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Chapter four hundred and sixty-six killed him

But all this has nothing to do with them, they have been pulled out of a huge crack by a mysterious force at this time.

Zhao Yuande's soul shrouded everyone, and he couldn't help but frown slightly.

There are probably more than 2,000 people remaining, and he did not find the smell of the old lady of Nanan Li among them.

Did she escape like a son of light with the help of a hole card?

This thought disappeared in an instant. He soon saw the distant starry sky, and countless powerful people were looking forward to it.

Zhao Yuande saw the forces of origin and eternal dimension in it.

The two dimensions of light and dark are not in this direction.

He saw Xuanyuan Sanniang with anxious expression on his face at a glance.

"They came out!" Someone exclaimed with excitement.

"I don't know what kind of state my son will upgrade to this time."

"In the Broken God Realm, there is a holy place for cultivation, and there are infinite treasures. The most ridiculous time someone directly raised cultivation to a half-step eternal realm."

"I'm afraid you are the Huntian Saint King of that year! He is a legend, rising from this broken **** realm!"

"My children must at least achieve ecstasy! The resources I prepared for him before are enough for him to cultivate to this level..."

"my home……"


I don't know how many powerful people are waiting excitedly.

But when they saw the number of people appearing, they could not help but take a breath.

Because there are too many dead people, so many people are frightened.

"What! What about our Nanli family? Why are there none?" Just as the two gangs were about to converge, a strong man suddenly shouted, his face pale.

This is the grandfather of Nan Li painting.

"Old man, don't worry, there may be a group of people!" An old lady supported him, although he said that, there was still a look of horror on his face.

"What about the people in our Tanglin Palace? Didn't this one appear?" The black-faced old man in Dongling Palace also roared again and again.

"No need to look for them! They were all killed by me!" Zhao Yuande flew over with a sneer, his voice full of cold killing intention.

"Little friend, what about my granddaughter?" Xuanyuan Sanniang appeared in front of Zhao Yuande at this time, constantly looking up and down at him, and asked with a trembling voice.

"Little Yuer, she's okay, staying in the world inside me! She had been hit a little before, so she made this choice." Zhao Yuande said that she removed the red girl Xiao Yuer from her.

"Little Yuer!" Xuanyuan San Niang smiled when she saw that Xiao Yuer was safe.

"Grandma, I'm fine! It's just that I'm a little tired of these intrigues, you earn me, I don't want to continue practicing!" Xiao Yuer said softly.

"Good! No problem, just come out alive!" Xuanyuan San Niang caressed Xiao Yu'er's long hair lovingly.

"Boy, you didn't die in our hands before. Now let's do it!" The old couple in Nanli's family gave an angry roar.

"Two of us, we killed him together, and killed him!" The black-faced old man of Tangling Palace rushed over frantically.

"Humph! Do you think my Xuanyuan Sanniang is gone?" Xuanyuan Sanniang had already seen the madness of the three, and was directly in front of the black-faced old man.

"If you want to kill me, you may have lost your best chance!" Zhao Yuande summoned the old goat without hesitation.

At this time, Mirror Fairy and Pan Heng have also appeared around him.

Suddenly the war broke out.

All the people around me turned their eyes to this direction at this time.

Xuanyuan Sanniang easily blocked the attack of the black-faced old man. She was originally stronger than the other party, and she was simply at ease.

The old goat was nourished by the endless panacea. The fighting power is stronger than before. I don’t know how many times it is. It instantly blocked the old Nanli family.

Zhao Yuande and the three men fought against the Nanli family old woman, but it did not fall.

"It's the young master, he has fought with others! Help in the past!" At this time, the two flew from afar, and suddenly joined the war group.

"Young Master!" Two burly heroes joined the battle and instantly defeated Nan Li's old lady.

"My Nanli family's ally, don't come to help!" Nanli family's old lady could not help but exclaimed.

She felt that if she went on like this, she was really going to be beheaded.

So I don't need this old face, just ask someone for help.

Hula, several gangs rushed to join the battle group.

"Dare you! You are also allies of my Xuanyuan family, think about the consequences of the end!" Xuanyuan San Niang threatened very hard.

Suddenly most of the group of people stopped.

In fact, the Nanli family and the Xuanyuan family are really allies, and their allies are basically a group of people.

Now they are caught in two big families, it is really a dilemma.

But soon someone chose to help the Nanli family.

A dozen people joined the battle group, and the situation was suddenly reversed.

"What are you still doing stunned! Come and help immediately!" Mirror Fairy snorted a little away.

"Yes!" More than a dozen people suddenly joined the war.

At this time, I didn't know how many people were watching this war, they all had a urge to laugh in their hearts.

"Hey! Have you heard? Zhao Yuande has inherited the Tower of Inheritance."

"Yes! This person is extremely arrogant. I don't know how many people have been killed in the broken God Realm."

"I heard that as long as he provoked him, he was all beheaded! The Nanli family, the Tomb Palace, and even the Dimension of Light and the Dimension of Darkness died in his hands."

"If you let him grow up, it will really be a mess!"

"How? Are we going to take advantage of him?"

"You're talking about trivial things, now that Panheng is the key! He got Pan's real blood in the Broken God Realm, and their Pan blood vein curse will be removed!"

"What... Panshi's real blood! Isn't this to create a number of eternal realm powerful, which has greatly damaged the balance of our eternal dimension!"

"Yes! That's it. If he returns to the Eternal Palace, our eternal dimension is really their Pan's!"

"kill him……"

"kill him!"


It was only in an instant that many people's eyes suddenly became cold.

The people who had been onlookers around him began to rush towards the battlefield.

Their goal is to be permanent.

What Zhao Yuande worried about finally happened.

"Senior, let's run away!" Zhao Yuande secretly whispered to Xuanyuan Sanniang.

"Escape! Why do you want to escape? There is no eternal realm here, I don't believe anyone can hurt me." Xuanyuan San Niang said.

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