Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4672: Huge body

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Chapter 4672 The Huge Corpse

A few pots had no effect at all. Instead, a huge anti-shock force came from the stone gate, causing the two of them to stumble and withdraw a dozen photos.

"Even the half-step eternal realm can't shake this stone gate. It seems that there is really something extraordinary here." Zhao Yuande said very solemnly, "If we try some cards, it should be able to open!"

"You can't use brute force. If there is any terrible formation, we might get caught! There must be some way to find it." Mirror Fairy looked closely around the gate for a while, but still found nothing.

"Did you just give up like this?" Pan Heng scratched his head, his face full of unwillingness.

"It is possible to give up!" Zhao Yuande shook his head, groping his hand on the door, trying to find a secret door for the institution.

"Since this is the place where the ancestors of the Dimension of Light left, I am afraid that those who need the Dimension of Light can open it!" Mirror Fairy suddenly cast his eyes on the sun-like bright pattern, "You see there seems to be a palm print here. "

Zhao Yuande also saw the palm print at this time, and immediately pressed his hand on it.

But there was no one at all and no response.

"You also try it." Zhao Yuande looked at the other two.

It turned out that none of the three were able to open the door.

"What should I do? Or shall we go back and capture the two dimensional people and let them try?" Pan Heng suggested.

"Right! I forgot!" Zhao Yuande's eyes lit up and summoned a person directly from the main world. "King God of Light, you try to press your handprint on it."

The King of Light is the bloodline of the Dimension of Light. Recently, under the supply of the infinite elixir, the cultivation base has reached the ecstasy.

"Yes! Master!" The King of Light God nodded hurriedly, pressing his palm on the pattern.


A burst of noise came from the gate, and then the gate opened, revealing an intricate underground palace.

"Sure enough!" Zhao Yuande's face showed a hint of excitement.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Zhao, you still have such a man!" Pan Heng looked at the God of Light, his eyes brightened.

"Okay! King Light God, please stay with us for now!" Zhao Yuande ordered.

"Yes! Master!" The King of Light God was extremely respectful.

At this time, the King of Light God was very grateful to Zhao Yuande. Although he was caught, he became a slave.

But in fact, he was not treated as a slave, and he also had a world of his own dimensions, allowing his cultivation to advance by leaps and bounds to directly advance to the realm of breaking the world.

If he put it before, he wouldn't even dream of dreaming that he could one day become a powerhouse who broke the road.

Why did his family send him to Xuanhuang Realm as a spy, that's because his family is weak and is the lowest level of existence in the dimension of light.

Now his status, but a master of the dimension, is only a servant of Zhao Yuande alone.

Even in recent days, the supply of Infinite Elixir has allowed him to make rapid advances and enter a terrible state of ecstasy.

Even if he is now free to let him return to the dimension of light, he will never be willing.

Four people entered the underground palace.

What the King of Light God said is also the blood of the dimension of light, and there is a wonderful sense of the depth of the underground palace.

"Master, I feel that there is a great treasure in the depths of the underground palace." King of Light God said.

"Oh! Can you feel it?" Zhao Yuande asked curiously.

"Yes! I can feel some blood connection with it." King Guangshen answered honestly.

"Then hurry and take us over, there is a son of light in front, it would be bad if he got it!" Zhao Yuande can feel from the gate outside, this underground palace is absolutely extraordinary, should be an eternal realm The strong stay.

If the treasure of an eternal realm is obtained by the son of light, it can even reverse the situation.


Under the leadership of the King of Light, they went all the way.

Encountered some powerful stone guards on the road, but they couldn't resist the powerful methods of Zhao Yuande's three people, and they didn't need much time to defeat them one by one.

"That's right here, after this gate!" The King of Light God led Zhao Yuande and the three people unimpeded all the way to the huge stone gate.

"I feel the breath of the son of light, he is also inside!" Zhao Yuande frowned.

"This gate needs essence and blood to open!" The King of Light God squeezed a piece of essence blood on his finger at this time.

These sperm blood was dazzling like sunlight, and it directly blasted on the gate.


The gate absorbed the blood and slowly opened a gap.

At this moment, a very bright magic light shines through the gap, and all the walls around it begin to melt slowly.

An indescribable heat scorched their bodies.

The God of Light was shrouded in this divine light. Instead of feeling pain, his face showed enjoyment.

His breath was rising at an incredible speed, but he reached the peak of ecstasy in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Zhao Yuande and the three of them felt a sizzling noise when they felt their bodies were roasted.

The skin began to gradually become dark, a trace of oil and gas drilled out of the pores.

"What the **** is this! Such a horror!" Pan Heng couldn't help but widen his eyes and couldn't believe what was happening.

He was the blood of the Pan family, and his body was almost unparalleled in the world. He did not expect to be burned by a light.

"Om!" At this moment, the mirror fairy had a simple bronze mirror in his hand.

The bronze mirror zoomed in, blocking the front of the three.

The dazzling divine light was shining on the copper mirror, and it was reflected directly back by the copper mirror.

"It's really one thing, one thing!" Zhao Yuande and Pan Heng glanced at each other, and they couldn't help but show excitement on their faces.

"King God of Light, go in!" Zhao Yuande said.


The King of Light God strode in ahead.

Zhao Yuande and the three men hid behind the simple bronze mirror and followed quietly.

Entering the gate, they were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them.

This is a vast space in which lies a huge unimaginable corpse.

This corpse released the horror gods, whose temperature is many times higher than the sun.

A terrifying pressure came from the bodies, making them almost unstable.

At this time, not far in front of them, the son of light was walking his teeth step by step, trying to get close to the huge corpse.

"This is the corpse of my Light Dimensional Powerhouse. He should be a powerful existence in the eternal realm, and I don't know why he died here."

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