Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4654: what is this

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Chapter 4654, what is this

"Trap, I don't think it's necessary, it's just looking for a dead end!" Pan Heng sneered.

He rushed out of the ground first, and appeared in front of the sky plant.

Zhao Yuande followed behind him, and the flame orb was in his hand, constantly releasing the horrible flames and burning the roots surrounding him.

After he also rushed out of the ground, he also saw this plant.

This plant is the whole world. Apart from it, there are no animals or creatures in this world.

The countless trees and weeds on the ground are actually part of this plant.

"Burn me! Do all you can to destroy this world." Zhao Yuande said at this time.

"Yes! Master!" Xiaoqing controlled the flame orb, releasing a terrifying flame.

"Haha! It's useless! This flame core was also made by me, and I want to take it back as easily as I could." The ugly face in the flower came with a disdainful sneer.

"That's not as good as you try." Zhao Yuande couldn't help sneering.

"Come over to me!" The grimace screamed loudly, which seemed to contain some kind of magical power.

The Flame God Bead flew towards the fascinating big flower at once.

Zhao Yuande's and Pan Heng's complexions all changed at once, which was extremely ugly.

"Haha! That's my treasure, even if you get it, you have to come back again!" Xie Hao's face gave a proud laugh.

But at the next moment, the flame **** beads flew in front of the brave man's face, and a cyan flame was directly ejected from it, turning into a cyan giant sword, and directly chopped towards the brave man's face.

This sword has no signs, and the speed is unbelievable, and the gruesome face is not even thought of at all.

So he was tragically split in half by a sword.

Flame God Bead succeeded and returned directly to Zhao Yuande.


A scream of sorrow sounded throughout the space.

The shocking Zhao Yuande and Pan Heng both felt huge ear pain.

"You... you are cheating! You hurt my body! I will devour you alive!" The big flower withered in an instant.

However, this all-weather plant began to creep, and in the blink of an eye countless vine branches and leaves reconstructed into a huge greasy face.

"It's a terrifying breath, this is half an eternal realm!" Pan Heng looked at the roaring face and said solemnly.

"No matter what it is, cut it!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Okay! Kill!" Pan Heng's body swelled, transforming his real Pan's body, and the big axe in his hand was infinitely enlarged.

This time Panheng once again cast Pan's true body, he has already calmed down a lot.

At this time in his sea of ​​blood, the half of Pan's true blood was exhaling infinite power.

At this time, the height of Pan's true body was already comparable to this plant.


Pan Heng chopped off with an axe, carrying a kind of terror force that could not resist.

This axe seems to split the heaven and earth all directly.

All around the axe appeared chaotic rays of light, and infinite vigor and vitality spewed out from the chaotic colors.

Vaguely, stars with the size of fists constantly live and die in it.

If this axe is chopped down in the vast void, I am afraid that it will directly split into a new world, and a small chaotic universe will be born.

This is the power of earth-shaking and the essence of Pan's supernatural powers.

Previously, Panheng had a curse in her body, she could not participate in research at all, and she could not practice successfully.

Even the strong of Pan's eternal realm did not practice successfully throughout his life.

That's because the curse in them suppressed the kind of vitality in their blood.

Now the curse has basically been eliminated, so Pan Heng naturally exhibited this axe.


With an axe, the whole world was directly divided into two halves.

The plant in the sky is almost split in half at this moment.

The screaming screams came from the plants.

"What! You are in control of this axe! Damn, you must be killed today! You must be killed!" The grimace turned into two halves again at this time, making a hysterical roar.

A cyan sword light spewed out of the flame orb, as if it had turned into a giant sword.

"Kill!" At this time, Zhao Yuande was using this giant sword, and he constantly attacked the plants.

This is the chaos fire of Qinglian, nothing burns, nothing breaks.

The trunk of the all-day plant was chopped up and appeared bare.

At this time, the trunk was almost hacked by the axe.

Zhao Yuande felt a very strange and dangerous breath at this time, as if coming from the depth of the trunk of the heavenly plant.

"No! Retreat!" Zhao Yuande grabbed the Pantian giant transformed by Panheng and retreated towards the rear.

Just as they stepped back, a dark beam of light shot out of the tree trunk.

The beam of light is not thick, but it carries the breath of death.

The moment the beam of light emerged, the entire trunk suddenly lost all vitality.

Immediately the entire huge plant shrivelled completely.

Even the stars in the sky lost their luster at this time.

The whole world seems to have become a kingdom of death, full of breath of death.

A black figure walked out of the shrivelled huge plant and stepped into the sky step by step.

"Unexpected! Unexpected! You forced me out." The black silhouette's voice was flat and cold, but the breath from his body was terrifying.

This is a powerful existence of a half-step eternal realm, and has even approached eternal realm infinitely!

"It's so powerful!" Zhao Yuande looked at each other and couldn't help but be shocked.

"It's too powerful. The two of us seem to be desperate!" Pan Heng clutched the big axe in his hand.

Although he realized the essence of the axe in a moment, he still could not be a powerful opponent in the half-step eternal realm.

"Then desperately! We are fearless!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

Although he knew that it was almost impossible to defeat the other party, it was not a problem to escape.

"Kill!" Pan Heng once again cut an axe.

This axe was majestic and powerful.

But the black figure sneered, reached out a palm, and slapped directly towards the axe.

This palm may seem bland, but it seems to contain a dark world.

The air of infinite death escaped from it, and the infinite vitality chopped by that axe shrouded it.

At the next moment, Pan Heng only felt that a dreadful dark force poured into his body along the axe, making him unable to bear staggering, almost kneeling down to the ground.

"What is this!" Pan Heng looked at the black figure inconceivably, his voice trembling a little.

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