Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

A huge gray dragon circling in the sky, the roar came from its mouth.

"I have warned you just now, but you have turned a deaf ear to this, but you can't blame me!"

Zhao Yuande looked at this huge Canglong, and his voice was very cold.

"I killed you!" The gray Canglong roared towards Zhao Yuande.

"Since you're looking for death, die!" Zhao Yuande didn't hesitate, he directly slashed towards the gray Canglong.

But what I didn't expect was that the body of the gray dragon suddenly exploded into a cloud in the air, and then disappeared directly.

The next piece of the world is clear and clear. What kind of gray dragon and mirage do not seem to exist.

"This group of guys!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but frown.

"What's wrong? Have we left the Mirage world?" Bai Yu also opened his eyes at this time, revealing a bit of clarity.

"Hey! They escaped!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly.

"Eternal gas here... what shall we do?" Bai Yu looked at Zhao Yuande.

"Look for a place where the eternal air converges! If so, we will absorb it for a while, and then... the group of three-legged snakes should be tired now!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Yes! That group of three-legged snakes, I still hope to fight them. This Mirage is simply our nemesis." Bai Yu's eyes were still a little scared before he had left.

They quickly found huge caves in this world. The caves were as deep as they were, and they went straight to the depths of the ground.

In the sea of ​​lava fires, they felt the abundance of eternal air here.

"Just absorb it here!" Bai Yu felt the eternal air here, and her eyes shone slightly. "According to the concentration of Reiki here, I should be able to absorb enough in half a month."

"Okay! Let's get started!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

Although he already has this eternal gas, he absorbs it and stores it, whether it is a sale or a gift.

"What do these two guys do? Let them absorb it here?" On the other side of the magma sea, two voices communicated in secret.

"What should I do! That guy is in control of the chaotic green lotus fire. That power is terrifying! We are not opponents."

"Can't think of a way? If we unite..."

"Forget it, it is too difficult to unite, and even if it is united, let them absorb it! How much can be washed."



Zhao Yuande did not cast a swallowing vortex to absorb the eternal air here, but only swallowed by his own strength, otherwise the white feathers around him would not absorb it.

"Haha! It's finally complete!"

Bai Yu opened his eyes that day and laughed loudly.

"It's only been ten days, it seems a little too fast." Zhao Yuande looked at Bai Yu.

"Ten days, this shows that the bird's strength is now greatly increased and absorbed faster!" Bai Yudao.

"Then let's go!" Zhao Yuande said, "Do you want to keep going, or go to the trouble of the three-legged snake?"

"Looking for the group of three-legged snakes, it's almost as cold as we are, to kill them." Bai Yu said.


Their figure disappeared underground.

"Hey! The two guys are finally gone."

"I am sitting on a needle felt these days, and I can't practice at all, just because they are afraid of sneak attacks."

"No, otherwise we will be bored and send all the eternal energies over, let them hurry away."

"It's a pity! Ten days were wasted."

"Change your peace of mind in ten days, and practice faster!"


Zhao Yuande and Bai Yu repented all the way, and once again passed through that butterfly fairy world.

The group of butterfly immortals appeared again, and carefully sent them to the teleportation array.

A day later, they reappeared in the vast ice and snow world.

"Hide a good figure, follow the previous rehearsal!" One person and one bird looked at each other, and the tacit understanding united the mana and began to explore a little bit forward.

Sure enough, they soon discovered that on a hill not far away, a guy with two heads, four arms and three legs was absorbing the eternal energy.

"They gave up the big formation, it should feel that we left." Bai Yu's eyes showed excitement.

"Don't be careless, this time you go to attack, I will look around!" Zhao Yuande said solemnly.

"Good!" Bai Yu clenched his mace in his hand, his eyes bright and full of expectations.


There was a muffled noise.

One of the heads of the three-legged snake was shattered directly, and the body was lying straight on the ground.

"Hey! The hand strength is a little stronger, and you must pay attention to it next time." Bai Yu shyly collected the **** three-legged snake.

"Nothing happened, let's continue! Continue!" Zhao Yuande nodded, a smile on his face, but then there was a solemn expression on his face, "No, we are going to find the most powerful three-legged snake, find him Then we will be at ease."

"You mean, this is what they set for us?" Bai Yu couldn't help but stunned.

"You are familiar with this group of three-legged snakes, do you think they can do such a thing?" Zhao Yuande looked at each other.

"Don't say it, it's really possible!" Bai Yu nodded.

"Then don't start, and look for their leader first." Zhao Yuande said.

"I can search for the soul of this guy first." Bai Yu took the three-headed snake out again.

"It should be useless." Zhao Yuande shook his head slightly.

"Sure enough, this guy's brain is muddled, there is no memory." Bai Yu said quickly.

"Go! Be sure to pretend, don't let them see any flaws." Zhao Yuande asked.

"Relax, this is the strength of this bird." Bai Yu raised his head.

They didn't seem to find anything, and continued to walk through the white snowfield.

In fact, the two people had concentrated their souls to the extreme at this time, and they did not dare to carelessly.

In front of them they saw a stretch of mountains.

On those peaks there is a three-legged snake that is absorbing the eternal air.

"Looking at their distribution, there is definitely a big formation. As long as we dare to do it, the big formation will be activated instantly." Bai Yu pointed to the position of these three-legged snakes, not as lucky as his eyes.

"The strongest guy is not here." Zhao Yuande shook his head slightly.

"What should we do? Do we want to do it or bypass?" Bai Yu said.

"Let's go around first," Zhao Yuande said.

As a result, after they got around, they traveled for a while and found a group of three-legged snakes.

Although this group has different positions, it is still arranged according to a certain array.

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