Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4643: Good material

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There were bursts of roaring sounds in the throat, which made people feel turbulent.

"Kill it!" Zhao Yuande rushed up.

His flesh is so powerful that every punch can easily break a star. Although these strange fishes are powerful, they can't stand him.


The sound of cracking porcelain came, and these strange fish were broken.

And after breaking, they left behind beads of fist size.

These beads are dark red and crystal-like like glass.

"Nice thing! It contains infinite vitality and flame power." Zhao Yuande ingested these beads in his hand, and his eyes lit up.

"It's really good. If you take it out, you can get a low-level Daoyan Divine Soldier!" Pan Heng also killed a lot at this time, and his eyes shone.

The two of them were not in a hurry at this time, and began to slash the strange fish that rushed out.

Thousands of strange fish were beheaded here, and no new strange fish rushed out.

The two looked at each other and continued to dive with satisfaction.

"Absorbing the power of those beads just now can gradually adapt the body to the flame." Pan Heng suddenly surprised.

"Oh!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help blinking his eyes, and hurriedly took out one in his palm.

After blinking, the bead in the palm suddenly turned into powder, and Zhao Yuande felt a tremendous vitality and a strange flame energy merge into the body.

"This thing can also be used as a panacea for cultivation! The effect is very good." Zhao Yuande also nodded again and again.

The two dived while absorbing the power of these beads.

Soon they absorbed all the beads they got. They found that even without Xiaoqing's protection, they could not feel the burning temperature in the magma.

"Xiaoqing, you can now devour the power of the flames here! The two of us don't need your guard!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Can I go down first then?" Xiao Qingdao said.

"Yes, you are free, but if you are in danger, you should notify me immediately." Zhao Yuande said.

"Good!" Xiao Qing's body suddenly integrated into this endless magma.

"Hey! We are still too slow!" Zhao Yuande sighed softly.

"This Xiaoqing..." Pan Heng asked curiously after Xiaoqing disappeared.

"Brother Pan, if you promised me not to leak it, I will tell you." Zhao Yuande looked at the other party very seriously.

"I swear!" Pan Heng Zheng focused his head.

"He is the chaotic Qinglian fire!" Zhao Yuande said.

"What! Chaos Qinglian Fire!" Pan Heng couldn't believe what the other party said.

What is Chaos Qinglian Fire!

The legendary ancestor of ten thousand fires, the source of ten thousand fires, hasn't fallen even if many powerful people in the eternal realm are searching.

How could it appear in the hands of Zhao Yuande.

"Yes! Chaos Qinglian Fire, he is the flame I refined, and finally the evolutionary evolution step by step, it became Chaos Qinglian Fire." Zhao Yuande felt that the plate in front of him can be trusted, so he took this matter Tell him.

"Thank you Brother Zhao, no matter who asked me, I wouldn't say half a word." Pan Heng said solemnly.

"Okay! Let's go down quickly! Xiaoqing sent a message just now, there is a big guy below." Zhao Yuande said.


The two had been swimming towards the depths of the magma. They did not know how many miles they had dived. They saw that the magma in front of them was no longer muddy, but turned into a pure sea of ​​flames.

A behemoth was lying and sleeping in the sea of ​​flames.

This behemoth is a huge scale armor python, the body coiled into a huge snake mountain, tens of thousands of feet high.

A breath of terror came from the body of the scale armor python, this is a horror monster that reached the peak of the selflessness.

When the two of them arrived, the scale armor python opened his eyes.

"what is that!"

Pan Heng saw a small tree next to the scale armor python. The small tree had the shape of a flame, no leaves, and only three black fruits the size of a fist.

This fruit has no fragrance, but emits a black mist.

"This is the Fire Snake, and this little tree is the Snake Snake! The fruit on it is terrifyingly poisonous, and if it is under the belly, even the half-step eternal realm will be killed. But this fruit also has a wonderful effect. Refined into the Underworld Pill, when you hit the non-self, you will enter a world of underworld. If you understand the mystery, you can be promoted to the underworld." Zhao Yuande said after identification.

"This immortality medicine... I am afraid there are huge side effects!" Pan Hengdao.

"It is true! After eating this kind of underworld pill, it will die without promotion! And only one day." Zhao Yuande said, "but this pill has a 30% chance of success, and it is also a success among all pills. The highest rate!"

"Horrible panacea, the temptation of promotion! I am afraid that this panacea will only be taken by those who have no hope of breaking through." Pan Hengdao.



Between the two talking, the fiery snake had roared wildly at them.

The two looked at each other and Zhao Yuande gestured to Pan Heng.

"Okay! I'll come first."

Pan Heng roared loudly, his eyes full of endless warfare, waving his big axe and rushed towards the sea of ​​fire.

In fact, Panheng's strength is still the opponent of this fiery snake from time to time, but this is also the best experience moment.

With Zhao Yuande by his side, he can use his means to fight against him without any scruples.

Zhao Yuande came to the little tree at this time, and carefully took out the green baby gourd.

"Haha! It's really good material! Good material!" There was a cry of excitement from the fire spirit.

Then a big flame hand plucked from the mouth of the green little gourd and directly grabbed the little tree.


Seeing the things he guarded were taken away by the fire snake, he suddenly went crazy.

Pan Heng, who was originally invincible, is even more precarious at this time.

However, Pan Heng was not afraid at all, regardless of the scars on his body, and attacked the opponent more crazily.

His physical self-healing ability is almost catching up with Zhao Yuande's undead body, and those wounds are recovering at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Even at this moment his flesh exuded layers of golden light, blocking some terrible attacks.

However, in this layer of golden light, a faint black light can be seen walking.

"Sure enough, it's the Pan's bloodline. At the moment, it is still the cursed bloodline. If it really touches the curse, how powerful it will be!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but wonder.


Pan Heng burst into angry roar at this time.

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