Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

The chaotic people who lost their **** world are like tigers with their teeth removed.

This time they simply did not leave, swept directly in this world.

But for half a day, they completely cleaned up here, and all the chaotic strongmen were killed.

Bai Yu just asked for twelve energy cores, and everything else fell into the hands of Zhao Yuande.

"After these energy cores go out, the eternal gas in them should not dissipate!" Zhao Yuande asked.

"It won't dissipate!" Bai Yudao said, "Brother Zhao, you can be a fortune this time! If these are sold, I am afraid you can exchange for an intermediate heavenly treasure."

"Why do you want to sell it? I have a group of brothers and friends to give it away." Zhao Yuande said.

"Like me." Bai Yu smiled.



Since then, Zhao Yuande has counted four and a half years of eternal gas. Now, if the group of three-legged snakes are exterminated, he will be complete.

But it was only a few days after that, and the group of three-legged snakes must not be tired.

They go through this world and continue to move forward, followed by the eternal quotient.

This world is in harmony, similar to the world of the Xuanhu clan.

A group of butterflies immortals occupy this world!

As soon as the two of them appeared, they were surrounded by a large group of butterflies.

"Do you want to come here to plunder or practise?" asked the first beautiful immortal butterfly immortal.

Her voice was clean and pure, as if the forest creek was crisp and sweet.

"We are passing by!" Zhao Yuande thought for a while, then said, "How can we plunder here, and the speed of cultivation is too slow, we can only pass by!"

"Passing by, it's even simpler!" There was a small altar in the head of Butterfly Fairy.

She carefully placed the altar on the ground, and suddenly a glimmer of light spilled from the altar.

A teleportation array flashing colorful brilliance appeared in front of them.

"Through this teleportation array, you can directly reach the other side." Butterfly Fairy Road.

"This..." Zhao Yuande just felt the quietness and peacefulness of these butterfly fairies, but he didn't understand them, he could only look at Bai Yu.

"Okay! Thank you!" Bai Yu nodded, knowing that Zhao Yuande was facing the Butterfly Fairy.

It was said that Bai Yu stepped into the teleportation array.

Zhao Yuande hurried to keep up.

The two walked out of the teleportation array, and they saw the border ahead.

"This group of Butterfly Immortals is best to speak, but if you start to deal with them, you will find that they are the most difficult!" Bai Yudao.

"They should all be descendants of the Devil Butterfly!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Yes, they are the descendants of the split-sky magic butterfly and humans. It is said that their human ancestors were once an invincible strong!" Bai Yudao.

"It's really strange...combination!" Zhao Yuande wanted to say a couple, but in the end he still felt a little weird.

Between a person and a butterfly... is it really okay?

They passed through the chaotic clouds and entered a world of illusion.

It was all hazy and misty at first glance, they thought it was still chaotic clouds and mist,

But after I came in, I realized that there is a breath of eternal air.

"It's very weird here. My soul can't find out the ten feet!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be alert.

"Let me think about it, let me think about it! The breath here is so familiar, it seems to be... the breath of the Mirage!" Bai Yu was a little excited at this moment.

"Phantom? This race also exists? Why are you so excited?" Zhao Yuande looked at each other.

"The Mirage, mysterious and powerful! We never see their body, but we can absorb their mirage!" Bai Yu excitedly said, "Especially our family, most like to breathe mirage! I did not expect to be able to Meet the Mirage here!"

"Sucking phantom gas?" Zhao Yuande could not help frowning slightly.

He began to swallow these mists, and found that after being swallowed, these mists would differentiate into a strange energy, an energy that can make people excited.

If this energy is stimulated during battle, it can make people's strength increase a lot at once.

"There are such benefits?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but feel a little emotional at this time, but he quickly woke up and hurriedly said, "No, no! This should be the scent deliberately released by the Mirage, just to attract us!" If we have been dragging here too long, I am afraid that the eternal air below will not be obtained!"

But at this time Bai Yu had already begun to absorb these mists, showing a very intoxicated look.

"This guy's resistance is too bad!" Zhao Yuande saw that he must be unable to persuade the other party, so he could only be taken away violently!

He grabbed Bai Yu directly, and then led him to the depths of the mist.

Bai Yu let Zhao Yuande hold it, and did not resist at all.

If this encounters an enemy, or a Mirage strong appears, I am afraid that it will be able to kill it without any effort.

He drove all the way without turning at all. He knew that the opposite of the world must be the border.

But things are not as simple as he thought.

Soon he found himself lost.

He wandered back and forth in a stone forest, and soon found that he could not get out anyway.

"Phantom, I know it's you guys, let me go immediately, otherwise don't blame me for destroying this world!" Zhao Yuande threatened.

There was no response at all, as if the Mirage did not exist at all.

"Since that is the case, don't blame me!" Zhao Yuande took the flame orb in his hand, and the chaotic green lotus fire was ejected from it, forming a blue flame sword.


He poured his full strength and slashed hard against the ground in front of him.

The flame of the Flame Sword is ten million miles, and this split directly cuts the void into two halves.

Before the flames fell on the earth, the earth began to appear cracks.


An anxious roar came.

"Late!" Zhao Yuande sneered.

The Fire Sword fell directly on the ground.

Suddenly, a large crack of tens of thousands of miles appeared, and a thick crack spread infinitely from both sides of the crack.


The ground vibrated as if a cookie had been broken in half by someone in the middle.


An angry roar came.

The endless mists scattered around, and the scene that appeared just now disappeared completely.

There are tens of thousands of feet of big cracks, and what ground is divided into two halves, those are all illusions, all illusory worlds.

Even if Zhao Yuande couldn't help being shocked and speechless at this time, what he felt just now was a real world.

"You're so **** damaging the mirage that I have condensed for tens of thousands of years!" An angry roar shook the space.

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