Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4607: Comprehensive assessment

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"Is that person Zhao Yuande?" On a tall building in the distance, a young man in white was playing with people. At this time, his eyes fell on Zhao Yuande and said.

"It's him! It's generally very powerful!"

At this moment, the young man's face was a little dignified.

"Look forward to his comprehensive score, how many are there!" Bai Yiqing said.

"Your son, you got a comprehensive score of 9.5, ranking third among all!" Standing next to the two was a petite, cute-looking girl.

The girl's voice is sweet and cute, and people can't help but feel a refreshing feeling after listening.

"Ah! The overall score of the son of light is 9.8, I am nothing!" The youth in white shook his head slightly.

"Hey! I really envy Wu Yaxiong. I have a comprehensive score of 9.2, ranking more than twenty. This time the chance of inheritance is probably not mine!" The youth in the dragon robe couldn't help looking a bit bleak.

"The inheritance here is not strong, nor is it prepared for us! Even if we get it, we should dedicate it to the elders or the forces behind it!" The young man in white shook his head slightly, a little helpless in his voice.

"Achievement of eternal success... Hey! Unfortunately, we don't know when we can reach the half-step eternal realm! I don't know if there will be juniors to fight for this opportunity for us." The young man wearing a dragon robe also sighed Endlessly.


Zhao Yuande appeared in a dimly lit hall.

In the center of the hall is a one-person stone tablet with a concave palm print.

"Please press your hand on the palm print to test the root bone, potential, and luck." A mechanical voice came into Zhao Yuande's ear.

Zhao Yuande pressed the palm of his hand curiously on the palm print, and suddenly felt a trace of coolness in his hand.

Zhao Yuande

Root bone 10

Potential 10

Luck 10

A piece of information passed into Zhao Yuande's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Congratulations, you passed the initial test, and your level was rated 10! The next will be the actual combat test!" That voice came to Zhao Yuande's ears.

He felt that he was pulled by a force of void and entered another world.

This is a small world. As soon as he appeared, he felt a strong man's breath not far away.

This is a middle-aged man with double horns on his head. His cultivation practice is also a breakthrough.

"Tester, defeat me, you will enter the next level." The middle-aged man's voice was cold and ruthless, as if he had no soul at all.


Facing practitioners of this strength, Zhao Yuande had no suspense at all.

Just punched past.

The middle-aged man wanted to resist, but was directly crushed by the punching body, and turned into a light dissipating in the void.

"Congratulations on passing the actual combat test... your combat rating is rated 10! The next will be the Soul Test..."

The Soul Test did not accidentally pass through very easily, and got a 10-level assessment.

"Congratulations, your comprehensive assessment is level 10. The top ten among all the testers will be arranged to fight the top ten strongmen when they enter the battle for inheritance qualification!" The mechanical voice came.

Zhao Yuande was not surprised, but nodded silently.

Soon Zhao Yuande was sent out.

"Uncle Shi, what is your overall assessment?" Xuan Tianzi saw Zhao Yuande appear, and rushed up and asked urgently.

"How much are you?" Zhao Yuande did not answer, but looked at the four Taoists curiously.

"We don't even reach 9, my minimum is 8.4, and Xuan Hongzi's brother is 8.7." Xuan Tianzi's face was a bit sad, "our four of us are ranked in the top 300."

"Oh! What's the highest?" Zhao Yuande asked again.

"The highest is the son of eternity, the son of light, they are all 9.8!" Xuan Tianzi said, "Uncle Master, how much are you?"

"I am 10." Zhao Yuande replied with a slight smile.

"What!" Although they were already mentally prepared, they were still shocked and unbelievable.

"Fine! There is nothing to fight, let's go!" Zhao Yuande strode away.

Around this time, many people are paying attention to the dialogue here.

When Zhao Yuande said 10, everyone's eyes widened.

"10 turned out to be 10! It's too good! It is Zhao Yuande!"

"This is the pride of our human race, and it has never been a genius strongman."

"Yes... No one before, no one after."

"Let's look at the son of light and the son of darkness again this time!"

"Human Daxing..."


Countless people looked at Zhao Yuande's back, and his face was full of worship.

Heaven, Earth, Hongmeng, and the four Daoists now follow Zhao Yuande's back straight.

The time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye the second screening day came.

"Tianjiao, the second screening begins, this time for a month. You will kill as many devil trees as possible on a continent! The first screening is on the first floor of the Inheritance Tower, The second time is the second floor! Now invite you to enter the Tower of Inheritance!" On this day, the Tower of Inheritance made a rumbling noise, which could be heard in almost the entire Broken God Realm.

"Please also ask, what is the role of our previous comprehensive assessment?" Some people couldn't help asking at this time.

"This time will also give you a comprehensive evaluation, and the two additions will be related to the third screening!" But I did not expect that the voice even responded.

Many people's eyes light up.

This second screening is a battle, and many people have confidence in themselves.

"Arrange the ranks and enter the Tower of Inheritance." As everyone swarmed in, the voice rang again.

Most people heard this voice and immediately stopped fighting, but some people still want to squeeze to the front.


Thunder thundered in the void.

A thick thunder came down, directly splitting those people into a cloud of ashes.

"If you don't follow the rules of the Tower of Inheritance, you will be ruthlessly obliterated!" The voice is still there, but this time everyone heard it seemed to contain a terrible killing opportunity.

"It's a powerful thunder!" Zhao Yuande felt those thunders in the rear, but he was shocked. "Even if it's me, I'm afraid I will be seriously injured under this kind of thunder!"

"It's so horrible!" Four people from Tiandi Hongmeng heard Zhao Yuande saying this, and they all showed a terrified look on their faces.

After the Tower of Inheritance killed the chicken and monkey, everyone suddenly became honest.

They all lined up the team consciously, and the team was completely discharged into the tens of miles.

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