Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

: The four thousand and sixty-nine palms

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The fourth thousand and sixty-nine palms the universe chaotic sea

"Everyone is doing a good job, killing the enemy a lot, I promise that there will be surprises in the future!" Zhao Yuande laughed.

"Thank you son! Thank you son!" everyone shouted in unison.

Unstoppable excitement appeared in everyone's eyes.

People in several other theaters saw this scene and couldn't help drooling.

The battle is getting fiercer, but the people of the three gods have gradually gained the upper hand.

But soon the time to perceive eternity came.

On this day, the three great domains and the heaven of the heavens were temporarily suspended, and they agreed to fight after three years.

Zhao Yuande began to think that this agreement was very ridiculous, but then he took it for granted.

The purpose of cultivation is not to become stronger and stronger.

And now is the best time to promote a half-step eternity. Even if there is even greater hatred, it can only be put aside first, and we will wait until this promotion.

However, Zhao Yuande knows that this time his feelings may be more intense than the war here.

Because he heard of eternal sentiment, there is also a limit on the number of people, and I am afraid that blood will shed into the dead.

The people who enlightened this time included Zhao Yuande and Jing Xianzi. The Four Daoists and the Four Sacred Beasts originally wanted to go together, but they were rejected by the Heaven-Eating Daoists.

Although their cultivation is enough, the accumulation is insufficient, even if it barely achieves half-step eternity, it is only the bottom.

It might as well wait for hundreds of thousands of years, and talk about it next time.

"This time the place of enlightenment is very peculiar, but it is a sea of ​​chaos in the universe. There may be things you can't imagine. Be careful." Heaven Eater asked.

"Cosmic Chaos Sea? Unexpected things?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but wonder.

"Yes! It's a vast universe of chaotic sea, very vast and vast, we have a dimension of origin... No, our entire universe is just a drop of the sea. You may meet people from other worlds or dimensions, such as you went to World of Purgatory! Even you will see some ancient creatures... anyway, you must be careful and low-key!" Heaven eats humane.

"I wrote it down." Zhao Yuande nodded and asked again, "I don't know how many of us have passed by this time?"

"A lot, probably hundreds of people, including young people like you, and old guys who have a lot of lives. Especially for the old guys, this time the perception is their last chance. Don't have conflicts with them if they have no last resort , But they will really desperately!" God eats humane.

"Yes!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He looked at Mirror Fairy, and there was a trace of expectation in their eyes.

"Right! Mirror Girl, I must remind you of something! I am afraid that the Huntian Shengjun hates you most now. I think this time the Huntian Shengjun may be particularly aimed at you. You must be careful." Tian Chi The Taoist people first said solemnly to Mirror Fairy.

"Thank you for reminding me." Fairy Mirror nodded.

"Okay, you two will follow me!" Heaven Eater Taoist took the two and quickly reached the Holy City.

Hundreds of people were already waiting quietly in the hall of the Holy King.

Sure enough, as the Heaven Eaters said, more than half of them had white hair and wrinkled skin, and their vitality subsided.

These people are the last one to fight. If they fail, they may lose hope in this life. If they succeed, they will open a new world and regain their vitality.

These old guys did not speak at all. When they saw Zhao Yuande and Mirror Fairy coming, they did not show goodwill, but some people showed badness in the eyes of others.

Zhao Yuande was slightly surprised, but it soon became clear.

Dadao competes, some people go up and down.

And the eternal gas is not endless. After a person realizes success, he may be less.

Zhao Yuande and Jing Xianzi, who are unparalleled geniuses, have a great chance of successfully comprehending.

This naturally reduces the opportunities for these people.

Zhao Yuande knew that these people who were hostile to them should all be narrow-minded.

He instantly captured the breath and appearance of these people.

It is the so-called strong start first, and then suffers. If you meet alone later, as long as the other side shows hostility, no matter which side of the person must be merciless.

"Everyone, I know you have all been waiting for a long time." It was at this time that the invincible sage stepped out.

He glanced at the crowd, glancing at the faces of these people one by one, especially when sweeping over Zhao Yuande, the invincible Shengjun paused and nodded slightly.

Zhao Yuande smiled and nodded.

"Okay! Many people have gone nine times. This is your last time. If you can’t understand it, you won’t have to go on, so don’t slack off! There are some new people, you should all listen. Since the parents have talked about the key, you must work hard..."

The invincible sage also said a non-nutritive nonsense, then swept the sleeves, completely shrouded the hundreds of people in the sleeve robe, and disappeared suddenly.

"Hey! Yuande hopes you will succeed this time. If you succeed, I will be relieved!" Heaven Eater looked up at the sky dome and looked at the infinite sky through the void barrier. It’s time to take a look, and there may be an opportunity for eternal success!"


When Zhao Yuande and their hundreds of people saw the sun again, they saw a gray chaotic ocean in the vast universe.

This chaotic ocean is endless, and I don't know how big it is.

Only faintly can be seen in the depths of the chaotic ocean, there are bright lights appearing and disappearing, there are huge stars ups and downs, there are infinite thunders walking around, there are scary roars occasionally coming, there is a terrible breath...

In this chaotic ocean are all huge chaotic mists. In the chaotic mist closest to them, they saw a vast ocean.

It is really an ocean, among which sparkling, there are fairy mountain islands, there are huge birds flying across the sky.

The eyes of a hundred people on the field are not enough. They can't imagine why there is such an unreasonable thing here.

"Okay! This is the Cosmic Chaos Sea, even if I don’t know how this cosmic chaotic sea is formed, even if it is dangerous to our eternal realm, you must be careful, don’t Curious and lost his life." The invincible saint looked at these people's eyes and could not help reminding.

Everyone heard this and nodded their heads, and there was a fear in their hearts.

"Invincible, you came very early." At this time, the void not far away came out.

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