Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4608: Devil Viper

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Zhao Yuande was not in a hurry. He walked at the end of the team and carefully observed everyone in the team.

Whenever he saw a person worthy of attention, he would ask the four Taoists around him.

He is bound to win the inheritance of this time, so he must know all the strong ones.

As a celebrity said, strategically defying the enemy and tactically paying attention to the enemy.

Although he thinks he has no opponents in this group, he still pays enough attention to them.

To be sure, don’t overturn the boat in the ditch.

Nothing else is needed to enter the Heritage Tower, as long as it is the first screening, you can enter it.

After Zhao Yuande and them, only half an hour passed.

"Come on, don't let me down!" Zhao Yuande looked at the four Taoists.

"Uncle Shi, please rest assured that the four of us will never be ashamed of Uncle Shi!" Xuan Tianzi nodded again and again.

"Uncle Shi assured..."

As soon as Zhao Yuande stepped into the tower of inheritance, he suddenly found himself being transported into a vast world.

This world is very huge, almost comparable to the previous chemical industry.

In this vast world, there is no other life besides trees.

This is a sea of ​​trees. In this sea, they need to kill a small tree called the devil tree.

Zhao Yuande

Root bone 10

Potential 10

Luck 10

The first screening has a comprehensive score of 10, the identity has been confirmed, and the Devil Tree Map Book has been transmitted.

Slash the Devil Viper Tree 0

Lord of the Devil Viper0

Devil Tree King 0

Such an image soon appeared in front of Zhao Yuande, with various data of Zhao Yuande on it.

"It means something!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help smiling.

The devil tree is very short and thin, only a few feet tall, like a strange snake.

There are a total of three leaves on the top of the tree, which can hide into the ground to hide.

Has a strong attack power, can shuttle through the void for a short time, and likes to sneak in the dark.

Zhao Yuande quickly saw these characteristics of the Devil Tree from the illustrated book of Devil Tree.

Seeing this information, he couldn't help being slightly shocked.

But it was only a slight shock. His powerful divine space opened up, and the Soul World of God also enveloped all around.

Even if there is a mosquito within billions of miles, he can distinguish between male and female.

"There is a plant here!" Zhao Yuande's body teleported.

At the same time, he appeared in a jungle and grabbed a devil tree that wanted to escape underground.


The Devil Viper made a stern cry.

A gleam of no light flashed, and a leaf at the top of the Devil Viper suddenly flew out and shuttled into the void.

Behind Zhao Yuande, a leaf flew out of the void, like a short sword, directly chopped on Zhao Yuande's neck.

However, a black light flashed on Zhao Yuande's body, and a battle armor appeared to block the attack of this leaf.


A sound of gold and iron symphony came.

"What a terrible leaf." Zhao Yuande saw a shallow trace on the armor where the leaf beheaded.

This is Daoyan Divine Soldier, a leaf can leave traces on it.

"I'm afraid this Devil Viper Tree is an excellent refining material!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help blinking his eyes.

However, when he threw this Devil Viper into the main world, the Devil Viper suddenly turned into a shadow and disappeared.

"This... turned out to be fake!" Zhao Yuande was terrified.

"What a terrible inheritance tower!" Even the Void Gourd couldn't help saying at this time.

"The ordinary Devil Tree is so powerful. If it is the King of Devil Tree, how powerful will the Devil Tree King be?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be surprised.

Zhao Yuande

Root bone 10

Potential 10

Luck 10

The first screening comprehensive score 10

Beheaded Viper Tree 1

Lord of the Devil Viper0

Devil Tree King 0

After beheading a magic tree, Zhao Yuande saw that his information had changed slightly.

"Then let's start!" Zhao Yuande clenched his fists, and his figure disappeared again.

At this time in other places, there was a scream of screaming.

Many strong men were killed by the Devil Viper Tree, and their bodies were quickly entangled by the Devil Viper Tree and pulled into the ground.

The corpses withered and shrivelled at a rate visible to the naked eye.

However, after a short period of time, the shrivelled corpses dissipated and turned into a black smoke.

The devil tree that devoured the cultivator became thicker and more terrifying.

The stronger the Devil Viper is, the more powerful the dead.

This is a terrible cycle!

Fortunately, however, there are some strong men who are already prepared to be able to kill the Devil Viper Tree.

For example, Zhao Yuande, within a range of hundreds of millions of miles, constantly teleports.

However, in half an hour, he had killed hundreds of trees.

It was at this time that a strong roar came from the ground.

The earth swelled, and a terrifying breath burst out of the ground.

"Good! This strength has reached the end of the real world!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but look in that direction.


An angry roar sounded.

A black monster with a length of hundreds of feet rushed out from under the ground.

There is no dragon horn on the top of this black monster dragon head, but there are three green and dripping leaves. Its dragon claws are not flesh and blood, but vigorous and powerful roots.

"This has turned the Jiao!" Zhao Yuande was slightly surprised when he saw this black monster, "The evolution of this Devil Viper Tree is really strange, it should be called Mo Jiao Shu now!"


The black monster had already seen Zhao Yuande and roared, turning into a black light and rushing towards him.

"Good! Good!" Zhao Yuande shouted and rushed straight up to fight with the black monster.

Zhao Yuande felt the flesh of the black monster, almost stronger than him.

But he was even more excited.

No one has been able to contend with his physical body for many years, and it is always lonely and snowy to kill and crush.

Now encountering this black monster, Zhao Yuande has met his opponent.

The two battled from the sky to the ground, and rushed into the sky from the ground.

Zhao Yuande became more and more courageous in the Vietnam War, and the more excited the Vietnam War.

His body began to evaporate a **** brilliance, as if it were a giant human torch.

Although the black dragon is powerful, as the fighting time increases, it has more and more wounds.

"Hey! It's really boring, and we have to win with the undead!" Zhao Yuande saw this scene and shook his head slightly.

Although he is also constantly injured, the undead force will automatically run even if it is not urged.

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