Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4686: Situation change

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Chapter 4686 Change in Situation

It was at this time that Zhao Yuande felt that someone was monitoring himself, and the other party seemed to be a half-step eternal powerhouse.

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but sigh, and there was a look of helplessness on his face.

"Let's go first!" Zhao Yuandela lived in Mirror Fairy, and the teleportation of the Divine Realm directly took the two to leave the Eternal Palace.

"Huh? They left?" A strong man in the Eternal Palace who suppressed the twelve dark monsters couldn't help but change his face slightly, "This makes me explain to my ancestors!"

"What are you talking about?" a strong man beside him couldn't help but frown.

"Forget it! My mind is a little uneasy to do so, I shouldn't be like this," the strong man quickly shook his head, his face showing pain.

Zhao Yuande and Jing Xianzi left the Eternal Palace and appeared above the sky.

They disappeared and flew in one direction.


Soon Zhao Yuande saw above the sky, an illusory furnace tripped.

Xuanyuan Sanniang was sitting cross-legged under the furnace.

There is a girl in red in her side, who is smiling innocently at Zhao Yuande.

"Brother Zhao!" The girl in red is Xiao Yuer. She smiled when she saw Zhao Yuande's brows and was very happy.

"Thank you, Senior!" Zhao Yuande bowed slightly to Xuanyuan Sanniang.

"Xiaoyou, look at your expressions, are they some of the people in the Eternal Palace..." Xuanyuan San Niang came to perfection at a glance and saw the unwillingness and disappointment in Zhao Yuande's expression.

"Really!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly, "I sometimes have some doubts, whether I want to continue to be a good person!"

"Oh! Friends, you can't be a wicked person at all! The wicked person doesn't have a limit, and you do! The person with a limit can't be a wicked person anyway." Xuanyuan San Niang smiled slightly.

"Seniors have seen me through." Zhao Yuande smiled helplessly.

"Good! You can't be a wicked person in your life, unless... forget it! These are meaningless!" Xuanyuan Sanniang shook her head, "Do you think it will be so simple this time? Could it be designed so simply by you?"

"Does the senior think there is an accident?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help feeling cold in his back.

"That's a sage, even if you count it, there are countless ways to escape! I'm afraid that several sages on your side will have known it for a long time, so look at them..." The huge furnace above Xuanyuan Sanniang's finger suddenly appeared Picture after picture.

That is exactly the picture of many eternal realm kings fighting outside the heavens.

"They didn't seem to do their best..." Zhao Yuande soon saw that something was not right.

"It is true, and I feel that some people in this group seem to have a connection with the Heavenly King. Even with the power of the eternal God furnace, I can't figure out who it is." Xuanyuan San Niang broke out again An amazing news.

"This..." Zhao Yuande was also surprised, but he quickly calmed down and said, "I know that it will definitely not be the invincible and ruined two princes, nor the prince of the Eternal Shrine! There is only one of these four in the Nanli Family, Xian Yunzong, Golden Winged Dapeng, and the Zhu Family Shengjun!"

"I guess it's Nanli's old ghost!" Xuanyuan San Niang said.

"Can seniors pass on to several seniors in battle?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"Yes! I can help you with the help of the Eternal God Furnace, but you remember not to believe anyone, I'm just guessing at the Nanli family, anyone else is possible!" Xuanyuan said for three years.

"Well, I know, I will only inform the invincible senior!" Zhao Yuande said by the other party, and he was not sure at all. He really can only believe in the invincible sage.

Soon the voice transmission ended, and Zhao Yuande's grotesque look.

"How? They should have known it already!" Xuanyuan San Niang said.

"Indeed, the invincible predecessors have known for a long time that the other party also has a sage, and they have given up killing the other party at this time, and even gave up the grass and the snake. This time the plan may have failed." Zhao Yuande frowned.

"Really, I didn't expect that the Shadow Clan actually infiltrated among us. This matter must make the Eternal Furnace and let the Eternal Furnace work with Heavenly Dao to track down the matter." Xuanyuan San Niang said solemnly.

"In fact, it is not necessary anymore. After this battle, they may leave the eternal dimension directly and enter the dimension of origin!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Why?" Xuanyuan San Niang said.

"The invincible predecessor said that the chaos holy lotus has not yet sublimated and has not grown to be as powerful as the eternal furnace, so the heavenly path of the origin dimension is less than necessary, and will not interfere in this matter! From then on, our origin dimension will fall into war. !" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly.

"In this way, our identity is probably exposed." Jing Xianzi said, listening quietly on the side.

"Indeed, we exposed!" Zhao Yuande was helpless for a while.

"That's all right!" Mirror Fairy took a long breath at this time, instead showing a relieved smile on her face.

"I'll send you away now! You go back to the origin in advance and prepare early!" Xuanyuan San Niang said.

"Yes, we should prepare early!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He didn't have time to bid farewell to Panheng, he was sent away from the Eternal Dimension by the Eternal Furnace for three years and returned to the origin.

The two kept on moving and teleported to Huntian God Realm.

Mirror Fairy used all of his powers to take away many of the treasures of Huntian Divine Realm, which was a slight blow to the strength of Huntian Shengjun.

Because the next Heavenly King will definitely start a war with them.

And the level of the monarch cannot be shot at all. If they shot the monarch of the sky, if they directly broke the origin dimension without any care, it would really be over.

Countless practitioners of origin dimension will die.

So even if they know that the other party is a strong shadow clan, they can only uproot their forces and make them alone.

This is a protracted battle, and it will never end in a while.

Unless...Unless...Zhao Yuande can break through to the eternal realm, and then the world inside the body against the sky is complete.

At that time, he will have the power to crush the eternal realm, and then he can solve the current dilemma as long as he shoots.

However, it is very difficult!

When Zhao Yuande carried a lot of treasures, they returned to the invincible **** realm.

The news of the invincible sage also arrived at the same time.

Sure enough, the war did not continue, and the Huntian sage returned to the Huntian **** realm.

What is surprising is that the spy of the eternal dimension is not the Nanli family, but the hall of demon.

Tens of thousands of powerful monsters and beasts in the Hall of Demon all followed the Huntian Saint King to Huntian God Realm.

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