Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4675: Finished perfectly

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

The fourth thousand six hundred and seventy-five chapter ended successfully

According to the information of the two, Zhao Yuande quickly caught up with the trail of the son of light.

The three teamed up to kill the son of light, and soon forced the son of light into heaven with nowhere to go.

"Don't force the three of you, otherwise I will take one of you to die together!" The light of the son of the light at this time gradually began to dim, and his expression was terrible.

"Let's get started!" Zhao Yuande rushed up first, not fearing the other party's threats at all.

"Okay! I'll die with you!" A divine light rushed out of the head of the son of light and enveloped his body.

The next moment his body began to expand infinitely.

There seemed to be a blast in his body, but the power of terror was still brewing until the second big explosion.

At this moment, Zhao Yuande and the three of them all felt a strong dangerous breath.


Although Zhao Yuande has rushed to the front, his teleportation technique is faster, and he withdrew tens of thousands of miles at the moment of the crisis.


There was a loud noise shaking the world.

The sons of light who changed thousands of feet in height suddenly exploded.

The ground beneath his feet exploded into a terrifying crater with tens of thousands of feet in depth and thousands of feet in depth.

At the center of the explosion, a large black crack appeared, in which the star-filled void universe could be seen.

A shining figure burst into the big crack, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Zhao Yuande, Pan Heng, and that cheap woman! You wait, one day I will kill you!" The son of the light's resentful voice still echoed in everyone's ears.

"What! This guy isn't dead!" Pan Heng was shocked, and there was a strange look on his face.

"This is his hole card, you can leave the hole of Broken God Realm directly, we tried our best!" Zhao Yuande said helplessly.

"I saw it. It was a bead that resisted the explosion just now, and left with his spirit!" Jing Xianzi grabbed the bronze mirror in her hand, and the scene she said appeared on it.

The son of light abandoned his own flesh and took himself away with the treasure.

"It's not bad! This guy is half-waste. Although it is not difficult to restore his own body, but we are forced to run like a dog, but he will become his devil. It is basically impossible to achieve eternity. "Zhao Yuande said.

"Also!" The two nodded.

"I don't know who we are going to kill next?" Pan Heng rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Go find the old lady in Nanli's house! She killed the child of darkness or cooperated with the child of darkness, which is a threat to us." Zhao Yuande said.

"When we came out before, I had asked her news, but she seemed to have disappeared out of thin air and lost her trace." Jing Xianzi said.

"The other party is proficient in formation, and the powerful formation given by the eternal realm is really not easy to find, then everything is right! If you can find the best, if we can't find it, let's continue to explore the ruins!" Zhao Yuande Road.


Sure enough, as the fairy fairy said, the old lady of the Nanli family disappeared, and they didn't know what dark corner they were hiding in, so they searched for a few days and found nothing.

However, they always felt a cold breath haunting them, making them a bit like a throat.

"Don't look for it! Let's explore that piece of ruins." Zhao Yuande knew that it would be useless to continue this way, and he simply entered the vast ruins with a big wave of his hand.

As time passed, their time to enter the Broken God Realm was almost at the end.

Zhao Yuande and the three of them gradually discovered more and more people in the ruins.

Many cultivators are rapidly improving their strength, and have the power to fight against those terrible monsters, and they have all found it here.

The cultivation resources here are extremely rich, and there are relics that can be found everywhere.

During this period of cultivation, everyone's speed is thousands of times before.

"Hey! I feel that our time is almost up, and it will be sent out of this space soon! It is really a bit reluctant!" Pan Heng looked at the vast relic group below.

It took them such a long time to discover less than one percent of the area. Although there was no more great chance, they also found many dusty Daoyan Divine Soldiers and even magical spells.

"There is no banquet in the world, this time it was a complete success!" Mirror Fairy said lightly.

"After Brother Pan went out, I didn't know what to do?" Zhao Yuande looked at Panheng.

"I naturally return to the clan, using the clan blood to completely purify my blood, and then the elite clan! By then, we Pan really will be the master of the entire eternal palace, and those who plot us will be completely desperate." Pan Heng clenched his fists, remembering these things that were about to happen, and couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

"You have to be careful. Someone already knows that you got Pan's real blood, and the news has long spread! After going out, there will definitely be people who don't want you to return to Pan's, there may be a terrible killing!" Zhao Yuande condensed Road.

"They really dare to be so bold!" Pan Heng was slightly shocked when he heard Zhao Yuande's words.

"For the sake of benefit, they will do whatever it takes to kill you before they are in the best interest of those people, so they will definitely do that." Zhao Yuande nodded very seriously.

"This... this bunch of puppies!" Pan Heng's eyes showed an angry look.

"But with us to help you, you should be fine!" Zhao Yuande smiled, "The three of us join forces, and no one can kill you unless the eternal realm is close."

"But you..." Pan Heng looked at them.

"I don't have a family, I don't have my own power, so there is no place to go for the time being." Zhao Yuande said.

"I am discouraged and don't want to go back. I will follow Brother Zhao to overthrow the shadow clan's conspiracy." Jing Xianzi said lightly.

"I wrote down the love of the two!" Pan Heng nodded vigorously.

"Okay! We are all friends. There is no need to say this between friends." Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

It didn't take long for the sky to suddenly crack a huge gap that was hundreds of millions of miles long.

The powerful force drove them towards the huge gap, and their speed became faster and faster.

But in a dozen blinks, they saw the whole broken shrine, vast beyond their imagination.

There are countless areas that they have not explored, and it is not known how many big secrets are hidden.

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