Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4646: Next level

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Chapter four hundred and forty-sixth chapter next level

"Sure enough, there is a lower layer!" Pan Heng's eyes also lighted up, but then he was a little confused, "Why is there a lower layer at this time?"

"It is the people behind the scenes, they must not be able to bear such losses! If we keep going like this, plundering all the dimension worlds here together, do you think the other party will feel distressed!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Yes! Absolutely!" Panheng nodded.

"So he feels that this layer has no restrictions on us and can only open the next layer, hoping that the next layer will let us die!" Zhao Yuande said.

"How does he know that we will enter the next floor?" Pan Heng Road.

"Because of you! You have the blood of the Pan family, and if there is the body of the ancestor of the Pan family, or the essence of blood, it may be an irresistible temptation for you." Zhao Yuande said, "So we know that the following is more dangerous. We have to go down like a huge trap!"

"Thank you Brother Zhao!" Pan Heng felt a warm heart.

"Go! Go on! Maybe you can really find a way to lift the curse of the bloodline below." Zhao Yuande said.

They soon saw a dark underground passageway leading to unknown territory.

The closer to the underground passage, the more trembling the body of Panheng is.

He tried his best to hold back the impulse and excitement in his heart.

They entered the underground passage and soon saw the world below.

It is still dark, and there are still many vulnerable points in the void.

But at this time their attention was not put there, because they saw a huge corpse in the center of this gloomy world.

This corpse is hundreds of thousands of miles high, but it is basically completely decaying at this time, leaving a skeleton with the glory of the glass.

Only in the position of the heart, there is still a half-hearted heart.

However, there is a huge plant in the heart, where countless vines wrap half of the shriveled heart and continuously draw energy from it.

"I feel it, there is my Pan's bloodline in that half of the heart, and it has not been cursed!" Pan Heng's eyes showed an uncontrollable excitement, "Must get it, get it! Just get it Among them, there is hope that the curse in our Pan's bloodline can be solved!"

"Don't worry!" Zhao Yuande felt a little bad at this time and wanted to reach out and hold Panheng.

But Pan Heng had rushed out at this time, holding the big axe in both hands, and his body was still shaking with excitement.

"Hey!" Zhao Yuande sighed swiftly, rushed up, and followed Pan Heng.


They hadn't rushed out for a hundred miles, and thick roots pierced through the ground, piercing towards the two in the air.


Panheng, who was flying ahead, seemed to be enchanted at this time, and did not dodge at all.

Several thick roots penetrated his body directly, with blood dripping.

These roots seem to be blood-sucking monsters, absorbing the blood in Panheng frantically.

In just an instant, Pan Heng's body shrank.

Pan Heng's eyes were red, as if he didn't feel the slightest sense of these roots that penetrated his body, and he still carried them forward.


Zhao Yuande controls the black sword, chopping constantly in the air.

Finally, the roots of Panheng were cut off.

"Broken! This guy seems to be enchanted!" Zhao Yuande was helpless. He couldn't help but die.

"Xiaoqing, come out!" Zhao Yuande naturally knew what happened in the main world.

A fist-sized flame bead flew out, and Xiao Qing stood on this flame bead, some majestic.

"Xiaoqing, you protect him, don't let him die!" Zhao Yuande pointed to Panheng.

"Yes!" Xiaoqing nodded.

The **** of flames suddenly released a horrible flame and enveloped Panheng.

Those roots that rushed out from under the ground were burned into ashes by a terrible flame before approaching Panheng.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but feel relieved and began to deal with the roots that pierced him.


Just at this moment an angry roar came from under the earth.

Zhao Yuande was not surprised to hear this voice, he knew that there must be a strong man who secretly manipulated all this.

"Young people, this is the grudge between my family and Pan's, I hope you don't interfere!" A voice echoed in Zhao Yuande's knowledge at this time.

"Really? Or you come out and kill me!" Zhao Yuande replied lightly, "If you can't kill me, don't be wordy!"

"Young people, don’t be stubborn. This will cause you endless trouble. Don’t you want to get the inheritance of the Tower of Inheritance? As long as you leave now, I will help you get inherited immediately. Because the Tower of Inheritance is my family’s stay Down!" said the voice.

Hearing what the other party said, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

If what the other party said is true, does Zhao Yuande feel that if he is truly passed on, will there be any danger?

However, he soon put this kind of thought down, the Tower of Inheritance will never be disturbed by the outside world, and the thing that he holds the inheritance token in his hands may not know the other party.

Zhao Yuande didn't pay attention to the other party, but protected the position where Pan Heng rushed towards the heart.

"If you don't go anymore, don't blame me for being rude! You will fall here today!" There was already endless anger in that voice.

"Just do it! You can kill me if you have the ability!" Zhao Yuande sneered.

He knew that the more threatened the other party was, the more the other party was uncertain.

Otherwise, how could the other party be so verbose with himself that he would have killed himself directly.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but instantly understand.

What the other party said just now is just scaring himself. The tower of inheritance is definitely not left by the other race.

All this is a lie.


The thicker roots rushed out, and the black light struck Zhao Yuande together.

The roots that attacked Panheng at this time also completely abandoned the attack, but also attacked Zhao Yuande.

The other party understood that as long as Zhao Yuande was killed, Pan Heng's life was in his hands.


Zhao Yuande snorted snortingly, and the God Territory space and God Soul Realm shrouded themselves together.

Those who attacked him began to become very slow.

Those black rays turned out to be black bugs, and they shone with black and golden light.

Their heads are grim, and a single horn is filled with spiral lines.

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