Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4647: One thing one thing

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Chapter 4667, one thing down one thing

But all this is useless.

Zhao Yuande shouted loudly.

This roar contains the power of the six-character mantra of Buddhism, and it is also integrated into his own understanding of heaven, his own spirit and spirit!

I saw that with Zhao Yuande as the radius, a huge semi-circular void ripple began to extend infinitely towards the front.

Countless black bugs, countless thick roots are affected by the void ripples, and they become powder in an instant.

"Master is so strong!" Xiaoqing's voice came.

"I... what's wrong with me?" A clear look suddenly appeared in Panheng's eyes not far away.

He was also awakened by Zhao Yuande's roar.

When he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but stunned.

"Since we have come here, we will rush over!" Zhao Yuande nodded to Panheng.

In Pan Heng's mind, everything he did just now appeared in a blink of an eye, and he was shocked.

At the same time, I am very grateful to Zhao Yuande.

"Good! Let's rush!" Panheng nodded vigorously.

He doesn't speak much, but he silently remembers all this.

The Pan clan is the most distinguished between grudges and grudges.

Pan Heng recovered his mind, and a small pagoda burst out of his body, and a yellowish light was released from the small pagoda.

Suddenly, the roots and insects pierced from the ground were suppressed by a huge gravity, and the speed became extremely slow.

The two joined together to kill these bugs and roots, it became very simple.

Xiaoqing just got the toy of the flame **** beads, and it was also a pleasure to play at this time.

The two pushed forward frantically, killing countless roots and bugs along the way.

Finally approached the waist of the corpse.

But at this time, dense black shadows appeared under the earth.

These shadows enveloped a large area in an instant, completely covering the crystal-like skeletons that were originally like the Foshan Ridge.

The two instinctively felt a burst of danger.


The group of black shadows rose into the sky and turned into a dark cloud towards Zhao Yuande and they overcame.

Only then did they see clearly that this was a large group of dark red bugs.

They are not very large, only one foot long, but they have sharp teeth, dark green tail thorns, and two pairs of wings that shine with metallic luster.


The flame orb sprayed out a flame, and immediately covered the large group of insects in flames.


But there was still a buzzing sound in the flames.

The swarm of insects rushed out of the flames, and there was no slight damage to the whole body.


Zhao Yuande held the Thunder Tower and threw a huge thunder net to cover these bugs.

However, there is still no effect. The insects seem to have no feeling at all, and they continue to envelope them both.

The little yellowish-colored tower above Panheng's head released huge gravity, which slowed down the speed of these insects.

"Flame and Thunder are useless!" Zhao Yuande frowned.

"I don't believe it!" A blue sword light like a hairspring flew out of the flame pearl, and flew towards the swarm.


The power of Chaos Qinglian Sword is indeed unparalleled.

This sword silk penetrated dozens of insects in a row, and gradually lost its strength.

These dozen bugs were instantly burned to ashes.

But there are too many bugs, and there are hundreds of millions of them.

Dozens of beheads at a time. I don't know when they will be beheaded.

"No! It's too much consumption. A person's current strength, even if they are exhausted, cannot completely eliminate these bugs." Xiaoqing's voice came, and some were unwilling, "Master, am I too useless!"

"As the so-called ruler is short and long, don't be pretentious, you are already strong!" Zhao Yuande comforted.

"I'll try it!" Panheng's blood was oscillating at this time.

Behind him, turned into a pair of illusory big hands.

The big hand slapped violently.

"Boom! Boom!"

Hundreds of insects were smashed under dozens of consecutive tappings, and the dark green crushed down.

Suddenly, the air was filled with a pungent odor, so that both people couldn't help but frown.

"No! No! This is too much effort, I am afraid there is not much beheading, I am going to be exhausted!" Pan Heng panted and shook his head again and again.

"Almost forgot!" Zhao Yuande now remembered, and used the identification technique to identify the insects in front of him.

"Purgatory Demon Worm! This turned out to be the product of the Purgatory World!" Zhao Yuande's eyes lit up. "It turns out that this kind of bugs are indeed very powerful, but they have weaknesses! They are afraid of light!"

"Afraid of the light?" Pan Heng frowned, "Where are we looking for the light?"

"This is simple!" Zhao Yuande smiled at the corner of his mouth. "You come out!"

With that said, Zhao Yuande directly captured the King of Light from the main world.

At this time, the cultivation of King of Light God has already broken through to the ecstasy, and now has control of a dimension world in the main world.

He was very grateful to Zhao Yuande at this time, and there was no longer the previous grudge.

"Young Master!" The King of Light God glanced around, suddenly feeling a huge danger approaching slowly.

But he was not nervous. After knowing Zhao Yuande's true identity, he was full of trust in Zhao Yuande.

Even if Zhao Yuande said that he could have children, he would still be convinced.

"Well! Please give them some light!" Zhao Yuande nodded to the God of Light.

"Yes! Son!" The King of Light God bowed and nodded, and his body began to release infinite light.

Just in the blink of an eye, he became a Shenyang releasing infinite light.

Even Zhao Yuande and Pan Heng felt the dazzling light in front of them, they couldn't open their eyes.


Just under the divine light, the swarms of bugs screamed repeatedly.

At this time, they no longer have the kind of leisurely calmness before, and began to fly wildly around.

"Haha! It's late!" Pan Heng saw this scene and immediately became bigger and bigger.

His little tower is not only capable of suppressing, but also releasing his position.

As long as the creatures covered by the stand, the speed will slow down.

So the speed of these bugs has become very slow.

Under the illumination of the divine light, their bodies began to slowly change color, and eventually began to melt.

After just a dozen breaths, the worms were melted and cleaned.

"It's really one thing down!" Pan Heng looked at everything in front of him and could hardly believe his eyes.

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