Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4597: Essence of Earth

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One can imagine how powerful the body of the Mojin clan is.

"Good to come! I just want to weigh your weight." Zhao Yuande saw the other party coming over and put away the little black sword directly, greeted him physically.


There was a tremendous loud noise.

As if a meteor fell to the ground!

A huge impact broke the center of the colliding two and spread infinitely around.

The shock wave is half towards the sky and half towards the ground.

Towards the sky, there was a huge black crack.

Halfway to the ground, cutting the earth, a huge gap appeared.

The earth trembles as if it were to be cut directly into two halves.


There was a dull loud noise under the earth.

A bright golden brilliance rose into the sky, illuminating the whole sky at once.


It was at this time that the Mojin clan felt like he was a piece of tofu.

The moment Zhao Yuande's fist collided with his fist, it saw its arms disintegrate and break apart.

He felt that his half of the body gradually began to disintegrate. He hadn't had time to say the second sentence, and the whole body exploded directly.

Zhao Yuande was still immobile at this time, a slight disappointment on his face, but his eyes had shifted from the crushed Mojin clan strongman to the huge gap on the ground.

"That is!"

Zhao Yuande suddenly felt a tremendous amount of life energy, with the bright golden brilliance sprayed out.

"It's really a good thing. They even looked for a little bit of the earth's spirit!" The Void Gourd exclaimed.

"Spirit of the Earth's Veins? What? Isn't it possible for this world to produce spiritual wisdom?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help wondering.

"It also has a name called the essence of the earth's veins! It has infinite vitality. If it is swallowed up by me, the main world should be transformed!" Void gourd said excitedly.

"Now that's the case! Then let Xuanyuanyu be promoted in the main world first! When she is promoted, you will devour the rest." Zhao Yuande decided.

"Can't take it in, that thing can't leave the ground, it can only be absorbed by the side!" Void gourd said.

"Then... let her be promoted here, and I will protect her." Zhao Yuande's figure flashed to the depths of the chasm, the origin of the golden glory.

It was a fist-sized golden bead suspended quietly in a ruined underground palace.

Below the bead is a mud bowl with a big slap. The mud bowl exudes a strange breath.

It seems that the existence of this mud bowl brought together the essence of the elder brother's fist.

"Sure enough, this method!" Void Gourd was slightly shocked to see the mud bowl.

"Brother Zhao! What is this! I feel that I can't control my cultivation behavior!" The girl in red suddenly exclaimed.

"Okay! This is the essence of the earth's veins, you are practicing next to it, and improving your cultivation behavior! I will protect you!" Zhao Yuande said.

"I...I'm not as good as Brother Zhao in improving his strength. Brother Zhao is better!" The girl in the red dress resisted the surging power in her body and hesitated.

"I'm promoted, you can't help me protect the law! What if a powerful enemy comes?" Zhao Yuande laughed. "Will help you to protect the law after you cultivate to upgrade to the Dao Dao Realm!"

"This..." The girl in red is still hesitating.

"Some of this opportunity is, don't hesitate!" Zhao Yuande patted her shoulder, the body has risen into the sky, "Someone has been attracted, I will solve it first."

"Good!" The girl in red gritted her teeth, and then she made up her mind and sat down cross-legged and began to improve her cultivation status.

This group of people could have been promoted to a certain level, but it was suppressed because they wanted to enter the Broken God Realm.

Now, under the surging power of the essence of the earth, she could no longer suppress it, and she began to climb.

But in the blink of an eye, she managed to reach a half-step breakthrough...

At this time, Zhao Yuande had risen into the sky and came into the air.

He looked to the west, where a few Changhongs crossed across, and blinked before him.

Here are a few priests in cyan robes and purple-gold crowns.

Their eyes were all attracted by the golden light rising from below, and each one was short of breath.

"This... this must be the essence of the earth's veins! We are well-developed!" The voice of a Taoist priest holding funds was a little excited, and his eyes released the light of God.

"The essence of the earth's veins! Enough for us to refine the four peerless mortals! If we can assist several materials, the real world will be great!" A phoenix eye, a slightly feminine Taoist shivered.

"No, the light of the essence of the earth's veins is too full, we have to lay a large array to cover it." A chunky Taoist priest, at this time, was constantly taking out various materials from his storage space. Seems to be deployed.

"Hurry up! I will use Tianzun Tower to suppress it first, and I will save a lot of trouble." The last Taoist man was kind and looked very old.

There was a small tower in his palm.

Gently swayed the small tower to swell, and in a blink of an eye, the world was shrouded, and the area was suddenly shrouded in it.

The golden light soaring into the sky was instantly suppressed, and the light entered the small tower.

"Hello! You didn't see a big living person here!" Zhao Yuande watched the four people busy, said their words, and could not help laughing out loud.

"Boy! Don't be ignorant of the lift, leave now! This is my territory of Ziyunguan!" The Taoist who hated Fu Chen gave Zhao Yuande a contemptuous look, and said lightly, "We Ziyunguan don't like killing, you're still lucky Yes, go!"

"Haha! The bull noses of Ziyun Temple, you are really boring!" Just at this time, several figures appeared not far away.

Zhao Yuande took a look and found that these were the three Buddhas.

A monk has a tall body, and the skin of the whole body shows a light gold luster, just like the protector king in the temple.

A hairy head with long hair almost covered his eyes, giving a wild and uninhibited feeling.

A little nun, with a golden lion under her, she has a solemn expression and holds a treasure bottle.

The blue light of the road escaped from the bottle, and a fresh breath filled the air.

Although the three are all Buddhists, walking together is always awkward.

The speaker was the long-haired head tuo, at this time a pair of bright eyes appeared under his long hair.

"Bull noses, we see each other. We have half of the essence of the ground." The tall monk took a big step forward.

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