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Chapter 4698 Killing the Ring

An old man with a dark body was beheaded by them on the island.

"Began to absorb the sentiment." Hundreds of people sat cross-legged on the island and began to perceive the eternal air on the island.

A day later, the group of people opened their eyes.

"It's over, it's gone! We have too many people, the island is too small!" Someone said with some disappointment.

"Go to that big island!"

"Yes, the eternal air on that big island is absolutely rich. I had only absorbed a dozen breaths on it before, and I felt it all."


Everyone appeared in front of the huge portal.

"This... this portal is so familiar!" Suddenly someone surprised.

"I know, this thing is the legendary Jinlong Pagoda!"

"What Zhenlong pagoda?" Many people have heard the name, and their eyes light up all at once.

"Good! Zhenlong Pagoda! If we can get this pagoda... we can also occupy big islands, and then everyone may realize eternity!"

"Yes! Must take this island..."


"I think it's better not to provoke people. Those who can possess this kind of treasure are bound to be extraordinary. Let's go to other places!"

"Coward, there is no fearlessness in your heart, people like you will never be able to comprehend eternity!"

"I don't want to die, let's play!"

"Go fast..."


Although most people are greedy and desperate, some people still maintain a certain sense of reason.

A dozen people have retreated.

But they did not go far, but observed from afar.

"Come on! Let's join forces and open the door together!"

Suddenly again, various magical powers appeared in the sky, illuminating the whole sea area.

Pieces of treasure, releasing the power of horror, disintegrated and shattered the villages and villages where the void was shaking.

But at that moment the door opened at once, and a bright golden light was ejected, which directly collided with the terrifying power.

At the same time, a terrifying and terrifying coercion was released from it, and almost everyone was shaking and unable to move at this moment.

"This... this is the breath of the monarch, how could there be the breath of the monarch." A man screamed in horror.


With this scream, his body shattered directly.

Not to mention them, the cultivators of the selflessness, even a group of half-step eternal realm powerhouses can only tremble under this pressure.

"Quick escape! Quick escape!" As long as the group of people could move, they all turned around and even fled to the distance.

But at this time a beam of light flew out, enveloped these escaped people, and pulled them alive into the gate.

"This... is too powerful! This Zhenlong pagoda is going to go against the sky!" Observing the dozen people from a distance, it was all cold sweat.

They have a feeling for the rest of their lives.

"Not bad! I also have to learn the master world to create my own space. These people will become my slaves, and all the construction will depend on them." The spirit voice of Zhenlong Pagoda is full of excitement.

"These were captured by us, you need to share with me!" King Guangshen's voice said.

"Okay, okay! What do you want these slaves to do, you don't need it." Spiritual Road of Zhenlong Pagoda.

"Why not..."

"Okay, okay! Let's score three or seven, I will score three, and if there are people in the future, we will still use this method of distribution!"


The group of people outside didn't even alarm Zhao Yuande.

He was sitting cross-legged on top of the mountain at this time, forming a huge void vortex above his head, devouring everything here.

Half a month later, Zhao Yuande opened his eyes.

"Hey! It's only less than one-tenth of the absorption, and there are very few insights. It seems that the road ahead is not as easy as it was imagined before." Zhao Yuande stretched his waist and looked up at the Quartet.

"Thank you Brother Zhao for taking care." The middle-aged man also woke up from his comprehension and looked at Zhao Yuande to bow deeply to him.

In the past half month, he has gained a lot. Although 99% of the eternal air of the entire island area was swallowed by Zhao Yuande, it is always much better than the outside world, and more importantly, it is extremely safe.

"You don't need to be too ritual. There is no eternal gas here anymore. I'm leaving!" Zhao Yuande made a move, and Zhenlong Pagoda turned into a small pagoda and fell into his palm.

"Brother Zhao, goodbye!" The middle-aged nodded.

Zhao Yuande's figure disappeared in an instant, leaving only a dry island.

"Hey! Being able to follow for half a month, I have absorbed one-sixth, as long as..." The middle-aged man flew away from the island.

Zhao Yuande radiated out of God's space, and suddenly discovered that this ocean was vast and boundless.

Although the scope of his Divine Realm is limited here, it can still cover thousands of miles.

In this area, there is basically no empty island at this time, and the eternal air in the air is very pitiful.

He constantly teleported on the sea.

He found the breath of many acquaintances and saw many enemies.

But no matter how big the island he encountered, he felt that the eternal air on it didn't seem to have much effect on himself.

It seems that there are many kinds of eternal qi, and he has realized this kind of eternal qi.

It is like the air of the five elements, which is divided into five types: golden wood, water, fire and earth. This eternal air...

He always felt that he needed to find a truth.

An hour passed.

He was the edge of the sea.

Countless gray and white chaotic clouds enveloped the entire sea.

I don't know what is outside?

Zhao Yuande was slightly curious.

But when his soul passed through these chaotic clouds, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"It turns out that it is so! It really is as I thought, there are many kinds of eternal qi, and there is another kind outside the chaotic clouds! It is also the territory of another race and another big universe!" Zhao Yuande whispered He murmured, "It turns out that the holy monarch said this, and it seems that we must kill today!"

No wonder then that many people can't truly understand the half-step eternity after going through several times, and it is the case to stay away from it.

"No! This thing is awkward." Zhao Yuande did not immediately pass through the chaotic clouds, but returned to the main world. "Old goat, how did you become a half-step eternal realm? Did you also cross the universe of chaotic sea?" ?"

"What a chaotic sea in the universe! Old slaves don't know!" The old goat was confused, "I accidentally got the body of a fallen half-step eternal realm strongman. I realized some from the body and then used The merits of the war were exchanged for some insights, and only then was promoted half an eternity."

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