Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4602: Stone gate

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Chapter 4602 Stone Gate

Zhao Yuande felt that the Xuanyuan family should not allow the girl in red to enter the broken **** realm.

In fact, what Zhao Yuande didn't know was that the original Xuanyuan family really didn't intend to let the girl in red enter the Broken God Realm.

But later, because of the emergence of Zhao Yuande, they made changes. They wanted the girl in red to follow Zhao Yuande.

One is to get the girl in red to get Zhao Yuande's luck and get some chance.

The other is to want a closer relationship between the girl in red and Zhao Yuande.

However, the choice of the girl in red at this time also makes Zhao Yuande feel at ease, let her live a happy and quiet life!

Zhao Yuande was frantically killing here, and the bodies of the Dark Dimensional and Dongling Palace fell like rain on the ground.

Although these strong men are weak to Zhao Yuande, they are heaven for ordinary practitioners.

Their flesh is so powerful that the blood in their bodies is like a vast ocean.

In just a few breaths, the black forest below became a sea of ​​blood.

"Damn!" There was a roar again in the distance.

The two figures are faster than Dianguang and appear opposite Zhao Yuande.

"Yue Clan? Dongling Palace?" Zhao Yuande looked at the two people across from him, and couldn't help but smile coldly from the corner of his mouth.

At the same time he also felt that the silver dagger in his body seemed to tremble slightly, as if something was attracting it.

Zhao Yuande was also slightly surprised, but then he wanted to understand.

This palace is related to the silver dagger, why the other party can find it here, probably because they have something connected to the silver dagger, or they have the last silver dagger.

So he didn't do it for the first time.

"You are Zhao Yuande!" The young master of the Yue clan is a woman shrouded in black light, her body is enchanting, but her voice is full of strong fear at this time.

Yueshuang is her elder sister, and it would not be possible for Yueshuang to become the new young master if Yueshuang died.

She actually didn't hate Zhao Yuande, and she was a little grateful.

But she knows Zhao Yuande's power very well.

She knows how strong her sister is, and she has always been invincible in the same realm.

But he did not expect to be killed by Zhao Yuande inadvertently.

The young master of Dongling Palace is a young man, somewhat similar to the son of Dongling.

He is the cousin of Prince Tangling.

Although Donglingzi and Donglingzi did not die at this time, their mentality was indeed collapsed, otherwise how could his cousin come to power.

His mentality is actually exactly the same as the young master of the Yue clan.

However, at this time, they faced back to Zhao Yuande at the same time.

"Zhao Yuande, we might as well make a discussion. We will explore this palace together, and the treasures are all based on their own abilities." Dongling's cousin could not help saying at this time.

"Oh! Do you want to cooperate with me?" Zhao Yuande looked at the two with interest.

Although a smile appeared on his face at this time, his heart was still cold.

He wanted to see what the two wanted to do.

"Yes! Cooperation!" The young master of the Yue clan nodded again and again, "The last time our two clan predecessors discovered this palace together, although most of them were broken, but there is an underground temple in the center but it is intact and wants to enter. Among them is the need for guides and keys. At this time, our two families have their own hands, so we will cooperate."

"Oh! It turns out so!" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly.

"Then... you promised!" The young master of the Yue clan looked at Zhao Yuande's face with a look of hope.

At the same time, her heart is also jumping wildly, the underground temple is extremely dangerous, if you can really let Zhao Yuande enter with them, maybe you can use the symbol in her hand to Yin Zhao Yuande.

"I... did not agree." Zhao Yuande shook his head slightly.

"Why!" The Young Master of the Moon Clan was a little puzzled.

"Because you are dead, the underground temple here is mine!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand, and the black sword came in an instant.


A hazy moonlight rises on the young master of the Moon clan, which suddenly stops the black sword's beheading.


However, the cousin of Prince Tongling at this time burst into a roar.

He didn't know when there was a huge gray stone door in his hand.

The gray stone door gives a very solemn and solemn feeling, as if someone is pushing the stone door gently.


The stone door was slowly pushed open, and a dry and weak old man walked out of it.

The old man's eyes were turbid and there was no vitality, but he began to tremor every time he stepped out of the world.

Seeing this old man Zhao Yuande could not help feeling a powerful crisis coming, this old man turned out to be a very powerful corpse!

Shimen sealed the corpse, and gave the corpse a short spiritual wit.


The old man walked out of the stone gate and shouted.

The sky and earth were violently shaken, and a series of spatial ripples appeared.

Zhao Yuande only felt an unimaginable horror divine power swept over and directly flew him away.

"Dead!" Dongling's cousin was also very excited to see the old man so powerful. He roared and urged the old man to take a slap towards Zhao Yuande.

"What! It's so powerful!" Zhao Yuande was also shocked.

This should be a powerful existence that has reached a half-step eternal realm.

I don't know what happened because the dead body was sealed in this stone gate.

"This stone gate seems to have something to do with me!" The Zhenlong pagoda at this time suddenly opened, a little excited in the voice.

"It has something to do with you?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be shocked.

"Yes! It has something to do with me!" Zhenlong Pagoda... which is the Tao Yu Dao Dao, "I entered this world and I awakened some memories. I should have been taken away from here at the beginning! It wasn’t a pagoda when I walked, but a formation, a great formation for twelve days! There were twelve gates and twelve powerful magical powers. But then it was broken in a terrifying battle, and I left Ten gates! One of them suppressed the children of Purgatory, and in the end, only nine of them became what looked like a treasure pagoda."

"It turns out so! Is this stone gate one of the two gates you have lost?" Zhao Yuande's eyes lit up.

"It's very possible!" said Zhenlong Pagoda.


Zhao Yuande flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

During the conversation between him and Zhenlong Pagoda, his attention was not concentrated, and he was slapped on the chest by the slap of the body.

If he hadn't put on the powerful Daoyan Divine Soldier's armor, he would have exploded.

Even so, his inner abdomen has become a ball of meat.

Zhao Yuande never dared to be distracted by the undead power running crazy.

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