered with tears.

"It's fine! Go in!" Zhao Yuande lost half of his body, but he was not afraid.

His teleport started again, teleporting towards the yellowish light curtain.

"Death!" At this moment, another person in the strong group caught in the void and caught Zhao Yuande in this direction.

The man's palm seemed to be a huge claw, and his five fingers were sharply sprayed with terrifying gods.

Shenmang cut through the void, and the surrounding voids were directly broken.

"Dongling Old Ghost! How dare you!" Xuanyuan Sanniang was very powerful at this moment, but in a blink of an eye, the figure shrouded in darkness became shocked.

Seeing the man who shot, his eyes suddenly split.

She tried again to block.

But at this time, two people were standing in front of her.

"Xuanyuan Sanniang, don't blame us! It's just that the kid has a special status and can't stay!" This person turned out to be the former couple from Nanli's family.

"Do you want to die?" Xuanyuan Sanniang saw the two men, and her face suddenly showed a sense of enlightenment. "If my granddaughter dies here, I will kill all the geniuses from your Nanli family to be buried with her!" "

"You..." The two heard Xuanyuan Sanniang say this, and his face changed suddenly.

Although they knew that Xuanyuan Sanniang loved this granddaughter, they did not expect that the other party would say such words in desperation.

The strong men in the half-step eternal realm will not talk at will, as long as they say it, then it will be true.

However, although the two changed their looks, they were still blocked in front of Xuanyuan Sanniang.

Obviously they felt that killing Zhao Yuande was more important than the life of all Nanli family geniuses.

"If that young man is dead! I will kill all of your Nanli family! Including both of you!" Xuanyuan Sanniang didn't plan to shoot at this time, just glanced at the two lightly, and the voice was full An unstoppable strong will.

The two bodies shivered and almost gave way.

"Xuanyuan Sanniang, this is not what we mean, we are only acting according to orders." The Nanli family man who hadn't said anything, said dryly.

"I can't beat the people who ordered you, but I can beat you both! You are free!" Xuanyuan Sanniang turned around and left, directly giving up to rescue Zhao Yuande and the girl in red.

There was helplessness on their faces, but they were helpless.

At this time, Zhao Yuande felt the powerful crisis again. He knew that this time he might not be able to stop him!

"Old goat, come out for me!" Zhao Yuande shouted.

Two purple claws appeared on the top of Zhao Yuande's head and walked towards the horrible god's hard top.


A horn was severely cut off.

Zhao Yuande was wiped a little by the horror light, and his lower body completely disappeared.

Only the head and half of the upper body are left.

Although the girl in red was not wiped out, an invisible terror force still exploded her body into pieces, and her eyes began to become dim.

However, Zhao Yuande also took advantage of this opportunity to take all the bodies of the girl in red and grabbed her directly into the pale yellow light curtain.

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