Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4613: Eternal son

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"I think there is more than one piece of this inheritance token because there are numbers on it! The number on the inheritance token of the Son of Eternity is 3." Crown Prince Dayong said.

Have numbers?

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but frown slightly, and the soul searched for his token.

There is no number on the token!

Is it not a token?

Zhao Yuande didn't understand.

"But this kind of token?" Zhao Yuande took out his own token.

" even have a token!" Crown Prince Dayong couldn't help but look horrified on his face.

However, he soon became relieved. The person in front of him was too powerful, and there were countless secrets in his body. It was not difficult to understand to have a heritage token.

"You are optimistic, there is no number on my token!" Zhao Yuande said.

"This...I don't know!" Crown Prince Dayong shook his head.

At this time a deep sense of powerlessness had developed in his heart.

He knew that there must be no chance of inheritance.

You may not even have the opportunity to escape this strange world.

"What secret do you have?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"It's gone!" Crown Prince Dayong was obviously downcast.

He was always very arrogant, but when he found out that he was nothing in front of Zhao Yuande, the arrogance in his heart suddenly dissipated.

"Here is where you want to live in the future, you can choose a dimension world development!" Zhao Yuande said lightly.

"You... intend to trap me here! You have vowed!" Crown Prince Dayong couldn't help being anxious.

"You think about my oath carefully, just promise not to kill you, take you safely out of the tower of inheritance, and did not say what happened after the tower!" Zhao Yuande sneered, "I let you go after the tower, and then grab You, this is too much trouble! I don't think you should go out."

"You..." Crown Prince Dayong showed a terrible look, but then he suddenly became paralyzed.

His face was pale, and his heart was full of regret.

He should have escaped from the beginning, not greedy,

Otherwise, according to your own means, you can definitely escape.

Now he has become a prisoner of others and will be trapped here forever.

Even if Zhao Yuande is killed, he will die together.

Zhao Yuande doesn't care what the other party thinks.

He soon returned to his original condition and rushed out of the underground cave.

"Run! You run!" Just as he rose to the sky and looked for his goal again.

There was a figure flying in the distance.

Several people in the front were in a state of embarrassment, apparently being chased.

Zhao Yuande could see clearly the appearance of these people, and he couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

These few turned out to be acquaintances.

Wang Zhen, Blood Son, and Ice Son are among them.

"Several don't come unharmed!" Zhao Yuande appeared in front of them with a smile on his face.

"Brother Zhao!" Wang Zhen saw Zhao Yuande, his eyes showing surprise.

The blood boy and the ice boy are a little unnatural.

But they also showed joy in their eyes.

"Brother Wang!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly to Wang Zhen.

Wang Zhen's relationship with him is still good, and the two are half friends.

Several other people saw Wang Zhen, Blood Son, and Ice Son stopped.

Seeing their reaction, they all stopped.

They knew they might have been rescued.

These people have nothing too powerful behind them, so this time it is only some cannon fodder to enter the Broken God Realm.

Most of them only reached a half-step break.

Being able to live so long in the second floor of the Inheritance Tower is probably because these people have joined forces.

At this time, a group of strong men wearing snow-white armor rushed over and surrounded them.

Most of these strong white armor are women, but all strong men have fierce eyes.

Obviously they must have experienced endless killings.

"Don't you run away?" A cold, frost-stricken woman's voice was icy and cold, looking at Wang Zhen and them, "Come and follow us back to do things for the master, you may still have a way of life, otherwise even We will not kill you, I am afraid you will also die under the devil tree and become their nourishment."

"Why should we sell our lives for you, we would rather die than become slaves!" Although the blood boy is very arrogant, he is full of anger at the moment.

After meeting countless talents, he knew that he was a frog at the bottom of the well, and no longer had that kind of pride.

"If you don't sell your life, you will have no value. Now I will send you on the road!" The woman's voice was cold, and a cold light shot from his hands.

Suddenly the air around the four people was frozen, and the world seemed to become a huge ice cave.

Even Zhao Yuande couldn't help but slightly surprised, this woman is very powerful.

Although not as good as Prince Mingguang, it is similar to his four teachers and nephews.

This kind of person calls someone else as their master and becomes a stray dog ​​for others.

Who is this master?

"Slow down!"

Zhao Yuande had to shoot at this time, but these people simply could not resist this woman.

With his finger a little, a huge finger mountain descended from the void.


The frozen world collapsed at once, and the world became warm again.

"Who are you? I advise you not to take care of us, otherwise you will die miserably!" Although the woman's face changed slightly, her attitude was still very tough.

"Who is your master?" Zhao Yuande looked at the woman.

"Their master is the Son of Eternity! They were brought in in the inner world of the Son of Eternity." Wang Zhen said at this moment.

"The Son of Eternity, it turned out to be him!" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly, "Let's go! Let's see the Son of Eternity."

"What! See the Son of Eternity?" Everyone's face changed.

"I want to weigh it, is he qualified to compete with me for inheritance!" Zhao Yuande didn't care about other people's shock, just smiled slightly.

"Hello arrogant!" The woman's face appeared angry.

"All right! Lead the way ahead! Otherwise, I don't mind slapping you!" Zhao Yuande glanced coldly at the woman.

The woman suddenly felt a horrific murderous intention and enveloped herself in an instant.

Her body shivered, and she knew that the young man who didn't seem to be surprised was so powerful!

"Good! I lead the way!" The women's voices were shaking.

She knew that the other party might be able to shoot herself with a slap.

Several people beside Wang Zhen were also stunned at this time.

"Brother Wang! Who is he?" asked one of the trembling voices.

"Don't you guess it yet?" Wang Zhen also felt a little proud at this time.

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