Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4599: Uncle Shi

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"I've seen Uncle Shi!" The four Taoists glanced at each other, and they all arched their hands at Zhao Yuande.

There were surprises on their faces, and some respect.

"Wait! Why do you call me Uncle Shi? Do you and my ancestors eat Taoist people..." Zhao Yuande thought of this relationship.

"Yes! Your ancestor is our master's uncle ancestor!" Xuan Tianzi did not have the fear of the past, and looked at Zhao Yuande much more kindly, "Our master followed the invincible sage to the invincible **** realm, and finally helped the sage Jun became the master of the invincible **** realm, and our masters also established Ziyun concept."

"It turns out! It was really flooding the Dragon King Temple!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but fear for a while.

If I didn't hold back just now and killed these four Taoists, I'm afraid there is really no way to explain to Shizu and his old man.

"Since this is the case, the four of us will follow Master Shi!" Xuan Tianzi looked at Zhao Yuande expectantly.

"No problem! They are all a family." Zhao Yuande patted his chest.

Thanks to the four Taoists who blocked the light here, only after a few people were sent by Zhao Yuande, no one bothered to bother.

Ten days later, a red shadow rose into the sky and appeared beside Zhao Yuande.

"Brother Zhao! I broke through! I finally broke through to the Dadao Realm!" The girl in red jumped and jumped excitedly.

"Good! Since it's a breakthrough, that's good!" Zhao Yuande nodded and smiled all over his face, "Come and get to know, this is my four teacher nephews, Xuan Tianzi, Xuan Dizi, Xuan Hongzi, Xuan Meng Son, this is Xuanyuanyu girl."

"See..." The four Taoists looked at the girl in red and did not know what to call it?

Is it also called Uncle Shi?

"Just call her Xiao Yu'er!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand, disliked these messy etiquette.

"Have seen the little Yuer girl!" The four headed together.

"I have seen four Taoists." Xiao Yuer smiled.

She didn't ask the origins of the four, but she was very kind to Zhao Yuande's friend.

"Okay, you guys talk, I went to collect the essence of the earth's veins." Zhao Yuande plunged into the big pit and let the void gourd begin to devour the essence of the earth's veins.

Although the essence of the earth's veins at this time has been smaller, it still took a little half a day to complete the swallowing under the full goblet of the empty gourd.

"Almost a bit! It's almost a bit of a metamorphosis!" Void Gourd slightly regretted.

"Is it possible for me to open the God Hidden in the Forged Realm again if I cultivate to break through the Dao Dao Dao Realm?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"It is true!" Void Hulu said, "but for your own consideration, don't break through for the time being!"

"Why?" Zhao Yuande slightly puzzled.

"Because if the main world is transformed, you will be fed back to you, and then you will raise the level, you will get more and become more powerful." Void Hulu said.

"Okay! Then wait for a while." Zhao Yuande nodded.

Heaven, Earth, Hongmeng and the four people collected their formations, and all looked at Zhao Yuande with scorching eyes.

The girl in red also looked at Zhao Yuande at this time.

"What do you guys watch me do?" Zhao Yuande felt weird.

"Brother Zhao, you don't know what happened in the previous month." The girl in red was excited, "This broken **** realm was activated by the inheritance palace, and countless people went to the inheritance palace to get the inheritance."

"Inheritance Palace?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be interested.

"Yes! It is the inheritance palace! It is said that the creator of this broken **** realm is a powerful existence of the same level as the creator of our big universe, and even more ancient and powerful. If it can be inherited, I am afraid that it will skyrocket, even Break the shackles, have the opportunity to achieve eternity!" Xuan Tianzi said.

"Break the shackles?" Zhao Yuande puzzled.

"If our big universe wants to achieve eternity, we need the recognition of the big universe, a mysterious light given by the big universe! Otherwise, you will never be able to achieve eternity. There is a legend in this broken **** realm that directly achieves eternity. Method..." said Xuan Tianzi's lips were trembling.

"It turned out to be like this!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but get excited.

If it can be inherited, it can steadily achieve the eternal powerhouse.

He feels that now in the Broken God Realm, I am afraid that no one can stop his pace, if he can not get the inheritance, other people are even more impossible.

"Then we..." Xuan Tianzi said.

"Go! Go now!" Zhao Yuande could not wait now.

When Zhao Yuande saw the inheritance palace, his mouth could not help Zhang Da.

This is too shocking. Even he has seen countless magical buildings, but was shocked by the inheritance palace in front of him.

This is a tall tower that doesn't know how many trillions of miles. The tower goes straight into the sky dome and is inserted into the clouds. It doesn't know how many floors there are.

Each floor is hundreds of thousands of feet high, with a powerful sacred animal carved outside.

These sacred beasts come to life as if they were real.

Even these holy beasts released a powerful coercion, making people dare not approach this tower.

When Zhao Yuande saw these holy beasts, he felt roaring sounds as if they were in front of him.

When they and their party flew to the Heritage Palace, they found it was a crowd of people.

Almost all the people of Broken God Realm came here.

But none of these people dared to approach this heritage palace, all tens of thousands of miles apart.

Zhao Yuande accidentally glanced at several familiar figures, a few geniuses in the Holy Lotus Realm, but they were not particularly familiar between them, and he did not go up to say hello.

"The Mirror Girl didn't come. Isn't she going to enter the Broken God Realm this time?"

Zhao Yuande was looking for it before entering the Broken God Realm, but he didn't see it.

There is still no trace of her here.

"Uncle Shi! They said that the Heritage Palace will start a unified test after three days, and those who pass the test will enter the first level for trial." Xuan Tianzi quickly heard the news and hurried back to report.

"Oh! Three days later!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "What happened before? Didn't you say it has already started?"

"Uncle Master, you don't know! A group of people broke into the inheritance palace before the inheritance palace opened, and the result broke before entering the gate! Then no one dared to try it, and everyone gathered here There are more and more people. It wasn’t until the Legacy Palace just heard a voice, let everyone wait for three days to start! If someone rushed into the room will definitely die." Xuan Tianzi said.

"Brother Zhao, shall we come again in three days?"

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