Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4653: small things

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Chapter 4653 of Small Things

The two carefully searched in the Taiyi Temple, and found almost nothing.

However, when they wanted to leave, Zhao Yuande saw a bit of earthy light shining between a collapsed column, and at the same time, there was a whispering sound.

"It shouldn't be! The former God Wuya couldn't see this light." Zhao Yuande frowned.

He stepped forward and saw a small hole.

A slap-sized, snow-white little thing is protruding its head from the hole.

This is a creature like a mouse, but a pair of ears is very large, occupying half of the body length.

"Living thing!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but widen his eyes.

His soul just now can be regarded as hundreds of thousands of feet underground, why did not find this little thing.

He reached out and the little thing fell directly into his palm.

His soul fell on the little thing and wanted to start identification, but the result was shocking him.

Now his practice is that, except that the eternal realm has no experiments, anything else can be identified.

But this little thing is totally unidentifiable, and even his soul seems to be unable to discover this little thing at all.

His soul penetrated the small thing and fell directly on his hand.

"Uncle Shi! You... what is this?" At this time, Xuan Tianzi also heard Zhao Yuande's voice and hurriedly ran from another part of the hall.

"I don't know! You try to probe it with the soul." Zhao Yuande said.

"What... My soul can't find it at all! How is this possible!" Xuan Tianzi quickly screamed.

"I can't find it! I can only see it with my naked eyes!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"This... no wonder Uncle Wuya has not found it." Xuan Tianzi suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Is this something Uncle Wuya is looking for?"

"It's impossible!" Zhao Yuande shook his head. "What's the use of this little thing? But take it back and show it to the ancestors. He should know about the elderly! Xuantian, you can tell God Wuya about this."

"No, I can't betray Uncle Shi." Xuan Tianzi shook his head again and again.

"It's okay! If he asks, you tell him! If you don't ask, you don't need to say much." Zhao Yuande said.

"Yes! Uncle Master!" Xuan Tianzi saw Zhao Yuande's solemn face, and nodded.

The little thing was lying quietly in Zhao Yuande's palm, and it seemed to be very enjoyable.

Zhao Yuande wanted to charge it into the main world, but found that there was no response at all.

He couldn't help wondering, what the **** is this and why he couldn't be included in the main world.

"I still put you here!" Zhao Yuande put this little thing in his arms.

He suddenly felt a warm sensation coming from the small things, which made people feel very comfortable.

It's like drinking a hot bowl of **** soup in the cold winter.

The little thing was very quiet, he fell silently in his arms, a pair of small eyes closed slightly, and seemed to enjoy very much.

Zhao Yuande didn't know what was going on for a long time, and he didn't even care.

"Let's go!" Zhao Yuande searched the hall again, and found nothing.

He and Xuan Tianzi walked out of the hall.

Everyone just found some broken murals and other broken objects.

But they were all collected and sent to Zhao Yuande here.

Zhao Yuande did not mention the fact that he found small things, nor did Xuan Tianzi say it.

This matter is only known to them, Xuan Tianzi will not tell anyone.

"It seems that this place was really turned over by God Wuya, let's go to other areas to find it!" Zhao Yuande said.

"it is good!"

They no longer have a definite target at this time, and start to search other areas at will.

A few days passed, and the result was really nothing.

They have also found some traces of being searched, and obviously someone really has been here.

"They are here again! Here again!"

At this time, in that underground world, a gorgeous big flower bloomed on the sky-like plant, which revealed a grisly human face.

"Do I want to take them down, this time there are many more weak people, I might as well take them down and eat them all!" The hideous man's face showed a greedy expression.

When Zhao Yuande wanted to leave this ruin, suddenly a thick beard burst out under the earth.

The speed of this beard is so fast that it makes people unresponsive.

It was only moments before they approached them.

"It's it again!" Zhao Yuande looked solemnly.

Fortunately, everyone is not far away from him at this time, and he has been prepared for it.

So for the first time, the Flame God Pearl appeared beside him, and the infinite flame enveloped everyone's body in an instant.


The sound of flames came.

Those roots that couldn't break through the flames were all blocked.

"You first enter my inner world." Zhao Yuande did not hesitate at this moment and directly sent everyone except Panheng into the world of the host.

"Brother Pan, last time we didn't catch it, this time how we found its old nest!" Zhao Yuande looked at Panheng.

"Okay! You must kill it! You must kill him!" Pan Heng's eyes were almost bloodied.

This is his death feud. At this time, there are countless bones of the Pan family who are still hiding in the underground world. He never wants to bring them back to the clan.

"Let's go!" Zhao Yuande grabbed a root that penetrated from the ground directly as he moved, and then rushed directly into the earth along this root.

Pan Heng is also prepared according to law, and the whole person is not much slower than Zhao Yuande.

The two just rushed into the depths of tens of thousands of kilometers underground along the roots in the blink of an eye.

When they arrived here, they discovered that the roots seemed to be protruding from the void.

The two looked at each other and rushed directly into the void along the roots, and then they appeared in a huge world of roots.

Countless thick root hairs are entrenched, and each root hair seems to be inserted into the void, absorbing the infinite energy in the void.

They followed all the roots and instantly sensed the bodies of these roots.

The huge plant with sky, and the huge gigantic flower above the plant, and the grimace in the flower.

"You're here! You're really here! Since you're here, be my nourishment!" The greasy face made a icy voice that made people listen to the thrill in their hearts.

"It seems that we are still in a trap!" Zhao Yuande looked at Pan Heng and smiled on his face.

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