Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4603: Come out to save the car

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"Old goat came out to rescue the driver!" Zhao Yuande had no choice but to summon this guy.

The old goat was practicing at this time and was summoned by Zhao Yuande.

"Where is this? It's a great suppression on me! I can't appear here for a long time, otherwise the cultivation may be reduced." The old goat felt the breath in the broken **** realm and couldn't help yelling.

"Don't say this first, let me solve the corpse first!" Zhao Yuande roared.

"it is good!"

The old goat is a real half-step eternal powerhouse.

The bottom of the corpse could be seen at a glance.

"Actually made the half-step eternal strongman into a weapon, you **** it!" The old goat struck the corpse with a punch and flew directly to Prince Tongling's cousin.

"Mah! What a monster!" Tang Ling's cousin had just suppressed Zhao Yuande for less than a second. When he saw the appearance of the old goat, he directly reversed the situation.

He was so terrified that he almost fell directly to the ground.

He turned to run away, but how could he be faster than the old goat.

One of the old goats caught in the sky, the cousin of Prince Tongling, the gray gate, including the young master of the Moon clan, was taken into the palm of his hand.

The gray gate chair was photographed, and the corpse suddenly lost its vitality and fell to the ground at once.

"No! Every time I take a breath here, my practice will be reduced by one point. I'm afraid I will be weakened into a mortal in half an hour!" The old goat screamed in horror, "Master, hurry up I will send it back!"

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He knows that this broken God Realm is very weird, otherwise it is impossible to restrict the strong man who is dominated by Chaos to the peak to enter.

Even the strong men of the eternal realm break into it and are alive and dead.

"This corpse is a good thing, and can become the core energy of a dimension world!" The Void Gourd has already begun to ask for loot.

"Good! Here you are!" Zhao Yuande directed the old goat to bring the body into the main world.

The cousin of Prince Tongling, the young master of the Yue clan, felt ashamed at this time. Knowing that he would die, he was too lazy to resist.

At this time, the gray stone door has fallen into the palm of Zhao Yuande.

"Hand over your guides and keys, and I will spare you your life and make you my servants!" Zhao Yuande looked at the two.

They are all peerless geniuses and they must have extraordinary abilities.

Entering the main world can help develop a wild dimension world.

"I...willing to be a slave!" Dongling's cousin agreed directly.

He said that Dongling Master took out a small silver sword, and gave his hands to Zhao Yuande instead.

"Haha! Not bad!" Zhao Yuande was overjoyed.

It really took no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere. I didn't expect to get the last silver sword.

When the silver sword entered the body and suddenly merged together, Zhao Yuande felt the strange change of the silver sword merged in an instant.

"I would rather die than surrender!" The Young Master of the Moon Clan gritted his teeth.

"Well, you hand over something, I will give you a pain!" Zhao Yuande has no favor for the dark dimension, they do not know how much killing they caused when they invaded the human world.

As the so-called non-my family must have a different heart, there is only one word for this enemy, kill!

The Young Master of the Moon Tribe also simply took a fist-sized silver orb and directly threw it to Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande took the silver orb and suddenly felt a strange power echoing the silver sword in his body.

Good stuff!


The Young Master of the Moon Clan said nothing, and his body exploded, turning into a black mist and dissipating in place.

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, you enter my inner world!" Zhao Yuande grabbed the cousin of Prince Dongling and sent it directly into the main world.

There was another slave of the rank of young master.

"What about this stone gate?" Zhao Yuande asked Zhenlong Pagoda while holding the gray stone gate.

"Send it in first and let me study it! I felt that if I could get together the twelve stone gates, I would be back to where I was." Zhenlong Pagoda said.

"Okay! Here you are!"

Walking into the black forest in front of him, he felt that the silver orb and silver sword in the inner world became more and more restless.

Soon he saw a ruined palace under the tallest giant tree.

The palace has been cleaned up and there is a black hole in the center.

"Huh?" Zhao Yuande turned to look in one direction.

Several Changhong came flying by.

"Who are you? Did the Tangling here go there?" asked the young man headed tall and murderous.

The young man's eyebrows were thick and his face was full of furrows.

"Who are you?" Zhao Yuande looked at each other.

"I am Lin Nan! Xian Yunzong Lin Nan!" The youth looked Zhao Yuande up and down, with doubts in his eyes.

"Dongling Ming you said has been killed by me! Now here is mine, please hurry up!" Zhao Yuande heard the words Xian Yunzong and his intention to kill disappeared.

Xian Yunzong's Dong Yunhou and him are still somewhat clear, as long as the other party does not deal with himself, then everything is fine.

"Slain by you? What are you bragging about! There is more than one person in Tangling, but also the miscellaneous pieces of the moon clan!" Lin Nan expressed disbelief.

"Oh! Look over there!" Zhao Yuande pointed to the flattened forest not far away,

There was already a blood lake there, and the strong **** smell permeated the air.

"That's..." These people just came in a storm, and they didn't notice the blood lake when they wanted revenge.

Now when I look at it, my face suddenly changes.

With their power, it was instantly discovered that all of them were a corpse in the blood lake.

"Okay! It's okay to leave here quickly." Zhao Yuande waved his hand, and the man had walked to the entrance of the black hole.

"Brother Lin, what should I do?" Someone looked at Lin Nan.

"What to do! Leave now! We are afraid that this person... can't afford to provoke." Lin Nan looked at Zhao Yuande's back, his face changed slightly at this time.

"Who is he?" someone asked.

"He... seems to be the Zhao Yuande who was attacked by the half-step eternal powerhouse! After being chased and killed by the half-step eternal powerhouse, he is still alive, how powerful it is!" Lin Nan looked very serious.

"What! He is that Zhao Yuande?" Everyone couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"What are you waiting for, let's go!"


These people all showed fear on their faces, turned around and left.

These people are also big mouths, and Zhao Yuande's killing of the two young masters of the Moon Clan and Dongling Palace alone spread instantly.

In just one day, the news reached almost everyone's ears.

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