Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4612: Heritage token

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"As long as you spare my life and guarantee that I can walk out of the Tower of Inheritance alive, I can tell you a big secret, a big secret about the Tower of Trial." Crown Prince Dayong gritted his teeth.

"Oh! If I catch your soul alive, all your things and all your secrets will be mine!" Zhao Yuande sneered.

"You really don't let go!" Crown Prince Dayong said.

"Really don't let go!" Zhao Yuande replied.

"Then don't blame me! Let us two die together!" Crown Prince Dayong grieved with bitterness.

At this time Crown Prince Dayong's brow suddenly flashed a blood of light.

Zhao Yuande felt palpitations.

"Wait! I promise you, but you will give me this real dragon sword!" Zhao Yuande looked at the real dragon sword with some greed.

"Okay! You make an oath." Crown Prince Dayong heard Zhao Yuande say this and agreed with his teeth.

"This is simple!" Zhao Yuande also swore directly, and the vow was very heavy and very vicious.

"This sword is yours!" The crown prince Dayong was also simply throwing the real dragon sword to Zhao Yuande.

"Tell me a secret!" Zhao Yuande took the real dragon sword and played with it in his hands, but his eyes turned to Prince Yong.

This sword is really good, even better than the black sword in his hand.

However, this sword is too powerful. I am afraid that it is not as good as the dark black sword. It is suitable for the powerful and powerful people who are in high positions.

Although Zhao Yuande has studied swords, he is not restricted to swords.

He believes that only people who are strong enough can control all the magic weapons.

So although this sword is good, it is not particularly precious to him.

He brought this sword to others.

When Prince Dayong saw Zhao Yuande's eyes, he suddenly felt as if he had fallen into a trap.

Everything before the opponent is disguised.

The other party is clearly so powerful, so why pretend?

Could it be... he suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

"Speak secrets, otherwise don't blame me! You have all my vows based on your secrets." Although Zhao Yuande was still embarrassed at this time, his voice was extremely cruel.

"I said! I said!" Crown Prince Dayong hurriedly said, "Do you know that this tower of inheritance already has a master, you can simply give up this time! Because someone has been qualified for inheritance!"

After saying this late, Crown Prince Dayong looked at Zhao Yuande.

He wanted to see if the expression on his face was disappointed and angry.

"What! Quickly tell what's going on." Zhao Yuande's expression at this time did not disappoint the other party, all angry.

"In fact, there is a inheritance token that has been acquired long ago! And this inheritance token does not know a piece, they are separately..." Crown Prince Dayong wanted to say his name, and suddenly felt a powerful crisis.

Zhao Yuande's mouth was slightly tilted at this time, and frost appeared on his face.

A ray of white light came, but one hundred millionth of a moment came to Prince Dayong.

As long as he hits the crown prince, he will inevitably be destroyed.

"No... save me!" Crown Prince Dayong saw this white light, scared and screamed in horror.

"Are you finally unable to bear loneliness to come out?" Zhao Yuande's face sneered.

The other party was really malicious, but he vowed just now that he would guarantee the crown prince or walk out of the tower of inheritance.

If the other party killed the crown prince, it would have broken his oath.

Unable to complete the oath, Zhao Yuande is probably going to be abolished.

However, he had long known that there were still people peeping in the dark, and what he was waiting for was this man's shot.

Although this white light is fast, it is also faster than Zhao Yuande's soul.

Crown Prince Dayong's body disappeared in one place.

And that white light suddenly fell through.

"Okay! You already knew I was there." A voice echoed in the void, but it kept going away.

"It's really treacherous, so dare not come out like this!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but frown slightly.

What he just did is realistic enough.

But this dark man still refused to appear cautiously.

And immediately after a blow, he escaped, and it turned out to be a difficult person to deal with.

"Who are you? The son of light, the son of darkness, the son of eternity, or God knows no boundaries?" Zhao Yuande frowned slightly, his thoughts showing on his face.

Don't look at the other party's white light just now, it may just be a blinding eye, and you can never judge who it is.

"Find a place to rest and interrogate Crown Prince Dayong!" Zhao Yuande's body flashed directly into a huge crack in the ground.

There is the lair of the king of the devil tree, which should be very safe, and there are also good treasures.

In a huge dark cave, Zhao Yuande really found some plants that shone with silver light.

"Well! Yes! Although these plants are all fake, but they contain the essence of this world, which is also good for cultivation." He swept away these silver-ray plants and found a clean place to start. Restore your strength.

Although he was disguised as being injured in the war just now, he was really expensive.

Especially the last leaves of the King of Viper Tree almost cut him in half.

But at this time his soul saw his message and changed.

Zhao Yuande

Root bone 10

Potential 10

Luck 10

The first screening comprehensive score 10

Beheaded Viper Tree 186

Lord of Viper Tree 1

Devil Tree King 0

The number of beheaded devil trees increased by 80.

What does this mean? It means that killing the cultivator can take the credit of the other party.

No wonder they want to kill themselves so much.

It seems that this second screening will be even more brutal and bloody.

"Let's talk! Who is the person who holds the inheritance token?" Zhao Yuande looked at Prince Dayong.

At this time, Crown Prince Dayong has entered the main world.

Since he put the opponent here, he had no plans to let him out.

"Where is this! This can't be your inner world, this is completely wrong!" Crown Prince Dayong felt the breath of the main world and saw the incredible huge dimensions supported by leaves, his eyes almost glared out .

"Answer my question first." Zhao Yuande said.

"Hoo!" Crown Prince Dayong suppressed the horror in his heart, and he breathed out a long breath, and replied, "It is the Son of Eternity! I saw his token with my own eyes, that is the inheritance token! When the Broken God Realm opened, a powerful presence in the Eternal Palace acquired it!"

"Oh! It turns out so!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly.

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