Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"Is that so? It's really strange!" Zhao Yuande could not help whispering.

"This is nothing strange!" Void gourd said at this time, "In fact, if a saint is deliberately helping you, you can directly enlighten you for half an eternity! But in this case, all you get is the enlightenment of this saint, and It doesn’t make much sense, and you will never be able to step into real eternity!"

"It turns out so!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly.

"So I have no hope of being promoted forever!" The old goat couldn't help but feel a bit painful.

"No... there is still a chance, because you are not completely instilled, but you have two feelings, maybe there is a chance." Void Hulu said.

"Then am I going to go through the chaotic clouds and **** the opportunities of other big universes." Zhao Yuande said.

"Are you robbing less? You aren't going fast now, you might have to devour other strong men." Void Hulu said.

"go with……"

He penetrated the chaotic clouds without hindering the space of the **** realm, and the teleportation technique was cast.

He was already in a vast jungle when he appeared again.

The trees in this dense forest are towering like clouds, and each plant is vast, and there is a strong enchantment above the canopy, so that the cultivator can't fly up.

"It really is another kind of eternal breath, another kind of sentiment!" Zhao Yuande just took a light breath, and suddenly felt some sentiment.


A strange sound came from the sky shaded by the canopy.

He looked up, and suddenly saw a octopus with a size of a few feet in the sky floating in the sky.

Their skin is purplish red, with a little blue spots on it, and a faint smell of air diffuses in the air.

"Good guy, this poisonous gas is enough to instantly kill a powerless person." Zhao Yuande felt that his immortal body operated automatically, and he couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

"Discover the intruder, destroy!"

A few octopuses instantly discovered the existence of Zhao Yuande, with a strange rhyme in the sound, which seemed to be...general issued by machinery.

A beam of purple light flew out of the eight tentacles of the octopus, woven into a large net and enveloped Zhao Yuande.

"Dead!" Zhao Yuande was not afraid, his figure had disappeared.

A black sword awn crossed the sky and the two octopuses were cut into two in a flash.


A burst of blasting sounded. After the octopus were beheaded, the body suddenly shattered into a large black cloud covering the world.

Just in the blink of an eye, the space turned into a black color, the lush plants on the ground withered instantly, and the towering giant tree gradually began to collapse suddenly.

At this time, the eternal air between the world and the earth seemed to be corroded and gradually began to dissipate.

"This is too poisonous!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be shocked.

If it weren't for him to have an undead body, he could automatically remove toxins from his body, and I'm afraid it turned into a puddle of pus.

Zhao Yuande quickly moved away from here, continuously radiating out his own divine space.

In just a few breaths, he monitored the area within a thousand miles.

He found small lakes. The eternal atmosphere around the lake was extremely rich. Except for some patrolling outside, all other octopuses were hidden in these small lakes.

He immediately understood that these small lakes may be the most intense places of eternal air.

The octopuses have occupied all the small lakes at this time. If you want to go into cultivation, you need to alarm all the octopuses in the entire small lake.

"Since we want to rob, we must grab the biggest lake." Zhao Yuande made up his mind and moved towards the distance.

He avoided all patrolling octopuses and soon appeared in front of a larger lake.

Feeling a sense of eternity in the lake, a smile appeared on his face.

He rushed into the lake in an instant, and his figure turned into an octopus, swimming in the lake.

He counted carefully. There were thousands of octopuses in the lake.

They are all suspended in the lake quietly, and there is a gentle current around them, making them look a little cute.

Zhao Yuande came quietly to the side of an octopus, a tentacle directly wrapped around the octopus and pulled into a small black vortex.

"Don't act first, let's take a look at what is in the octopus's mind." The void gourd stopped Zhao Yuande's pace of action, but began to study the octopus caught in the main world.

"There is nothing to study." Zhao Yuande couldn't help but wonder.

"I know, these octopuses are just carriers, they will take them away after absorbing the eternal air here, and they will not understand! Look at this..." Void gourd shines a beam of light on the octopus's head .

Suddenly, Zhao Yuande saw a gray cloud in the center of his head.

"This is the eternal gas?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help wondering.

"Yes! This is the eternal gas, but it is too few, if you use it at least 100 million copies!" Void gourds calculated.

"One hundred million copies!" Zhao Yuande's eyes widened.

"Yes! So don't worry, just wait a few days, and then harvest the octopus here in advance before the harvester comes here. This will not only let you understand, but also let other people come together Comprehend." Void gourd said.

"Why didn't the other strong men do this?" Zhao Yuande was a little curious, and harvesting these octopus fish was very simple.

"Hehe! Can you be the undead body? Anyone can have it? This undead body is the chaotic sea of ​​the universe. I am afraid that only you will inherit it!" Void gourd said.

"It turns out so." Zhao Yuande suddenly realized.

"Don't expose it for the time being, continue to search this world, try to find the edge, and be able to escape quickly after harvesting these octopus." Void Hulu suggested.

"Okay! Just do it." Zhao Yuande nodded.

He quietly left the lake and began to teleport continuously in this wooded world.

Time and time again, he discovered new lakes again and again, and finally he finally saw a vast lake.

This big lake seems to be a sea, and it is not known how many octopuses are hidden.

Above this lake, there are groups of octopus floating in the air.

The defense here is extremely tight and is clearly the most important place.

His divine space slowly enveloped the lake, and his body also turned into an octopus.

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