Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4604: Underpass

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Some people marvel, some are shocked, some are frightened, some are delighted.

"Zhao Yuande! Zhao Yuande, our Holy Lotus God Realm, did not expect him to be so powerful!"

"Zhao Yuande is my sister's friend. He has been missing for many years, but he didn't expect to be alive!"

"He's here... what other opportunities do we have, and the Heritage Palace should not come, just go to other places to find opportunities!"

"Zhao Yuande..."

"Zhao Yuande..."


Almost everyone in Broken God Realm is talking about this name.

Zhao Yuande did not pay attention to these people, strode into the entrance of the palace.

This is a slightly broken passage, curved and spiraling towards the ground.

The further he went down, the more Zhao Yuande felt brighter.

The walls around the channel began to become bright, and a beautiful mural appeared on both sides of the channel.

There is a fist-sized luminous bead a few feet away from the top of the head.

He saw that the exquisite murals are basically depicting cruel battles, powerful gods fighting evil evil gods, fighting dark creatures, fighting monsters rushing from the void.

Although it was only a mural, it made Zhao Yuande feel a **** cruelty.

Those powerful gods keep falling, but there are more and more terrible enemies.

In the end, the whole world was occupied by these terrible enemies, and the gods could only escape to the ground and linger on.

Finally one day, a powerful **** was born and led all gods out of the ground.

In this battle, the world is falling apart, the sun and the moon are sinking, and the world is collapsing.

The powerful **** finally killed the leader of the powerful enemy, but he also exhausted all his strength and eventually fell.

In order to commemorate this powerful god, the powerful gods of the Celestial Race were buried in the former underground world.

"This is just a simple story, or a hint?" Zhao Yuande could not help but have a guess in his heart after reading these murals.

After the mural painting was completed, the front passage had also reached the end, and a huge underground palace appeared.

There were dozens of corpses lying in the palace at this time.

Among them were the Moon Tribe and the people in the Tomb Palace, all of them were miserable, and seemed to be torn apart by horrible claws.

Zhao Yuande immediately became alert, and the space of the gods had covered the entire underground palace.

But to his surprise, this underground palace does not seem to be dangerous.

Just on a wall, there is a hazy door.

The gate seemed to be just a shadow, but it kept flashing and dim.

Zhao Yuande can feel from the gate, it seems to have the breath of a practitioner.

He came to the gate, trying to dive into the soul, but found that there was no response at all.

But his finger lightly touched the door, only to find that his finger actually entered the door.

"The flesh can enter, but the spirit is restricted." Zhao Yuande frowned slightly.

At this time, a figure burst out of the gate.

This is a young man. At this time he was covered with blood stains and had been stained as a blood man.

His face was terrified, as if there were some terrible monsters inside.

"Ah... I don't want to die! I don't want to die!" After the man rushed out, he shouted wildly, as if frightened.

"What's inside?" Zhao Yuande grabbed the man and sneered.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!" The man trembled and almost collapsed on the ground. "I don't want to die, don't force me to go in!"

Zhao Yuande frowned slightly when he heard this man's words.

He probably knew what had happened.

It should be the two young masters of the Yue tribe and the Dongling Palace. Knowing that it is very dangerous in the light gate, they sent people to play the striker and explore what is inside.

"Calm down, the people of the Yue tribe and Dongling Palace are dead! No one is forcing you!" Zhao Yuande's voice brought the power of a six-word mantra.

The man quickly calmed down and knew what was happening now, and then looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes full of gratitude.

"What happened before? What is inside?" Zhao Yuande looked at the man.

"We are the people of the Heavenly Realm, and they were caught by them and forced to enter the door to help them... There are endless demons in this door, they are endless killing, we have hundreds of people dead inside! Only me... …And escaped.” The man said he couldn't help but look pale and frightened.

"Is it the monsters and monsters on the mural?" Zhao Yuande asked in his heart.

"Yes! It's them... terrible!" the man's body shuddered.

"Okay! You can go!" Zhao Yuande waved at him.

Hearing Zhao Yuande's words, the man was ecstatic and hurried out of the hall.

"It seems that the mural is not a story, but what really happened. This gate should be the test!" Zhao Yuande's face showed a sense of enlightenment.

Would you like to go in?

A resolute color appeared on Zhao Yuande's face, and he stepped directly into the light door in one step.

This is a dark passage, and the walls of the passage are all dark red blood stains and deep scratches.

"Sure enough, the soul here has lost its effect and can only fight with flesh."

Zhao Yuande felt the repression of the spirit of the gods, he could no longer leave his body, and there was no way to use magical means.

There was a strong **** breath, and a whole body of black insects rushed from the end of the passage.

The sharp, zigzag-shaped front claw cut towards the head of Zhao Yuande.


Zhao Yuande flew the worm into the dark passage with a punch, and his body exploded into a flesh and blood in the air.


There was a slight trembling sound, and Zhao Yuande suddenly felt something seemed to be behind him.

His body dodged, but it was still a little late.

A sharp thorn directly pierced Zhao Yuande's neck.

However, Zhao Yuande's body was so powerful that this thorn was directly shattered on his neck and turned into countless fragments.


A wailing cry came.

Only then did he see that the spiky shot was a fist-sized black bee.

The strange bee shoots a sharp spike at the tail, and the body begins to wither gradually, as if the previous thorn has exhausted all its life energy.

Zhao Yuande's heart moved, and a silver orb appeared in his hand.

As soon as the silver orb appeared in his hand, he suddenly released a strange power.

This force seemed to be a silver mist, which suddenly melted into the surrounding walls.

Suddenly, the entire channel seemed to be subjected to some kind of chain reaction, and it turned directly bright.

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