Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4696: Easy to solve

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"Brother Brother Long is also requested!" Shangguan Rong was peeped through Zhao Yuande's heart, suddenly facing frost, and nodded slightly to Longgu around him.

"I have long wanted to kill this guy!" Long Gu roared.

His body was full of vigour, and a huge ancient dragon emerged behind him, and he ran to Zhao Yuande.

"Is this the only way?" Zhao Yuande looked at Taikoo Tianlong slightly disappointed.

His figure disappeared, and then a fist suddenly enlarged in front of Long Gu.


Long Gu's speed couldn't dodge Zhao Yuande's fist at all, and Zhao Yuande punched him on the door.

Suddenly, Long Gu's entire face was smashed with flesh and blood.

Even his skull was shattered by the shock, and faintly saw red and white objects beating among the cracked bones.

"What is the so-called Taigu Tianlong?" Zhao Yuande watched with disappointment and flew out, not knowing how many miles, and plowed the islands into a huge trench of Longgu.

"How could you... be so powerful!" Shangguan Rong looked at Zhao Yuande a little absently at this moment, couldn't believe his eyes.

At this time, she remembered the fear of being dominated by Zhao Yuande and thought of the strength of Zhao Yuande.

She originally thought that she had returned to the Mora tribe, she was taught by the sage king, she got unlimited cultivation resources, and she was even imbued with infinite feelings.

She has also fought against countless top masters, once defeated the ten geniuses of purgatory, and has become the focus of the entire purgatory easily.

Now seeing the strength of this man, the confidence in her heart collapsed.

"Shangguanrong, don't you know? Didn't you learn that you are just a little bit by following me?" Zhao Yuande looked sarcastically at Shangguanrong.

"" Shangguan Rong's heart kept recalling.

She wants to grasp the point, what is the reason for Zhao Yuande's strength!

But let her rack her brains out of nowhere.


An angry roar came from a distance.

Long Gu was blown away by Zhao Yuande, but he was not fatally injured, but his head was dazed.

At this point he had reacted and he was furious.

Long Gu turned into a huge sky dragon, opened the huge dragon mouth and swallowed directly towards Zhao Yuande.

"You think about it! I hope you will remember it after I solved this stupid dragon." Zhao Yuande sneered in the corner of his mouth, his figure had disappeared in place.

He likes to fight against such simple-minded opponents, he has the power to crush.

If you want to defeat Zhao Yuande, the first condition is that the soul is stronger than him. Only in this way can he restrain his speed and seize his flaws.

But now, he hasn't encountered such a powerful genius, so he hasn't had an enemy.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Zhao Yuande's figure constantly appeared beside Long Gu. Every time it appeared, a fist would hit Long Gu's key point, and every time it appeared, Long Gu would fly out.


Long Gu roared in pain and roared.

Almost all this small island will collapse, let the endless sea water rewind.

This is the natural supernatural power of their Tianlong family, which can block the sky and suppress the void.

The whole world became silent at this moment, as if it were a picture.

Zhao Yuande's figure was also a slight meal, and then the huge Tianlong claw came to him.

"Hey! Although you are fast, how can you be faster than my talent, you can die for me!" Long Gu sneered again and again.

"Really? It's just a gift of magical power to block the void, and how can it trap me." Just when the dragon's claw was about to fall on Zhao Yuande, Zhao Yuande's figure disappeared, "I wanted to be with you Play, but now it seems that you have no backhand, just let me in!"

Just as Zhao Yuande's voice fell, his body disappeared.

A crystal-clear finger touched the head of the huge dragon.

The huge dragon was directly flew out by this pointing, and the body rolled into a sudden appearance of a void vortex.

"Easy solution." Zhao Yuande clapped his hands and looked at Shangguan Rong on the mountain peak.

At this time, Shangguan Rong was so stupid that his body was trembling slightly.

She naturally knows how powerful this archaic Tianlong is. The entire young generation of purgatory ranks in the top three, a few points stronger than her.

This is the follower she carefully selected for herself, but she didn't expect Zhao Yuandesheng to catch him in just a few breaths.

What about yourself? Wouldn't it be even worse!

"Brother Zhao, I was wrong! You don't want to kill me!" Shangguan Rong knelt suddenly, his face showing a pleading look. "I was blinded by interests and threatened by Mo Qingjun to make that choice."

"Oh! This is you, Shangguan Rong, a kneeling you!" Zhao Yuande stood in the air and sneered at Shangguan Rong. "This is the difference between you and me."

"Yes! Brother Zhao spared me, spare me this time, whatever you want me to do!" Shangguan Rong showed a pitiful expression, his body twisted slightly, releasing a tantalizing atmosphere.

"Don't play any tricks, I know you have a hole card, Mo Qingjun, the saint, can't rest assured you, come out with a hole card! Don't let me look down on!" Zhao Yuande sneered again and again.

"This is what you forced me to do!" Shang Guanrong's complexion became extremely cold when she brushed her face. She stood up horribly and her eyes gleamed with hatred.

"That's right, the dog trained by Mo Qingjun can't be too docile." Zhao Yuande kept sneering.

"Die!" A purple orb in the palm of Shangguan Rong released a dazzling brilliance.

They seemed to have a purple sky above their heads at this time.

In the purple sky dome there is a giant tree that is the sky, which is the tree that is the sky in the purgatory.

She is the epitome of summoning the world of purgatory to suppress Zhao Yuande.

" is it possible...your treasure! You are so venomous!" Zhao Yuande suddenly changed his face, holding a trembling hand and pointing at Guan Rong on the opposite side.

"You only know! This is a trick! Do you know what a trick is? You are just a garbage that doesn't understand anything. Do you think you can stand above me once you saved me? You are just a ridiculous loser, you will die It's miserable! I want to suppress you in this purgatory bead, and refine you into the true spirit of this bead, so that you can become my dog ​​forever in the eternal life and endless reincarnation!" Shangguan Rong was excited when he saw Zhao Yuande's reaction Laughing wildly.

At this moment she seemed to be a complainant, roaring wildly.

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