Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4695: Narrow path

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Chapter 4659th Enemy Road Narrow

There was silence between heaven and earth while the woman was talking.

The woman's palm began to dance at this time, and a huge space door slowly appeared in front of her.

The door of space is bright and splendid, and all kinds of magical and colorful worlds seem to be constantly turning like a horse lantern.

"Okay, let's get in!" the woman said lightly.

Cultivators of large universes entered the door of space in an orderly manner, and a war of chance finally began slowly.

Zhao Yuande stepped into the door of space, and suddenly felt that the world was changing, and next appeared on a vast ocean.

This ocean is surrounded by a chaotic mist, like a balloon filled with half of water, and there are countless islands dotted on the sea.

Numerous figures appeared around him at this time, and then flew in all directions.

He sensed the breath on the sea at this time, following an eternal feeling, and flew in one direction.

The water is crystal clear, and you can almost see the chaotic mist package below.

Incomparably rich life breath wafts in the space.

He can feel all kinds of strange fishes, sea people, even dragons, and Kunpeng living in the ocean.

But all of these creatures are ignorant and have no wisdom.

They live entirely by instinct.

Zhao Yuande pursued a trace of eternal breath and came to a small island with a radius.

But there were already people on the island at this time, and there were more than one.

They were already fighting fiercely at this time, and they were very bloody.

"This is the battle of the avenue, really cruel!" Zhao Yuande felt the eternal energy gathered on the island, not very rich, for him was not enough to promote a half-step eternal realm, so after shaking his head slightly, he turned and left.

After passing through several small islands, Zhao Yuande finally discovered a law, the larger the island, the more the eternal air gathered.

He simply flew up to the sky and looked down, suddenly saw the largest island nearby.

The island is as large as a thousand miles, with dense woods and high mountains.

There are even a lot of powerful monster and beast groups, these monster and beast groups are extremely powerful, and they are constantly attacking the practitioners who land on the island.

"It's here!" Zhao Yuande's Divine Realm space was instantaneously launched. The next moment he had reached the highest mountain on the island and felt a smile on his face. "Sure enough, the eternal air is very rich, I will practice here. Now!"


At this time, there was a tremendous loud noise in a dense forest below the mountain.

Large areas of forest are cut down like wheat.

At the same time, the two figures rose into the sky and flew directly towards the top of the mountain.

"Oh! It's really a narrow road." Zhao Yuande saw the two figures at a glance, one of them was his old acquaintance Shangguan Rong.

The other is a young man, surrounded by dragon spirit, surrounded by illusory ancient dragons, and the terrifying golden breath is constantly released, making the world and heaven lose their luster.

The two flew across the sky and landed on the top of the mountain. The indescribable chic elegance seemed like a pair of fairy couples.

"Shangguan Rong, seeing the owner didn't hurry to come to visit!" Zhao Yuande could not help but reveal a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Zhao Yuande, Shangguan Rong suddenly shivered slightly.

Zhao Yuande's power penetrated into her soul and controlled her will, so that her original ambition suddenly seemed to be destroyed.

"No! I am a Mora saint now. I am a strong man who will soon become an eternal strongman. How can he be subdued by him? I have a more powerful background, and I have more superior conditions than him. Achieve half-step eternity can get real eternal will, I..." She cheered herself over and over again.

But her hesitation at this time, the expression at this time made the face of the man surrounded by the dragon show anger and disappointment.

"Who are you?" The man surrounded by Long Qi looked at Zhao Yuande, his voice full of murderous intent, "What are you talking nonsense! How could Saint Morong be related to you as a human being?"

"Who are you?" Zhao Yuande smiled at each other.

"I am Longgu! The young master of the ancient Tianlong family, the master in the endless purgatory sea." The man surrounded by dragon's air raised his head.

"It turns out to be a purgatory creature." Zhao Yuande slightly whispered, but his eyes turned to Shangguanrong's face at this time, and he sighed coldly, "Shangguanrong, have you put yourself up? Why didn't you come to visit!" "

"Zhao Yuande, don't deceive people too much. I'm not the Shangguan Rong of those days. I am now the Mora Saint Mo Rong." Shang Guanrong gritted his teeth.

"Oh! You even changed the surname your ancestor gave you! It's no wonder, you can even betray a life-saving benefactor and change your name." Zhao Yuande mocked.

"You're really brave! Brave!" Long Gu stepped forward at this time and stood in front of Shangguan Rong. "You dare to destroy the reputation of the saint, really brave! I will take you down today , Hand over to the saint to handle you personally!"

"Zhao Yuande, let's go! You don't understand my business. I had a lot of hardships in those days. I was really sorry for you. But you didn't die, and you didn't lose anything. This is a treasure, even if I pay you the penalty, It’s better to let things go between us!” Shangguan Rong pressed his anger and threw a storage ring to Zhao Yuande.

Then he grabbed Longgu who was about to shoot and shook his head slightly.

Long Gu seemed to care very much about Shangguan Rong, glaring at Zhao Yuande fiercely, still suppressing his impulse.

"Oh! I didn't expect you to be quite generous!" Zhao Yuande took the storage ring and glanced at the things in it, but he was slightly surprised.

Among them, there is a heavenly treasure, which is a piece of cake even for Zhao Yuande.

"This treasure is enough to match your kindness to save me!" Shangguan Rong looked at Zhao Yuande.

"Is this the value you defined for yourself?" Zhao Yuande looked at the opposite Shangguan Rong and couldn't help but grin. "That's good, even if you repay the life-saving grace, I don't care about this matter!"

"Then you haven't gone yet!" Long Gu felt Zhao Fang's smile when he saw Zhao Yuande's smile.

"Why am I leaving? Why aren't you hurried away." Zhao Yuande sneered.

"Because we are stronger than you, this is ours!" Long Gu shouted.

"Oh! It turns out that Shangguanrong was the kind of idea you were playing." Zhao Yuande seemed to suddenly realize that he grinned and sneered. "You are trying to cut off the cause with me first, and then kill me directly to complete the consequences. It is really the most poisonous woman. People, I didn’t expect you to be so cruel. I originally planned to let you go, but now it seems... It’s you who is looking for your own death.

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