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Chapter 4, 671 replaced

"Brother Zhao, I think these two people are not right. Why do you want to let them go?" Pan Heng looked at the two people's backs and asked.

"I also know that they are not right, but how about you, kill them directly? That's not my style!" Zhao Yuande said, "Just follow them and see the son of light sooner or later."


The three of them hid their bodies and quickly followed behind them.

The two turned around and quickly returned to the outer edge of the wild jungle.

"What should I do? How should we notify the young master?" One of them frowned, and the three were so powerful that we could all find out even a trace of clues.

"Let's escape it! I probably know the position of the young master, maybe they won't pay attention to the underground." Another said.

"Okay! Just do what you say."

The two sank into the earth and soon disappeared.

Just below the wild jungle, thousands of feet deep, there is the remains of an ancient underground palace.

The son of light is now carefully exploring with the two ray practitioners in the underground palace, and their faces are all showing ecstasy.

"Young Master, this underground palace is definitely left by our ancestors of the Dimension of Light. You see this piece of light is exactly the same as that recorded in our family!" A cultivator of the Dimension of Light refers to a strange pattern on the ground Road.

"Sure enough... This time it was to find the once lost heritage of our family." The eyes of the son of light shone with excitement.

"Congratulations to the young master, young master He Xi!" another person hurried to please.

"Okay! You follow me well. I will definitely make your family profit and return you with more resources when I go back!" A bright smile appeared on the child's face.

"Thank you young master!" The two looked at each other, and their eyes were extremely excited.

In order to escape Zhao Yuande's pursuit, they could only hide in the inner world of the son of light.

He has become a subordinate of the Son of Light, and it is just right to show loyalty and allegiance.

The three of them walked in a passage, and the son of light suddenly changed his face slightly.

"No, Zhao Yuande and they have found it!" The son of Bright's face became very ugly.

"The two didn't send any information!" The strong of the light dimension could not help frowning.

"I feel that their breath has left above, and a strong breath is coming, I hope that the two of them will not be stupid." The son of light looked gloomy.

"They are all our carefully selected spies, and they have all been very rigorously trained, shouldn't they!" said another strong man of the light dimension.

"No... these two smart guys!" The face of the son of light suddenly became very ugly at the next moment, "You two go out to lead them away, don't let the three Zhao Yuande discover this place!"

"This...but...we are not Zhao Yuande's opponents, we are afraid of..." The strong of the light dimension can not help but look very unsightly.

"Go! Immediately! I order you, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!" The son of light showed a cold expression at the moment, as long as the two dare not obey, they will directly kill them.

"Yes! Young Master!" The two gritted helplessly.

"You can rest assured that as long as you don't show your horses' feet, you can just steal them away. Zhao Yuande should not be able to notice you." The son of light finally comforted.


The two had no choice but to leave this palace.

But after they left the underground palace, they looked at each other and invariably flew away in one direction.

There is no order for the son of light.

Why are they hiding in the inner world of the son of light.

That's because they fear death and don't want to die here.

Now the son of light let them die, they would agree so.

So they fled without hesitation.

If you don’t escape, you die!

"Damn it! Damn!" The son of light felt the direction of the two going away, and he almost exploded directly in place, but soon he calmed down, "But this way, they may attract Zhao Yuande. For my attention, to buy me a little time."

"No matter, I will explore this underground palace first, and strive to find the inheritance soon! And even if they can enter this underground palace, they may not be able to walk through the previous levels, because they are not the blood of the dimension of light!" The son of light also ignored this time, and rushed forward.

A brilliant brilliance burst out of his body, illuminating the entire passage directly.

"It turns out that the ruins are underground!" Zhao Yuande and the three quickly followed the two into the underground, and the God Territory space radiated out, and suddenly found the huge underground palace deep underground.

At the same time, he also discovered the cultivation of the two dimensional lights, and he was fleeing in the opposite direction to them.

At this time, his divine space enveloped a wide range to an unimaginable range.

As long as he investigates carefully, absolutely nothing can hide him.

In the wild jungle before, he didn't expect it to be an underground ruin, so he didn't radiate the soul of the gods to the ground, otherwise it would have been discovered long ago.

For those two practitioners, he did not care.

He thought that it must be the strategy of the son of light, so his attention was completely concentrated in the underground palace.

Only an instant, he found the entrance to the underground palace.

However, it seemed that there was an invisible light curtain in the underground palace, and his soul could not explore it, which made him both surprised and excited.

If you can easily explore, then there will be nothing good in this palace.

The more mysterious and powerful, the more painful the son of light will be.

"Let's go! Don't worry about these small shrimps, enter the underground palace to catch the son of light!" Zhao Yuande and the two quickly entered the entrance of the underground palace.

The entrance to the underground palace is accessible, and there is a huge stone gate at the end of the passage.

There are light patterns on the stone gates. Although they are carved in stone, they seem to be inlaid with a dazzling Shenyang.

"Sure enough, it is the dimension of light!" Mirror Fairy saw the pattern and couldn't help but reveal a killing intention on her face, "Do not let the son of light succeed."

"Yes, you can't let him succeed, behead him, we will replace it." Pan Heng sneered.

"Let's think about how to open this gate first!" Zhao Yuande was constantly groping on the gate at this time and pushing hard.

However, there was no response at all, and no matter how he used terror, this door would remain immobile.

"Sure enough it's not that simple!" Pan Heng also came up to work hard with Zhao Yuande.

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