Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4652: Taichiden

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Chapter 4652 Chapter Taiyi Temple

There were hundreds of thousands of miles in the flight, so he looked down.

"Sure enough! Sure enough! all palm prints, this is footprints, that is the impact of a huge meteor..."

They looked down at this time, which was regarded as a corner of the ruins.

But in this corner, a huge handprint and footprint appeared.

It can be seen how terrible the fighting was at that time.

They fell to the ground, and Zhao Yuande pressed the palm of his hand against the empty space.

This time he definitely exerted all his strength. He wanted to see how solid this earth was.

But after a loud noise, his palm only caused a shallow trace, but only a half-foot deep.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

"According to the strength of this ruin, if you want to leave such a trace, I am afraid that only the powerful existence of the eternal realm will exist!" Zhao Yuande said very solemnly.

"Wang Wang! This world is terrible, I'll go back first!" A trace of the soul of the **** dog was shaking at the moment.

"Go back!" Zhao Yuande sent it directly into the main world.

"It seems that the original war was probably the battle of a large group of eternal realm powerhouses! According to my estimation, at least hundreds of eternal realm powerhouses also shot at the same time, otherwise it is impossible to turn this place into ruins! But according to the Great Sanctuary It is said that the people here have not been eliminated, but gave up here and escaped." Zhao Yuande looked at Pan Heng. "The Pan family where Pan brother is also escaped from here!"

"Yes! There are also records in our clan, otherwise I will not be charged with the task of entering the Broken God Realm to find the blood of the ancestors." Pan Heng nodded and said, "But I don't know much, but I know there is such a ruin."

"I think! In fact, all the eternal realm strongmen, or the chiefs of the powerful forces should know this!" Xuan Tianzi said at this time, "They are so committed to constantly opening this broken **** realm, just to let their descendants come in. Looking for the past home, looking for the heritage or other things that have been lost."

"Yes! Very likely!" The others nodded again and again.

"That means that it is definitely not just us who are coming here. I'm afraid there are other strong people coming." Wang Zhendao.

"Yes! I remember, Uncle Wuya once said that he has an important task, is it also to find here?" Xuan Tianzi suddenly widened his eyes.

"You guessed right, and I came here to find it." At this moment, a voice came from the ruins.

The figure of Shen Wuya slowly came out of it.

"Brother Wu Ya!" Zhao Yuande arched his hand.

"Brother Wu Ya!" Pan Heng also nodded slightly.

"Brother Wuya!" Xuan Tianzi's four Taoists saw God Wuya and hurriedly saluted them.

But they did not pass, but still stood beside Zhao Yuande.

This represents an attitude.

Although Shen Wuya is their uncle, they did not give them refuge in this broken God Realm.

Zhao Yuande rescued them from fire and water many times, and even sent countless elixirs to help them improve their cultivation.

They are all people who know the good news. If Zhao Yuande and God Wuye go to war now, they will definitely fall to Zhao Yuande's side without hesitation.

Zhao Yuande saw the reactions of the four Taoists, and he couldn't help but feel relieved for a while.

This shows that he has not misunderstood people, and these four Taoists are indeed worthy of trust.

Shen Wuya nodded and smiled at the crowd.

In fact, he was also a little unhappy in his heart, but these four teachers and nephews could not come.

But he was relieved when he thought about it. Even Zhao Yuande's behavior was somewhat heartbreaking, not to mention the four Taoists.

If they came in front of them, then he felt sick.

"Unfortunately, I didn't find anything here, goodbye to you all!" Shen Wuya was slightly disappointed on his face. After leaving this sentence, he turned around and left.

But the direction that God Wuya left was not the direction they came from. Obviously there was another map in the opponent's hand.

"Since he has searched it again, it means that it should be safe, let's go and have a look!" Zhao Yuande looked at everyone.

"Good!" Everyone nodded in agreement.

Panheng has got what he wants, this time it is pure luck, there is no purpose.

And Wang Zhenluo Xiaoxiao did not undertake any tasks.

Until now, Zhao Yuande understood why Chen Baolian or Qin Baoyu did not appear here.

The four sages of origin, I am afraid that only Chaos Shenglian was born in origin, so this time Chaos Shenglian did not send his disciples in.

Because she is not interested in this place, there is nothing she wants here.

A group of them entered the ruins and shuttled through the buildings.

Some ancient murals and old utensils were also found.

But did not find anything valuable.

However, Zhao Yuande didn't mean to let it go. Taking it back to Master Zu was a kind of thought of Master Zu!

He put all his findings into the storage space.

Zhao Yuande's divine space enveloped this area, and he carefully searched every inch of land, even hundreds of feet underground, and the depths of thousands of feet were not missed.

Soon he stopped in front of a run-down building.

"This should be the place where God has no boundaries." Zhao Yuande looked at this dilapidated building.

This was supposed to be an extremely magnificent palace, and there was a plaque that broke into dozens above.

He made a big move and captured all the fragments in his hands.

A careful stitching started, and soon a complete plaque appeared in front of him.


It is the three words on the forehead of this plaque.

At this time, only Xuantian Taoist followed Zhao Yuande's side, and the others scattered to find valuable items.

"I remember a record in an ancient book that the emperor emperor shines treasures, the emperor is Tianyi, and the emperor is Taiyi! Isn't the Taiyi Hall the Emperor's Palace!" Xuantian Taoist said.

"Put it up! Go back and ask the ancestors, his old man must know." Zhao Yuande put away the plaque without hesitation.

The two of them entered this hall and suddenly found many traces of God's boundlessness.

The gods, statues, murals, and decorations are all taken away.

"The valuable things are taken away by Uncle Wuya!" Xuantian Taoist looked at the empty building in front of him and couldn't help saying.

"It's okay, we didn't want to get anything, we just want to get along!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand and didn't care.

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