Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4601: Good heart

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"Let's go in and see!" Zhao Yuande looked coldly at a forest covered place in the distance.

The forest is exceptionally tall, with large trees covering the sky and the canopy thousands of miles in radius.

"Bold! How dare you attack my Moon Clan!" At this time, a large group of strong men rushed out of the Black Forest below.

All of them are cultivation behaviors of breaking the Dao Realm, one by one with strong strength and cold eyes.

"All the debris of the dark dimension, you all go to death!" Zhao Yuande faced these dark dimension people without leaving his hand in the slightest.

The little black sword continually shuttles in the void, reaping the vivid life madly.

Although the girl in red is also very disgusted with the people of the dark dimension, but when she sees this kind of killing, she can't help but feel a little startled.

She hurriedly moved her body behind Zhao Yuande, so that Zhao Yuande's body blocked her sight.

Zhao Yuande naturally felt her small movements, and she could not only sigh slightly.

The girl in red is used by the elders. I am afraid that she has never experienced such a brutal killing.

But soon he was relieved that such innocent and cute girl would have to stay away from killing.


A loud noise came from the Black Forest below.

A huge black giant ape jumped into the sky at once, punched Zhao Yuande and the girl in red and was killed.

This black giant ape has a very powerful breath, which has far surpassed the ordinary power-breakers.

The fist came, the sky cracked, and the void exploded.

Even Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be a little surprised, but he didn't expect there is such a powerful opponent here.

However, he was immediately excited, because the other party wanted to get close to himself.

"Haha! Come on well!" Zhao Yuande grabbed the girl in red with one hand, and the other hand greeted the fist towards the black giant ape.


Although the girl in red has reached the breaking point at this time, it is not enough to look at this black giant ape.

She only felt the punch of the other party, as if she could kill herself directly, and her soul could not help shaking at the moment.

"Don't be afraid! Open your eyes and see how it was defeated by me!" Zhao Yuande's voice rang in her ears.

The girl in red suddenly felt a strong breath over her, and the danger disappeared.

Brother Zhao is so powerful!

The girl in red once felt the power of Zhao Yuande, and she couldn't help but reveal her worship.


Zhao Yuande's fist collided with the fist of the black giant ape, and a terrifying shock wave erupted.

The large black forest below is harvested as if it were wheat.


There were screams after another, apparently the people in the forest below were all shattered under this terrible aftermath.

Although they were not dead, they were also seriously injured.


And the black giant ape at this time although the body just retreated in the air to go back hundreds of feet, but it was screaming again and again in pain.

Because the flesh of his fist opened, revealing the bones of Bai Sensen.

"What a powerful body!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but start to admire.


Hearing Zhao Yuande's words, the black giant ape could not help but growl and ran away.

"You are also a creature of the Dark Dimension, so I'm sorry, you are going to die too!" Zhao Yuande manipulated the black dagger and instantly penetrated the head of the black giant ape.


The huge body fell directly, and the earth began to tremble violently.

"What a horrible sword!" The girl in red was really shocked.

Just how powerful the black giant ape was just now, I'm afraid it's about to catch up with her elder brother Xuanyuan.

But under the black dagger, there was no strength to fight back.

"This sword is what I got from purgatory, I am afraid it has a lot of promise." Zhao Yuande laughed.

"Courage!" At this time in the far-away black forest, the strong again rushed out.

But when they saw the black giant ape dead on the ground, their face changed suddenly.

"There are humans among you?" Zhao Yuande looked at this group of strong men, and he couldn't help looking colder.

Because he saw that half of this group of strong people are humans.

They seem to be cooperating with the strong Yue people.

"Who are you! Dare to break into the Forbidden Land of the Eternal Palace and the Moon Clan!" Among them was the first human strongman, who seemed to be a little old, half of his hair was white, and looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes full of fear.

He had to fear that everyone knew how powerful the black giant ape was.

I am afraid that only two young masters can defeat them here, but they were beheaded in a short time.

They can only threaten each other with the names of two major forces.

"Eternal Palace!" Zhao Yuande looked somber.

"They are the people in Dongling Palace!" The girl in red came out from behind Zhao Yuande at this time, her face full of anger.

"People in the Tomb Palace!" Zhao Yuande suddenly murderous.

"It's you!" The strong man of Dongling Palace saw the girl in red, and his face suddenly changed. "You didn't die, you recovered!"

"How could I die!" Zhao Yuande sneered, "but today you are all going to die!"

The half-step eternal strongman of the Tomb Palace used to attack him outside. If it weren’t for the old goat, he would definitely die.

He has long vowed to kill everyone who entered the Tomb Palace in this broken shrine.

Now it was the enemies who met with special jealousy.

"Kill! Strike to kill him with all your strength! At the same time notify the two young masters!" The people in Dongling Palace roared.

There are hundreds of strong people of the two races. At this time, they all killed Zhao Yuande and the girl in red.

They know that today is an endless situation and they must do their best.

"You are all going to die!" Zhao Yuande's face was grim.

The black short sword turned into a black ocean, directly submerging the whole world.


"This man is too powerful to run!"

"Do not kill me……"


Suddenly a screaming after another.

Zhao Yuande stood indifferently in the air, facing the demise of so many powerful lives, he felt painful.

At this time, behind him, the body of the girl in red was shaking slightly.

"Brother Zhao, I want to enter your inner world." The girl in red felt terrified, and he didn't want to see this kind of terrorist killing again.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly and included her in the main world.

Some people are born cold-hearted and merciless, and some people are born with a kind heart.

The girl in red belongs to the latter. Furthermore, in these years, there are shelters and masks of the old woman and Xuanyuan family, and she has not been exposed to this terrible killing too much.

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