Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4606: Metamorphosis

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Chapter 4606 Transformation and Promotion

"Congratulations on getting the inheritance token of the Heritage Tower, through which you can enter the real Heritage Hall, and you can enter and exit the Heritage Tower at will!" A murky voice came into Zhao Yuande's ears.

"It turns out so!" Zhao Yuande nodded and realized in his heart.

This should be a branch test. Only by passing the test here can we really get the inheritance of the inheritance palace.

"I'm afraid there are other tests, and others will get this token." Zhao Yuande seemed to feel it.

But he is not worried, he is invincible here, no one wants to compete with him for inheritance.

"This time the harvest is good, enough for the main world to transform!" Void Hulu said, "Just practice here for a while! When the main world transforms to completion, raise your strength to a broken road, and then go out!"

"That's fine!" Zhao Yuande simply retired here to practice.

More than ten days later, a violent shock suddenly broke out in the main world.

The body of the anti-sky hoist enveloped by the hazy white mist began to expand madly.

Thick vines spread endlessly in the cosmic sky, expanding constantly.

Pieces of leaves lifted up the stars, and gradually evolved into a dimensional world.

All kinds of life in these two-dimensional worlds have appeared, flowers and trees, mountains and rivers...

Metamorphosis lasted for thirty years, but only three days passed outside.

At this time, the main world is ten times larger than before, and the dimensional world has changed from 36,000 to 3.6 million.


The surging power was mixed into Zhao Yuande's body with a powerful force of the universe's origin.

"Let's get promoted!" The Void Gourd's voice came.

After another month, Zhao Yuande suddenly opened his eyes.

His cultivation base finally entered the world from the pinnacle of Chaos.

At this time he felt the power in his body was endless, unlike the previous general, he could hide his strength at will.

It's like a volcano that will erupt at any time.

However, this promotion is just a promotion above mana. His physical body has basically not changed, and his soul has not changed much. Now it is equivalent to the peak strength of the ecstasy.

Fighting power is stronger than before, but it is not too powerful.

If it is said that he was able to fight against the strongest of the ecstasy realm before, he can now ask to suppress the peak of the ecstatical realm, and he can fight against the strongest without the selfless realm!

The three realms of the Dadao Realm, the true self, the ecstasy, and the ego.

These three realms are divided into four small realms after the junior high school.

On top of the selfless realm, there is also the realm of half-step eternity.

At this time, Zhao Yuande's cultivation practice was the early stage of real self-realism, and the combat effectiveness was the early stage of non-self realm.

"Let's go! There is a delay of two months here. The inheritance palace has already been opened. I have to hurry over." Zhao Yuande got the inheritance token and can transfer it to the inheritance tower at any time.

At this point, he urged the token in his hand, and his body rate hike would disappear.

Before the Tower of Inheritance, this time is already different from the original.

Not seen in a few months, this place has become a hustle and bustle city.

Towers of tall buildings rise from the ground, all built around the tower of heritage.

Most of these high-rise buildings are treasure buildings, and many practitioners take out the treasures they have obtained in exchange for elixir currency.

There are also some teahouses dedicated to people's rest, and some powerful people sit and talk at the middle.

"Where did he go? Uncle Shi? Why hasn't he returned for such a long time? The screening of the first trial tower is coming to an end! It's too late to lose the inheritance qualification!" Xuan Tianzi was sad at this moment.

"Shifu Fuyuan is profoundly unlikely to have an accident and should be back soon!" Xuan Dizi comforted.

"Shall we go first?" Xuan Mengzi said.

"How can we go advanced, wait until the last moment! If the uncle will not return at the last moment, we will enter again." Xuan Hongzi said.


"Uncle Shi! It's Shishu!" Xuan Tianzi suddenly widened his eyes, he saw a familiar figure appeared not far away.

"Uncle Shi is so powerful!" A few Taoists looked at each other, all with awe in their eyes.

At this time, Zhao Yuande's breath of breaking through the environment could not be concealed at all, just like a walking humanoid flame.

Everyone around was a match, and he was a torch.

Everyone felt his power and stepped back, all with horror in their eyes.

"Who is this person?" Someone asked his companion in a low voice.

"This man... seems to be... the legendary Zhao Yuande!"

"What... he is Zhao Yuande! The legend is true, he is so powerful!"

"It's really powerful! I am afraid that only a few talents such as the Son of Light, God Without Borders, and Son of Eternity can compete with him!"

"This time we are probably all green leaves, and these talents are truly arrogant!"

"Hey... there is no way, the reality is so cruel."


Zhao Yuande's conversation with these people was naturally heard in his ears.

Son of light, God knows no boundaries, Son of eternity...

These names echoed in his mind, the son of light should be the genius of the dimension of light, God knows no boundaries... I am afraid it has a relationship with God's invincibility, the Son of Eternity is the arrogance of the Eternal Palace!

These people should be the obstacles on their way.

But he doesn't think these people are his opponents, these people will soon be trampled under their feet.

"Uncle Shi! You are finally back!" Xuan Tianzi and the four of them hurriedly greeted them, their faces showing excitement.

"Uncle Shi! You... you have also practiced to the Dadao Realm!" Xuan Tianzi's eyes were horrified.

This uncle was able to hang the four of them only when Chaos dominated the pinnacle. Now that his strength has risen to the ground, it is a step in the sky. They may be unable to imagine how terrible this uncle is.

"Well! You are all in the Dadao Realm, I am the latest!" Zhao Yuande felt the awe in everyone's eyes at this time, but he couldn't help feeling a little proud.

"Uncle Shi, the first trial qualification battle of the trial tower is coming to an end, you should go quickly!" Xuan Tianzi said.

"Oh! Take me there!" Zhao Yuande said.

Xuan Tianzi took Zhao Yuande and He soon to the Tower of Inheritance.

At this time, the first floor of the heritage tower had opened a door.

Inside the gate is a dark vortex.

"Uncle Shi, the qualification for trial is not difficult for you, go in quickly! I am afraid it is the last day today!" Xuan Tianzi urged.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He used the inheritance token, but he did not need to participate in this trial.

But he also wants to see what kind of trials will be in the trial tower, so that he can prepare for the future.

He stepped into the dark vortex in one step.

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