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Chapter 4690th Redeemer

"You bid!" Fox Lao said bitterly.

"Really want me to bid?" Zhao Yuande looked at the other party.

"Please bid..."

"Then take a hundred pieces of Daoyan Divine Soldiers and ten pieces of heavenly treasures!" Zhao Yuande opened the lion directly.

" are forcing us!" Hu Lao's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe the price Zhao Yuande said. This was simply asking for prices in the sky.

They feel that the other party is not sincere at all, this is playing with them.

"Aren't you stupid?" Zhao Yuande sneered at this moment, "Have you not bought anything? If you have a bid, you will have a counter-offer!"

This is just as old as Fox's eyes, he quickly learned Zhao Yuande's thoughts.

"What do you think of the ten Daoyan Divine Soldiers?" he asked cautiously.

"Forget it, I'll just bake it!" Zhao Yuande turned and left.

Are these people fools?

"Don't do it! How about twenty pieces?" Lao Hu saw that Zhao Yuande was leaving and hurriedly increased the price.

"I heard that, your value is just that, it seems that they are just perfunctory and don't want to save you back! You should have brothers and sisters! They may have been bought up and become a knife in the hands of your brothers and sisters, They are asking you to die!" Zhao Yuande still didn't look back at this time, but murmured quietly beside the Jinlong Pagoda.


Suddenly, Zhenlong Pagoda shuddered, and an angry bird chirped inside.

"You... you're spitting blood!" Fox Lao was almost blown away.

"I don't have blood on my mouth, but you want to buy your master at the price of a slave. It can be seen in your heart that the master is just like a slave!" Zhao Yuande mocked.

"I... Thirty Daoyan Divine Soldiers, one heavenly treasure! This is probably the highest price our pavilion master can accept!" Hu Lao Yi gritted his teeth.

"Oh! Thirty pieces of Daoyan Divine Soldiers, two pieces of heavenly treasures. If you promise, you will close the deal. If you don't agree, you will tear the ticket, and use the gorgeous feathers to refine the treasure by eating it!" Zhao Yuande could not doubt.

"This..." Old Fox is full of black lines. He feels that if he agrees, I am afraid that Lord Sheng will kill him to the extreme.

But if you don't agree, it will be their fox tribe who is killed.

"After three days, you bring the treasure to redeem people, otherwise..." Zhao Yuande disappeared in a flash.


The old fox sighed and looked sad.

Zhao Yuande returned, and the entire battlefield rejoiced.

Three days later, the old Fox appeared sadly as expected.

"Come on! Delivery by hand and delivery by hand!" Zhao Yuande looked at the haggard fox in front of him, and could not help smiling.

"We must first confirm that Young Master is okay." Hu Lao firmly said.

"This is simple!" Zhao Yuande placed Zhenlong Pagoda in his palm.

Suddenly, the old Fox looked at the first floor of the Zhenlong Pagoda, and a golden-winged Dapeng was singing in the sky. At this time, it was described as even more haggard than it, with infinite despair in the business.

"Let me see your treasure!" Zhao Yuande looked at Lao Hu.

The old fox was not too long-winded, he directly took out a storage ring, among which Dao Daohua was gleaming, and there were really 30 Dao Yan Divine Soldiers.

But these treasures are of the lowest quality.

Zhao Yuande frowned slightly, but it didn't matter anymore. Daoyan Divine Soldier was only used to reward these powerful men under his own, and he was prepared to use it for his own.

If he is too advanced, he really doesn't necessarily manage it.

"That's all right!" Fox old gritted his teeth.

At this point it was heartbroken.

These treasures were not taken by him from the temple master at all. This is the bottom of the family of several of their families, and he paid for the young master by himself.

However, they have also thought about it, so that they can make themselves less punished, and let the young master fail to be captured and the matter will not be passed to the hall master.

Otherwise, even if the young master is replaced, he will lose the qualification to compete for the master because of this stain.

They have been tied to the young master's boat for their entire lives. If the young master is happy, they will be happy, and if the young master destroys them, they will follow them together... No, they will escape far away.

They did this after considering many times before making a decision.

Several of their families have accumulated hundreds of thousands of years of wealth, and all of them are completely squandered.

"Okay! Even if you pass the level, start to exchange!" Zhao Yuande dived his hand directly into the Zhenlong Pagoda, and grabbed the mad golden-winged Dapeng bird in one hand, as if holding a chick in his hand general.

The old Fox was sad, and reluctantly passed the storage ring.

The exchange was very harmonious and no fighting took place.

Fox Lao rescued the golden-winged Dapeng bird and flew away.

He actually thought that if he could take advantage of this opportunity, if he was able to take the former guy in one fell swoop, instead of losing money this time, they could also blackmail in reverse.

But he still didn't have the courage after all, because he felt that the other party was not a fool, maybe this was a trap.

As long as they dare to do it, they can be dumped directly at the next moment.

"Come, take this time's game table." Zhao Yuande saw the group of enemies away but waved his hand.

Suddenly many people's eyes light up at once.

"Come!" Xuan Tianzi is in charge of their record of this war zone.

Soon he took out a roaring watch.

"In the first thirty of this battle, each person has a Daoyan Divine Soldier, and immediately begins to distribute!" Zhao Yuande took out all 30 Daoyan Divine Soldiers, constantly turning in the sky, and infinite divine light in the sky Flashing, so many people around can't help but look forward to it.

"Lin Luocheng, King of Divine Power, Yuan Tianjian..." Xuan Tianzi began to shout his names one by one.

Suddenly these people stepped forward and began to choose their own Tao Yan Shenbing.

Of course, there is room for selection in the beginning, and the more helpless the more.

However, for these cultivators who have just been promoted to the Dao Realm, Dao Yan Shenbing is their dream. Even if they do not cooperate, they can greatly enhance their combat effectiveness.

"Brothers of God Territory, don't be disappointed. I have a bottle of Forgetful Pills here! It will increase your chance of being promoted to Ecstasy State by 30%, one for each!" He said that he took a huge pill bottle and put it in front of him.

The pill bottle is transparent, and you can clearly see the dense pill in it, and everyone's eyes light up at once.

Although the value of this thing is not as good as Daoyan Divine Soldiers, it is very rare. There are more than two thousand strong men, and everyone can get one. What kind of huge wealth is this?

This is enough to buy a heavenly treasure!

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