Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4598: Four Taoists

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"This...but we discovered it first! And we are four people, you are just three people, not as good as our four or six split?" The Taoist priest with a dust-brush looked at the little nun, and seemed to be very afraid of it.

"Haha! Okay! Six of us, four of you, well assigned!" The monk laughed.

"It's six of us, four of you!" The Taoist priest holding a dust face looked a little ugly.

"Fart!" the monk shouted.

The sound oscillated into the void, and there were terrible void ripples!

The other three Taoists also stopped their work and pushed them all together.

With such huge benefits, they cannot retreat.

"I said, you are enough!" Zhao Yuande still can't stand it anymore.

Here is his place, how can he watch these guys flaunting their power here.

If it weren't for seeing these as human beings, and it doesn't seem to be the kind of fierce and wicked, he would have shot them all.

All of these people are all of the Dao Dao Cultivation Practice, apparently they have been prepared outside for a long time, and they will retreat together as soon as they come in. Eventually, the Dao Dao Cultivation is swept away.

And they are all a dimensional elite, genius!

Zhao Yuande, who is just the chaos dominating the peak, how could they care!

"Who are you?" The monk frowned as he discovered Zhao Yuande's existence.

"I am the master here! I discovered this essence of the ground!" Zhao Yuande raised his head.

"Go away and play! Don't delay our time here." Tuotuo seemed to have a bad temper and scolded.

"I said, you must go now! This is not your stage anymore! Find a place to break through quickly, you are now qualified to speak here." The Taoist priests who are full of kindness are older, and it seems that looking at Zhao Yuande No, he couldn't help but persuaded to say, "The four of us are fortunate to say that the other side of the Tuo Tuo is going to kill!"

"Really?" Zhao Yuande looked at the head tuo.

"Go!" Tuto shouted.

"Be careful!"

At the moment Toutuo yelled, the little nun's solemn face suddenly showed shock.

That caution came from her mouth.


There was a loud noise.

The head Tuo body flew out, hit the ground hard, and smashed the ground out of a huge hole.

Tuotuo lay in the big pit, covered with blood, but did not die.

First of all, he had a relationship with Buddhism and got the six-character mantra of Buddhism. Secondly, he had a good impression of Buddhism.

Moreover, this head Tuo just scolded him, and did not directly kill him.

Explain that the other party is not the kind of innocent killing.

So Zhao Yuande didn't strike him hard, just a little punishment.


Everyone couldn't help but looked at Zhao Yuande inconceivably.

"Who the **** are you?" Toutuo's voice trembled, and he finally got up from the big pit.

"A person you can't provoke, leave immediately, don't wait for me to be angry." Zhao Yuande said lightly.

"You...I know were the one who was killed before the Broken God Realm! You are not dead!" The Taoist with a whisk held his eyes wide.

"Oh! You have good eyes!" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly.

"Come on!" The Taoist priest holding a whisk changed his complexion, and turned to shout at several companions around him.

"Go!" The monk naturally also saw the scene of Zhao Yuande being killed.

He was killed by a strong man in a half-step eternal realm, and he was able to survive. How powerful is this man!

The monk's imagination can't help but tremble!

So the monk turned around without hesitation and left, even ignoring the two companions.

Toutuo hurriedly followed the monk.

The little nun hesitated slightly, but eventually urged the golden lion under him to go away.

"Four of you wait!" Zhao Yuande suddenly thought of a question.

The four Taoists were about to walk away, but they heard Zhao Yuande's words and couldn't help but stiffen their bodies!

"That... this son, we..." The Daoist with a whisk could not help changing his face.

"I'm missing a few people to help. You four will stay!" Zhao Yuande mainly fancyed that the four of them could form an array and could shield the sky-high brilliance of the essence of the earth.

"This..." The four Taoists looked at each other, but were afraid to say anything unwilling.

The four of them were very close to where they were attacked at that time, and they clearly felt how terrifying the horns finally appeared on Zhao Yuande's head.

That is to counter the power of the half-step eternal realm. Although they think they are geniuses, they are only native chickens and dogs in front of the half-step eternal realm.

I'm afraid it was slapped by someone's slap.

"What's wrong? Are you unwilling?" Zhao Yuande looked at the four.

" is our pleasure and pleasure!" said the man with a dusty whisper.

"Well! Continue to set up and block the glory." Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"Yes!" Four Taoists, you look at me, I see that you can only laugh bitterly in the end.

"Oh! What are your four names?" Zhao Yuande turned to look at them.

"Oh! We are Hongmeng of heaven and earth... No, I am Xuan Tianzi, this is my brother, Xuan Dizi, Xuan Hongzi, Xuan Mengzi!" Taoist who held the dust introduced one by one, "We are invincible in origin dimension The God's Domain Ziyun Temple..."

He wanted to say that it was the Four Avenues of Ziyun Temple, but he felt that he could not speak.

"Invincible God Realm?"

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but hear the name.

"Yes! Invincible God Realm. The son has heard of our God Realm?" Xuan Tianzi looked at Zhao Yuande.

He had seen Zhao Yuande walking with people of eternal dimension before, and thought he was a person of eternal dimension.

"I am also a person of origin dimension! I'm afraid you have also heard of my name." Zhao Yuande smiled slightly.

"What! Are you... also a person of origin dimension?" Xuan Tianzi couldn't help but widen his eyes, looked at Zhao Yuande straightly, and then exclaimed with a loud voice, " it Zhao Yuande!"

"Oh! How did you know?" Zhao Yuande was slightly surprised when he heard the other person yelling his name.

"Yes! Your name is spread throughout the origin dimension, no one knows who knows no one!" Xuan Tianzi heard Zhao Yuande's confirmed tone and relaxed at once.

The original worried face eased down suddenly.

"Your son, you are Zhao Yuande!" Xuan Mengzi, the oldest, couldn't help but come forward, constantly looking at Zhao Yuande up and down, and also took out a portrait block for comparison, "It really is you..."

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