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"If it wasn't Brother Zhao, I'm afraid I would become one of these dead bones." Pan Hengdao.

"Although it is dangerous, it is also a good place. We can even enter the world of other dimensions through the space channel here." Zhao Yuande said, "I feel that the most powerful of the dimensions just now is the real world. Monsters, we can sweep in and search for all the treasure materials in that dimension!"

"But we..." Panheng hesitated.

"Now there is no access to the so-called underground in this space. And here is obviously thought to be built. The strong man who secretly built this place will definitely not want us to plunder all the dimensions linking here. They It will inevitably be stopped, and that will be our chance!" Zhao Yuande secretly said.

"That's good! Everything listens to Brother Zhao's arrangement." Pan Heng nodded again and again after hearing this, thinking that what he said made sense.

"Okay! Now we are looking for the fragile void, we are slashing into other dimensions." Zhao Yuande said.

But they soon discovered that as long as there were corpses in the void, they were jealous and vulnerable. Obviously these were all traps.

They smashed a space far away, and suddenly revealed a dark passage.

"Go! Let's go in!" Zhao Yuande pulled Pan Heng, and their figures disappeared in the depths of the passage.

When the two of them rushed out of the passage, they suddenly found a vast wild world.

The atmosphere here is ancient and vast, giving people a feeling of unprecedented initial.

There are monsters with huge bodies everywhere, no...not monsters, but beasts!

Although these beasts are very powerful, they have not yet given birth to their own intelligence.

Even Zhao Yuande felt that the spirit of this wild world was slowly being born.

So these beasts should have been born together with the earth, they are still in chaos.

After waiting for the birth of the spirits of this dimension of heaven and earth one day, they will gradually be born with spiritual wisdom and become the real masters of this land.

But at this time, they were killed according to their original intentions, and there was no purpose at all.

As soon as Zhao Yuande appeared in this world, they were surrounded by countless beasts.

However, although these beasts are powerful, they have no wits, and their powerful forces have not erupted even 50% of their combat power.

So these beasts were easily killed by the two of them.

Even some rare beasts were caught in the main world by Zhao Yuande, which can enrich the biological resources in the main world.


Finally, their killing alarmed the master of this world.

This is a giant tree that is full of sky, and there are traces of the tree being bombarded by thunder.

Apparently it was injured by the Void Thunder when this world was born.

It is precisely because of this, otherwise Zhao Yuande and Pan Heng are not necessarily opponents of this giant tree.

The two used all their means and finally beheaded the huge tree.

The core of the giant tree was dug by two people, and that huge milky white crystal, endless vitality and vitality emanated from the crystal.

"I'm afraid this crystal is the most precious thing in this wild world!" Zhao Yuande looked at the crystal and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Brother Pan, I need this thing very much, so let me give it to me! Everything else in this world belongs to me you."

"Good!" Although Pan Heng knew that this crystal was extremely precious, he also knew that Zhao Yuande's friendship was even more precious.

And the beheading of this giant tree is really not as good as Zhao Yuande.

If distributed according to work, he could not get this crystal.

This crystal was sent to the main world, and suddenly the void gourd used this crystal to catalyze and complete a dimension world.

"This kind of plunder is really worry-free and effort-saving!" The void gourd can't help but have some expectations. "Keep working hard and make more dimensional worlds complete! The main world needs 360 small dimensional worlds to successfully transform. Ten The consummation of the two big-dimensional worlds. Now you are only one big-dimensional and one small-dimensional, and there is a very long way to success."

"Okay! The road is long and long." Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly.

This wild world was swept by them, and almost all valuable treasures were looted by them.

But nothing else happened, so they returned to the space just now.

"Go on! I hope the next dimension world can bring us more surprises!" Zhao Yuande looked at another fragile void.

He felt the dimension world hidden behind the void, bigger and more vast.

Without any hesitation, he shattered the fragile void directly in the air, revealing a huge black channel.

"This dimensional world is more dangerous, Pan Brothers are ready!" Zhao Yuande reminded.

"Good!" Pan Heng clenched the big axe in his hand, and his face was also excited.

Zhao Yuande grabbed him again and teleported directly into the black channel.

There was a dazzling light at the end of the black channel, making people hardly open their eyes.

At the same time, a very hot breath spewed out, covering the two.

They found out that they fell on a flaming star.

This star is a big fireball.

But the temperature is not as high as the sun, and it breeds all kinds of strange life.


They had just stabilized their feet, and suddenly a huge flame beast rushed over.

The flaming beast seemed to be a rabbit magnified numerous times, and his legs leaped on the ground before them in front of them.

"This is very suitable for me! I want to devour the flame core here!" Xiao Qing passed the surprise voice at this time.

"Okay! Just as you wish!" Zhao Yuande took out the green baby gourd, put it in his palm, and summoned Xiao Qing.

"Death!" Pan Heng hacked the huge flame monster with an axe.


There were continuous loud noises, and countless flame monsters swarmed towards them.

"Come on, let's go underground." Zhao Yuande roared and rushed into a huge volcano with a boiling flame.

"It's hot!" Even Panheng couldn't help but feel like he was being steamed, and his clothes were all burning clean at this moment.

"Xiaoqing, protect us both." Zhao Yuande said.

"Good!" Xiaoqing released a cyan light and directly enveloped the two.

The two of them suddenly felt the burning disappear instantly.


A group of ferocious strange fish swam through the magma. They had no eyes, but extremely sharp teeth.

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