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Chapter 4665 is expected

Therefore, the three great monarchs, carrying dozens of powerful existences of half-step eternal realm, instantly fell into the eternal dimension.

At this time, the Eternal Palace was besieged by the four great eternal realm.

If it wasn't for the eternal realm in the Eternal Palace to control a top heavenly treasure left by the Pan ancestors, the Eternal Palace might have been broken long ago.

At this time, the twelve dark monsters madly attacked all the creatures around them, which also caused great trouble to the siege.

Even the half-step eternal realm dared not appear, as for an eternal realm vigorously took half of the energy to contain them.


The Three Heavenly Kings, the Invincible Kings, the Destruction Kings, and the Three Kings killed.

Suddenly launched a fierce battle of monarchs, the whole world is constantly cracking.

"The people of your origin dare to invade my eternal dimension, do you want to fall here?" However, three powerful opponents were killed at once, and he could hardly breathe out.

"We and the Eternal Palace have long formed an ally. Is it possible for allies to help each other in violation of the heavenly way of the eternal dimension." Invincible Shengjun sneered.

"Invincible, I have wanted to fight against you for a long time. This time it was not as good as we have done!"

Its eyes were dazzling with golden light, staring at the invincible sage, wanting to fight with it.

"Then a battle!" The invincible sage laughed haha.

The two battled together in an instant.

"I'm here to fight you!" Another tall, dark-skinned strong man broke down in one step and marched toward the Heavenly King.

"Feng Wanjie!" Huntian Shengjun could not help but see the strong man slightly sigh, he felt a strong pressure, his face showed a very dignified look.

The war broke out again, but they tried their utmost to refrain from excessive leakage.

Otherwise, the entire Eternal Dimension will collapse. Not only the Eternal God Furnace has to intervene, even the Heavenly Way of the Sleeping Eternal Dimension will expel them directly.

If anyone else in this world can make the monarch strong, it is heaven!

As if it were a heavenly demon tree in purgatory, it is also a horrible existence that can crush the saint.

As time passed, the war was in full swing.

At this time, Zhao Yuande and Jing Xianzi had infiltrated into the Eternal Palace.

They can be regarded as spies on both sides, and no one has stopped them.

"Brother Pan, how?" Zhao Yuande soon saw Panheng.

At this time, Panheng is controlling the Pan's real blood in his body to help a tribe get rid of the curse in his body.

This process is very difficult, and if one fails, it will fail, and the curse will go back.

"Fortunately, I got the memory of the Shadow Clan, otherwise I can't really solve this curse, but it takes a long time, and only three people have been lifted until now." Pan Heng smiled bitterly.

"Also invite your saint to appear, I have important things to report." Zhao Yuande said.

"Little friend, what's the matter!" A figure appeared in the void, it was the strong man in the eternal realm who fought outside.

"Senior, this time..." Zhao Yuande said this plan carefully to the other party.

Of course, this is just the transmission of the soul, and it took less than a moment.

"That's what it is! Haha! This time it seems that our Eternal Palace not only preserved, but also removed a shadow clan's spy." The strong man couldn't help laughing.

The previous depression completely disappeared, at this time he was really happy.

"Seniors don't care, the shadow clan is extremely cunning, and you can't relax until the last minute." Zhao Yuande said.

"Little friends, rest assured, this time is absolutely perfect!" The strong man's figure disappeared.

"Unfortunately, our strength is too low to participate in this level of war." Zhao Yuande explored the soul and watched the earth-shattering war outside, he couldn't help but surging.


The war outside became more and more intense, and eventually all the strongmen flew out of the sky.

In the Eternal Dimension, they will only have their hands tied. Only when they are outside can they really fight.

At this time, all the eternal realm strongmen have left, and the following war has temporarily ended.

The twelve dark monsters, at this time, were unconstrained and began to slaughter mankind madly.


A huge hearth appeared in the sky, directly covering the twelve dark monsters, suppressing them in place and unable to move.

This is the power of the Eternal Furnace.

Only a projection can easily suppress these twelve dark monsters.

"Not yet suppressing them back!" There was a cold and emotionless voice in the void.

In the Eternal Palace, many strong men rushed out, and they jointly sacrificed a huge palace, suppressing twelve dark monsters in it.

Then again sent into the dark underground, dozens of people joined forces to arrange a large array to suppress them.

"Each of these twelve dark monsters is one of our tribes. If they can lift the curse on them, they are the twelve powerful half-step eternal realm powerhouses!" Pan Heng's voice was full of yearning at this time. "I don't know when I will be able to complete this kind of work, and then our eternal palace will really rise."

"Don't worry, I will help you together after this time." Zhao Yuande secretly said.

"No! Don't do it!" Pan Heng shook his head again and again, "In fact, in my eternal palace, a large part of people want to take back the Pan's real blood inside you! That old ancestor, The same is true! After this battle, you better leave immediately, if you stay here..."

When Zhao Yuande heard Pan Heng's words, he couldn't help but frown.

But he sighed again in his heart, he actually thought of this situation long ago.

How could there be only one voice in such a powerful family.

Faced with this huge temptation, how can some people be willing.

There is also a situation in which long-lost enmity revenge.

Zhao Yuande's kindness to them was too heavy, they did not think of it, and simply killed Zhao Yuande without reporting.

Not only did he not have to repay his gratitude, but he also recaptured his own true blood.

Do two things with one stone, why not do it.

Zhao Yuande had thought about these long ago, and was well prepared.

But Pan Hengyi said that he still felt an inexplicable disappointment in his heart.

"Brother Zhao, I'm sorry! It's all my words that are light, and the strength is too weak!" Pan Heng blamed himself for a while.

"It's okay! It's all what I expected, that's what the people want! Brother Pan, you can tell the truth, I already feel very happy!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

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