Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

There was an occasional shadow sway in it.

"Void gourd, don't swallow it!" Zhao Yuande cut off the swallowing of the main world, "Now it's time to fight and kill!"

"Okay! But the main world is about to transform. If you find a place with great vitality, let me **** it! If the transformation is successful, you can upgrade your cultivation to a level!" Void Gourd is slightly different. Yes, but there is no way.

This more than a month of devouring and looting is comparable to the credit for decades before. At this time, only a little bit can make the main world transform again.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande heard the other party saying this and couldn't help but swim a little excited.

This is a group of palaces, and it is endless, even larger than the largest city that Zhao Yuande has ever seen.

The two fell from a height, near the dilapidated huge palace.

"Come here, this place has been occupied by our dark dimension! If you continue to approach, don't blame us for being unreasonable." Just as the two were about to fall, a cold voice came.

"Dark Dimension!" Zhao Yuande could not help but smile when he heard the name.

"Let's go, let's go!" Zhao Yuande ignored the other party's warning and landed directly on a dilapidated palace with the girl in red.

"Bold!" Just as they fell, dozens of shadows came from all directions.

These shadows are all wearing a special huge cloak with a dark mask on their heads.

"I am bold or you are bold!" Zhao Yuande sneered and started without hesitation.

A black ray of light emanated from his eyebrows, hovering in the air.

The dozens of black shadows were all beheaded and cut into two halves. No blood flowed from the corpse, and no internal organs fell out. They just fell directly to the ground, and the ground trembled with a loud noise.

"Is it the Mojin tribe?" Zhao Yuande looked at the corpse on the ground, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but touched and smiled, "It really is the Mojin tribe, it seems that today is a good day!"

He said that with his big hand, he grabbed all the dozen corpses and put them in his storage space.

"Brother Zhao, what is the Mojin tribe?" The girl in red couldn't help but wonder.

"Oh! Forget Xiao Yu'er!" Zhao Yuande smiled, took out several bodies, and removed the black cloak on them.

The girl in red only saw that the incision at the corpse was as bright as a mirror, and turned out to be a strange black metal.

"This is a bizarre race in the Dark Dimension. They live in underground veins and make a living by plundering the gas of the earth! They are very keen on the gas of the earth. It seems that there must be some kind of vein in the underground. , Or Lingmai!" Zhao Yuande said.

Saying that he pressed the corpses together hard and became a metal ball and handed it to the girl in red.

"This Mo Jin has a great effect. We have a share, and this is yours!" Zhao Yuande laughed.

"Thank you Brother Zhao!" The girl in red smiled slightly, without refusing to directly take the metal ball and put it in her storage space.

"Boom!" The earth shook, a broken palace shattered, and a huge dark green centipede rushed out of the ground.

This dark green centipede is thousands of miles long, and a pair of cold eyes on the huge head stares at Zhao Yuande.

Its big mouth kept vomiting dark green smoke, and a stench came suddenly, making the girl in red felt dizzy.

Zhao Yuande looked at the dark green centipede, but at the top of the dark green centipede.

There stood a strong man of the Mojin clan.

The strong man of the Mojin did not wear a huge cloak, nor did he have a helmet on his head.

His skin was purplish red, and it had obviously transformed to a certain point.

Zhao Yuande saw that his cultivation practice had already broken the way.

Obviously, the Mojin clan strongman, after entering the Broken God Realm in just one month, has successfully promoted from the pinnacle of Chaos Domination to a broken state.

"You beheaded my servants! Are you not afraid of death?" The strong Mojin clan made a rumbling voice.

"I'm scared! Your Mojin tribe is just a pile of materials!" Zhao Yuande sneered.

"Hour courage!" The Mojin clan can't help it even if he is calm again.


The huge dark green centipede underneath it roared, and a dark green flame spewed out of its mouth.

"It's thorny!"

The voids around them were continuously collapsed by this flame.

The red girl's face changed, her body could not help shaking.

Although she is a genius, she is now chaotic dominating the pinnacle, how can she fight against this terrorist force.

If it wasn't for her to stand beside Zhao Yuande at this time, I'm afraid she would have been scared to the ground.


Zhao Yuande snorted.

The little black sword went directly through the void.


A dark green blood gleamed into the sky, and the huge centipede's head, which was thousands of miles long, was directly cut in half by a black sword light.


The huge centipede suddenly lost control and fell directly to the ground.

Countless broken palaces were crushed into powder.

The centipede body just exploded as if it was a balloon filled with water when it fell to the ground.

The dark green mucus landed on the ground and suddenly made a strange noise.

The solid masonry soil, as if Chun Xue encountered the scorching sun, was melted in an instant.

But a huge gully of thousands of miles appeared on the blink of an eye.

Amidst the chasm, there were still sizzling noises.

Obviously, the dark green slime continues to corrode.


A terrible stench filled the space, and the girl in red only felt dizzy and wanted to vomit.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Yuande hurriedly propped up a light curtain to cover the girl in red.

"Brother Zhao, am I too useless!" the red girl asked bitterly.

"No! You haven't raised your cultivation base yet! We will find a place for you to break through the realm later! After you reach the Dao Realm, it will naturally be different!" Zhao Yuande comforted.

"All right!" the girl in red said weakly.

"Damn! Damn! Beheaded my pet, you are still intimate here, when I don't exist?" The strong Mojin cried out an angry roar.

The whole person turned into a meteor falling down towards Zhao Yuande.

The Mojin tribe was originally a race that relied on physical combat, and this powerful Mojin tribe has transformed, almost becoming a Zijin tribe!

You need to know that Tianzhen Zijin is a material that can make top-level Daoyan Divine Soldiers.

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