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There are definitely many life-saving things on his body. If he wants to escape, he is really not sure to catch up.

So pretending to be injured and showing weakness is the most correct choice.

Zhao Yuande's horrible strength erupted. The golden bell guard, the black sword attacked, and the green gourd was ready to attack at any time.


After finding a chance, Zhao Yuande pretended to fight and hit a dragon-shaped sword light in front of Princess Ling, punching her with a punch.

"Stop it!" Princess Ling felt the threat of death and felt that Zhao Yuande's punch was almost unstoppable.

So he did not hesitate to directly urge the greatest power of Orb in his hand.

The orb suddenly swelled billions of times.

Directly blocked Zhao Yuande's punch before a dimension world.


Crown Prince Dayong saw that Zhao Yuande had no choice but to kill Princess Ling, he knew this was the best opportunity.

In his hand, the sword is glorious and generous, and ten thousand dragon-shaped swords and awns gather together to form a huge golden dragon sword.

When Dragon Sword appeared, the world and earth shivered slightly, and the world of dimension that blocked Zhao Yuande began to collapse.

Zhao Yuande also felt a huge threat from the golden dragon sword.

However, his body disappeared in one place, teleported to Princess Ling.

He had never used the teleportation technique in the previous battle, and this time it suddenly made Princess Ling unexpected.

Zhao Yuande's fist has reached her.

"No! No! I don't want to die!" Princess Ling screamed mournfully.

But just before Zhao Yuande was about to punch Princess Soul, a huge blue phantom appeared in front of him.

This is a fox with nine tails, nine tails and nine forms, each of which seems to be performing a magical power.

Nine kinds of supernatural powers blocked Zhao Yuande's punch.

"What a powerful projection!" Zhao Yuande felt a tremendous threat from the blue phantom to himself.

"Old Ancestor!" Princess Ling screamed in surprise when she saw the phantom.

"Young man, leave immediately, or you will be killed!" The nine-tailed fox made a thunderous noise.

Nine tails are still constantly displaying a variety of magical powers, and the breath between heaven and earth suddenly becomes a little strange.


There was danger behind Zhao Yuande.

He hurried to dodge, but it was still a little late.

The dragon-shaped Jianmang still hit him, leaving a deep scar on his body.

"Sure enough these guys are not to be underestimated!" Zhao Yuande could not help secretly surprised.

But at this time his attention was not on Prince Dayong, but rushed towards Princess Ling with blood.

"Young man, how dare you!" The nine foxes saw Zhao Yuande rushing over and couldn't help but yelled.

"I've seen it for a long time, you have only one blow! Now she will die without a doubt." Zhao Yuande once again teleported, punching him towards Princess Ling.

At the same time, the black little sword shuttled through the void and appeared behind Princess Ling.

Under the back-and-forth attack, Princess Ling felt despair.

"Let's die together!"

Princess Ling doesn't hide or hide, her eyes are bloody.


She directly detonated the orb that communicated with her own heart.

One-dimensional self-explosion, one can imagine how terrifying it will be.

This time Zhao Yuande even felt the crisis of life and death.

But at this time, a huge palm was detected in the void above.

This palm immediately seized the exploding dimension world in his hand.

The power of endless horror explosion seems to be just a little toy in that big hand.


At this time, not only did Zhao Yuande breathe, but even the Dayong Prince who was planning to escape revealed his expression for the rest of his life.


The black dagger suddenly penetrated Princess Ling's eyebrows and beheaded her directly on the spot.


Zhao Yuande's mouth spouted blood, and his face became pale.

The body swayed in the air, crumbling.

Crown Prince Dayong, who had just given up his escape, could not help but dispel the idea at once.

He was injured by the King of Devil Viper Tree, was poisoned, and was cut by his own real dragon sword.

Even if this person is a great man, he is about to run out of lights!

Legend has it that Zhao Yuande has countless chances and endless treasures on his body, and he has an incredible recovery method.

If his brave prince got these, I am afraid that his strength will advance by leaps and bounds, even surpassing the son of light, and they are not inferior to God invincible.

More importantly, the heritage in this heritage tower will also be its own.

Under the temptation of this huge interest, his eyes suddenly turned red!


Crown Prince Dayong's eyes were bloodshot, and he shouted in shock.

I don't know if I want to be brave for myself or deter others.

The real dragon sword in his hand was so bright that he wrapped his body at once.

In the next moment, his whole person has merged with the real dragon sword, and turned into a golden dragon with a shaking head.

There was an earthquake trembling around, and there were black void cracks around the golden dragon, and there seemed to be an overwhelming click in the void.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but show a smile.

If this guy really wants to run away, it is still a little trouble, and now he will make the other party desperately.


Zhao Yuande also shouted loudly, and his body turned into a thunder and instantly collided with the golden dragon.

The war was on the verge, Zhao Yuande did not exert his full strength, just constantly wrestling with the other party.

The more Zhao Yuande is, the more determined the opponent's heart is.

After fighting for dozens of breaths, Zhao Yuande suddenly vomited blood, his face pale.

And just as he vomited blood, a thin cyan sword light flew with the blood.


Prince Dayong made a scream.

At the next moment, the golden dragon disappeared all at once, and Crown Prince Dayong's half body began to burn.

"Do not……"

Crown Prince Dayong's voice was terribly harsh, with a desperate expression on his face.


With a wave of the real dragon sword in the hands of Crown Prince Dayong, when he was about to burn to his chest, he cut off the lower half of his body at once.

Even Zhao Yuande had to admit that the other party was decisive.

At this time, the crown prince only had more than chest, and his strength was greatly reduced.

Although the true dragon sword can still be used to resist Zhao Yuande's attack, it seems to have been defeated.

"How about spare my life?" Crown Prince Dayong looked at Zhao Yuande, his voice filled with pleading.

"You have to be so miserable, you have to let me let you go, do you think it's possible?" Zhao Yuande gasped, with a grim expression on his face.

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