Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4674: Cooperation

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Chapter 4674 Cooperation

"What should I do? Or else!" There was such a voice in the mind of the Son of Light at this time, "Escape! Yes, you must escape! As the so-called stay Qingshan is not worrying about firewood, escape and hide, wait The closing of Broken God Realm, so that we can save our lives!"

Next, the son of light turned and left.

He walked not in the direction of the corpse, but towards the gate.

As soon as he turned around, he suddenly felt his speed suddenly increased, not knowing how many times.

Just one step over the crowd and out the door.

"This counseling!" Pan Heng saw the Son of Light running away and couldn't help but sneer. "Anyway, I'm useless here, so I'm going out to chase him down!"

"I will go too!" Fairy Mirror said, facing Zhao Yuande, "This ancient mirror will be lent to you first, don't damage me!"

"Okay! You're right, it's time to go out and chase him! Now he has been scared by me, and he dare not really fight you head-on." Zhao Yuande nodded.

He was also polite, returned to the two, and took Gu Jing to **** them outside the gate.

Only then did the ancient mirror follow behind the King of Light God and approached the corpse step by step.

"King God of Light, if possible for a while, we will put this corpse directly into the main world, and it is safest for you to absorb it." Zhao Yuande suggested.

"Everything is subject to the master's arrangement!" The God of Light nodded.

Without interference, the King of Light God stepped closer to the body.

When the corpse was thousands of feet away, the King of Light God's body would split apart.

But at this time, the corpse shot a ray of light and directly pulled the body of the God of Light to the corpse.

When he reached the King of Light in front of the body, his body disappeared.

"What's wrong!" Zhao Yuande was startled.

But soon he felt it, the God of Light God could still feel it, not far away from him.

At this time, the King of Light was ingested into a vast space, and a huge figure appeared in front of him.

"My bloodline inheritor, you are finally here!" A sound of a vast and convulsive space came, making the King of Light God's body almost collapse at this moment.

"Ancestor!" The King of Light felt his own insignificance and the power of the huge figure opposite him.

"Well! There seems to be a ban on your dementors, you are enslaved!" the voice said, "Is that the human race outside?"

"Yes! I was once enslaved, but he did not treat me as a slave, but also made me a dimensional master, providing me with endless pill medicine practice, which is a hundred times easier than my previous criminal life. , So I have no hatred for him, only grateful!" King of Light God.

"Oh! Then let him stay for a while!" The voice nodded and asked, "What is the situation with our Guangzu now? Was the Shadow Clan defeated?"

"We are now..." The King of Light God did not hesitate at all and said the situation outside carefully.

"The Light Dimension and the Dark Dimension joined forces to assassinate the human race? This place has become a ruin! I didn't expect it... My children and grandchildren were so degraded and attacked humans with the shadow clan's running dog!" The voice sighed repeatedly. , Seems to be full of helplessness and unwillingness.

"Please also invite the ancestors to come out to preside over the big picture." The King of Light God knelt down on the ground and prayed piously.

"I am already a dead man! I have no power to go out, and even if I go out, my strength is no match for an eternal realm! According to what you said, my children and grandchildren might attack my group, and finally I To be the material of those unscrupulous descendants, to refine treasures!" The voice bitterly said.

"Some of us in the Dimension of Light still disdain to consort with them!" King of Light God said.

"Okay! I have everything for you! I hope you can get my inheritance, achieve eternity, and finally regain the power of the light dimension, and become the new master of the light dimension." The voice said, "But before this You can’t be a slave to someone else. For the future of the Dimension of Light, I will kill you that human race!"

"No... Ancestors don't do this! He is actually the best collaborator. If he can cooperate with him, he can definitely achieve his goal more easily." The King of Light God hurriedly said.

"Oh! Even so, I believe your eyes." The voice said, "But I want to talk to him, if he refuses to give up, I will kill him directly!"

"..." The King of Light God wanted to say something, but the tall figure in front of him had disappeared.

At this time, Zhao Yuande had also reached a thousand feet away, and he was waiting quietly.

"Human! You enslaved my inheritors." At this moment, a tall figure appeared in his sea of ​​knowledge, looking down at him quietly.

"Yes! It's true!" Zhao Yuande looked at this tall figure in the sea of ​​consciousness, but he couldn't help but also a state of mind.

According to the other party's means, it should be very simple to kill him.

"How do you give up slavery." The figure said lightly.

Although the other party's tone is bland, there is an unquestionable tone.

Zhao Yuande knew that if he said half a word, the other party would surely kill himself without hesitation.

"Okay! I originally started fighting him for self-protection! Now that we are half friends, there is no problem with this matter!" As he said, he released the God of Light God's soul control.

"Good! Clean and clean, don't drag mud and water!" The figure appreciated. "It's better to cooperate with your inheritors! You help him to capture the dimension of light, he helps you deal with the dimension of darkness and the shadow clan!"

"This is no problem at all! This is actually what I wanted to do before!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Okay!" The figure did not ask Zhao Yuande to swear, but just believed him.

The next thing is very simple. The owner of the corpse, which is the figure who talked to them before, is directly integrated into the sea of ​​knowledge of the God of Light.

The soul of King of Light God is directly elevated to the half-step eternal realm.

King of Light God already has his own dimension world, he does not want to leave.

Therefore, the huge body was also sent into the main world by Zhao Yuande. The King of God of Light was the safest and most assured.

King of Light God, the future master of the light dimension, is now officially in alliance with Zhao Yuande.

When Zhao Yuande walked out of the palace, he also received information from Pan Heng and Jing Xianzi.

At this point the two have already caught up with the son of light and are chasing him.

However, the son of light is very cunning and has many life-saving cards, so they have not killed him several times.

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