Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4595: Let's kill

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"Nan Li Family! Eternal Palace! You are finished! I will kill all your disciples who entered the Broken God Realm!" Zhao Yuande's voice was endlessly angry.

Seeing that Zhao Yuande and the girl in red did not die, the two of the Nanli family took a long breath.

"Look at your good luck!" Xuanyuan San Niang looked at the two men, and looked at the black-faced old man who shot, his voice was very cold, "I will not kill you for the time being, I will keep your life and let that person come to fetch !"

At this time, other talents reacted, and there was a look of doubt on his face.

Most people do not know the identity of Zhao Yuande, so they think these people are going to kill the girl in red.

So they are very puzzled. What do these people do to kill the girl in red? Do you want to anger Xuanyuan family?

But none of this mattered. What they saw was the face of Xuanyuan Sanniang who wanted to kill.

Zhao Yuande had only a small half of his body, but when he passed through the light yellow curtain, he let out a long breath.

The force that mobilized the undead ran wildly, but he recovered as he had in a few breaths.

Only then did he slowly inject the silk's undead power into the broken body of the girl in red.

The body of the girl in red is reunited, but the whole person is stimulated by some powerful force. At this time, there are some traces of breaking the sea.

He didn't dare to be too infused with power, and could only input a little bit of immortality to help her recover the broken sea of ​​knowledge.

It was not until more than one hour that the red girl's injury gradually improved.

But I don't know why, the girl in red did not wake up.

He had no choice but to send it into his own body world, temporarily looking for someone to take care of her.

It was not until this time that he had time to see this vast world.

After he rushed into the light yellow light curtain, he always fell freely.

However, the spirit of the Broken God Realm was so shocking that his body seemed to have fallen into the sea, sinking slowly.

When he finished treating the girl in red, he had not landed on the ground.

But at this time he can see the vastness of the world.

Below him is a continuous mountain range.

These mountains are extremely vibrant, with lush trees below, countless towering trees, and canopies covering tens of miles.

He can also feel the powerful breath of a monster from below, although it is not too powerful, but it is full of endless vitality.

How can such a good cultivation environment be Broken God Realm?

There should be local cultivators here!

But soon he felt that it seemed a little different from the outside world.

Because no matter how powerful the monster is here, there is no spirit, no matter how long the trees are, there is no monster.

This world seems to lack... spirit!

This world is broken and there is no heaven!

It is precisely because there is no heaven, so all the creatures born here cannot produce independent will.

The monsters are muddy, only instinct.

No matter how powerful trees and plants are, no wisdom can be born.

"This is a good place! You always open the space channel of the main world, I want to absorb the vitality of this world!" Void gourd said at this time.

"Absorb vitality? Why can't it be absorbed before?" Zhao Yuande wondered.

"Good! Absorb vitality! There is no Heavenly Dao here, we can learn from it! And in other worlds, if we dare to do this, I am afraid that we will be instantly killed by Heaven's Dao!" Void Care said.

"It turns out so!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "Then we will practice here for a while, you can learn as much as you like!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Yuande just replied to the body and helped the girl in red to repair her body.

It was here that I randomly found a giant tree and dug a cave on it to practice.

A month passed in a flash.

Zhao Yuande opened his eyes.

But soon he discovered something was wrong.

Because where he is there seems to be no trace of vitality.

He strode out of the tree hole and suddenly saw the entire forest completely dry, and the entire mountain range turned into a yellowish color.

Even the whole land has lost its vitality!

"It's all your ghost!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help asking.

"Yes! Otherwise, who else do you think will have such great power." Void Hulu said, "I haven't dared to fully urge, because you haven't awakened from the retreat, I am afraid that it will attract the attention of others, otherwise That's the place."

"Okay! No wonder they dare not use it outside. This is simply plundering." Zhao Yuande couldn't help laughing.

"Yes! It's plunder!" Void Hulu said, "Since you wake up, then plunder!"

A huge black hole was opened above Zhao Yuande's head. The infinite vitality and vitality of the world were all inhaled by the black hole.

In a blink of an eye, the sky and earth turned into a dark color, and all the trees and mountains became black.

There is silence here, as if it were a world of death.

"Will you do this?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help asking.

"Why not!" Void Hulu laughed, "Actually, when you enter here, you just want to plunder the treasures in this broken divine realm? I am also plundering, but the plundering things are different!"

"That's true!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

It really is such a truth.

"That little girl is already awake. Do you want her to come out to breathe?" Void Hulu said.

"Almost forgot!" Zhao Yuande slapped his head.

"Brother Zhao, are we dead?" The girl in red couldn't help but stunned looking at the darkness around him.

"What's dead! We are living well, aren't you recovering?" Zhao Yuande smiled.

"That..." The girl in red pointed to the black hole above Zhao Yuande's head.

"I have cultivated a magical power that can devour the vitality here." Zhao Yuande said.

"Oh!" The girl in red sees that the distance is not completely dark. This is a slight nod.

"Let's go! Let's go to kill!" Zhao Yuandela took the red girl's body and jumped into the sky. "When we came in, we were attacked by the Dongling Palace and the Nanli family. I want to kill them back! Let them regret it!"

"Good!" Hearing Zhao Yuande's words, the red girl's eyes also showed resentment.

The Tangling Palace killed her, and she didn't feel anything.

Their Xuanyuan family originally had a hostile relationship with Dongling Palace.

However, Nan Li's shot against them made her unacceptable without scruples.

The two are an alliance, and they can still start, which is simply intolerable.

This broken world is so vast that they found a direction after flying into the sky.

After flying for a cup of tea, I finally saw a huge, broken palace.

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